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What do you guys put on your khora via helminth system?


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Title, I have no idea what to put on her, thinking dispensary(with equilibrium and panzer, once they fix the panzer bug), spectorage(spectrosiphon would provide energy would be pretty cool), resonator(while strangledome, this would charm enemies outside of strangledome and double on survivability due to max range), quiver(invisibility is better than cc lul, though makes you stationary, but thats not really a problem. Also wonder how noise arrow works). Wanna hear some ideas of what you guys put on your krazy kavat lady 😄

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A more reliable CC ability that doesnt interrupt you or a survivability one (like elemental ward) is what I would recommend. I currently have radial blind and it is a good "oh S#&$" button because I can use it while spamming jump/roll for the damage reduction.

I have never liked ensnare and strange dome is decent for some area lockdown.

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I replaced Venari with Condemn. Works really well for me (Non-AW tank build):

- Instant max overshields when there's high range to hit multiple enemies. Works as a safeguard/recovery ability. Stops bleed procs because shields have to run out.

- Enemies are stopped on their tracks, so this gives you time to counter or safely hit them.

- Venari is her passive, so Venari still roams and attacks enemies freely (You can't use Venari Bodyguard or manually revive her though)

- Thematically appropriate because of the chains.

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Pull.  Would replace ensnare with it.  Gets people into your dome faster for nuking.  Ensnare is just too slow for Khora's kit.  It's really more of a lock off an area sort of thing.  Where as dome is her nuking ability with whip.  This is of course if you're trying to improve what she already does instead of taking her in a different direction.

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2 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

how can you kill faster than instant?


31 minutes ago, Tonin4ABonin said:

Strangledome never was a killing machine, you're supposed to whip them in the dome.......they already die instantly.........

Not everyone likes to run Accumulated Whipclaw.

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