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Xata's whisper incomplete effect against Eidolons.


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First of all, this ability does not affect eidolon's shields in any way, which is great for still relying on AMPs.

But currently the damage is a bonus similar to any WF like Rhino, Volt, Oberon, Ember, Frost, or other, while this damage is neutral.

The characteristic of this damage bonus is to appear as a damage apart from the original of the weapon, dark white or similar.

But currently the damage on Synovia limbs is 0
And the damage bonus, from xata's whisper, only appears when it is captured or killed.









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hace 6 minutos, JohnnyMeta dijo:

First of all, this ability does not affect eidolon's shields in any way, which is great for still relying on AMPs.

As it's suppose to be. Xaku void damage works rather odd. In Xata's particular case: 

So... Zaku does void damage but they can hurt some sentients :(

Here in the wiki is the information and fine prints of Xaku abilities. Read them, you will need it. And if we are talking about Xaku restarting the sentient resistances is the best you can wait at the moment. They are not an anti-sentient warframe. At least not compeltely :(

Hope this help you :D

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il y a 3 minutes, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako a dit :

 Recuerdo que dijeron que el vacío no se tomaría en cuenta para ningún daño, ya que el vacío para los sensibles haría que los aturdiera con mucha armadura, considerando la salud y los escudos, por lo que actúa como daño normal contra cualquier escudo o armadura de eidolon, hp 

Currently the empty damage in the health of some boss type enemies, or mini boss appears, like the eidolons when they are captured or killed, the bonus or increase of this ability is lower than Roar, being Roar, a damage buff too high , and Xata's whisper, it can be used for synobia limbs without problem, because it does not exceed Roar, and from what I see if Roar is allowed as an extra damage buff, and Xata's whisper as a neutral damage buff, then nothing would have broken .

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il y a 9 minutes, Schwarzsturm a dit :

Como se supone que debe ser. El daño por vacío de Xaku funciona bastante extraño. En el caso particular de Xata: 

Entonces ... Zaku hace daño de vacío pero pueden lastimar a algunos seres conscientes  :(

Aquí, en la wiki, se encuentra la información y las letras pequeñas de las habilidades de Xaku. Léelos, lo necesitará. Y si estamos hablando de Xaku reiniciar las resistencias sensibles es lo mejor que puedes esperar en este momento. No son un warframe anti-sensible. Al menos no de manera absoluta :(

Espero que esto te ayude : D

Yes, i know,  I do not want the ability to affect shields, what I want is that as well as any other ability that buff damage, this can increase your damage, against the health of the eidolon

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1 hour ago, JohnnyMeta said:

Yes, i know,  I do not want the ability to affect shields, what I want is that as well as any other ability that buff damage, this can increase your damage, against the health of the eidolon

you can already do a 6x3 in a single night, you don't need buffs to eidolons. Eidolons synovias can be 1 shot or bursted by so much right now.

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Il y a 2 heures, Tonin4ABonin a dit :

ya puedes hacer un 6x3 en una sola noche, no necesitas mejoras para los eidolones. Las sinovias de Eidolons pueden ser de 1 disparo o reventadas tanto en este momento.

For that reason I clarified at first how the ability works, and reaffirmed that I do not want the ability to affect shields, but health of the limbs, because if this ability exists at the time of killing it, as I showed in the images, why not affect the health of the limbs? , because ROAR is an exaggeratedly good buff and Xata's whisper hardly a similar buff to other wf but with a damage that DE classified as neutral damage. And being a neutral damage, it would not get additional bonus against shields, armor or enemies without the above.
Xata's whisper deserves to affect the health of the limbs, it does not break absolutely anything and being realistic, many hunters or people have placed Roar, in their warframe


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Il y a 2 heures, Tonin4ABonin a dit :

you can already do a 6x3 in a single night, you don't need buffs to eidolons. Eidolons synovias can be 1 shot 

And it is true that you can achieve 6x3 in one night, but the point is not that, but that the skill does not work as it should. And if it did, it would be one more alternative of the possible options presented, almost all DPS, Roar has been installed in its builds

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If it's about Xata's Whisper dealing damage to Eidolon Shields, nah. Eidolons are designed as a two-phase boss fight and we should be allowed to cheese that.

If it's about Xata's Whisper buffing your damage against vulnerable Eidolons in the second phase of the fight, that should be a thing. The damage buff is fair at this point.

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hace 15 horas, Methanoid dijo:

as usual with all godzilla fights, your screenshots show nothing other than a bad camera angle showing a mess of disco strobing lights in a horrid mix/mess that tells us little of use other than the terrible state of stupidly large boss monsters.

Your comment is very welcome and important for us. Please share more of your wisdom :D

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19 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

If it's about Xata's Whisper dealing damage to Eidolon Shields, nah. Eidolons are designed as a two-phase boss fight and we should be allowed to cheese that.

If it's about Xata's Whisper buffing your damage against vulnerable Eidolons in the second phase of the fight, that should be a thing. The damage buff is fair at this point.

Except it can't probably due to coding. . You need to test amp dmg vs synovia. Bet they wont work either. Just accept DE said it wont work, and stop trying to force things when it's already been stated. And changing the game for void dmg, which is "neutral" vs using anyone who could proc towards rad would be just silly. If this be the case, you would be asking the dev's to fix what may be old coding for a bad setup, if you can get get xaku, surely you can get a rad buff from someone or do hellminth.

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3 hours ago, Schwarzsturm said:

Your comment is very welcome and important for us. Please share more of your wisdom :D

Never, and i mean never, eat yellow snow, and remember in game if at first violence against grineer/corpus/infested does not seem to work, then you simply arent using enough of it.

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