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With the new Helminth system, what are good frames to put Umbra Forma on?


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It's a good question. Since the umbral mods boost ability strength, health, and armor, I definitely would not suggest any frame that uses shields to survive. i.e: definitely not Protea, Hildryn, Mag, etc...

Sadly, Inaros is a great choice even though he's the most boring frame in the game (in my opinion). The boost to health and armor is great, and the ability strength can work well with a Helminth ability. For example, you can use Garuda's blood altar to turn him into an even better tank, or Banshee's silence to give him some crowd control in an area around him. There's plenty of good choices there.

Baruuk is another good choice, but he doesn't have a prime yet so I'll leave him off since you mentioned you want a frame with a prime.

Nidus would also be a good choice for umbral forma, but all his abilities are already quite good, so I don't think Helminth really changes much for him. [also doesn't have a prime yet]

Night Equinox with peaceful provocation augment is one of my favourites. She slows the enemies around her and reduces incoming damage, she can also crowd control them using her 2. Health, armor, and strength are all good for her build, and Helminth could replace her 1 if you're not planning to use Day form. It might be useful to have Ash shuriken from Helminth to use with augment removing enemy armor, but perhaps Hildryn's pillage would be nice for a smaller armor reduction over a wider area and increased survivability.

Nezha is one of the tankiest frames in the game already, with a nice emergency crowd control ability and a damage increasing ability. He's not primed yet but should get a prime quite soon. If you don't care much for his 1, you could replace it with some heavier crowd control like Silence or Radial Blind. Radial Blind can make good use of Arcane Ultimatum or Trickery as well.

Nekros is also not a bad idea. He needs some strength for shield of shadows augment to get that 90% damage reduction, and he's generally useful for the extra loot. Again you could replace his 1 with armor reduction ability (shuriken, pillage) or damage boosting (shock, smite, roar).

Wukong could also be good, I would replace his  4 because regular melee weapons are better anyway. Umbral forma will get him close to 2000 health with primed vigor I think. 

Nova is another decent option. You can build max duration to get 90% damage reduction on health, and keep it up with molecular fission. The extra armor from umbral fiber doesn't help that much, but intensify & vitality together work nicely. With max duration build her 3 is not so useful, so you could use something like Roar to buff damage even further (the slowed enemies already take double damage).

There's plenty of other good options, and ultimately it depends on what you find fun. For my personal choice, I will probably use umbral forma on Nezha prime and either Nova or Equinox.


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13 minutes ago, kevoisvevo said:

sure go ahead, wait for 4-5 years for the prime frame provided DE's game is still standing around by that time lmao

I mean... The OP literally said prime frames only. You managed not only to list three frames all of which don't have primes. But you also listed a shield tanking frame for umbra mods, two of which boost health and armor. 

So I think it's quite understandable that people were confused by what you posted.

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