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Thoughts and suggestions on Chroma.


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Hello, so I've been playing extensively with Chroma and Chroma Prime for some days I even messedd around with him and the Helminth, and I've come to the conclusion that he needs 2 key things that would make his kit more fun and appealing, so the behemoth in the room, he really needs a buff to his 1, a larger base range giving it more utility as CC, also a better visual effect, not necessarily flashier but something that at the very least lets you know how far you are hitting with Spectral Scream, and maybe let its damage scale up the longer you use it, 

And the second thing would be an aggro ability, it would synergise well with Vex Armor, instead of replacing another one make it so if you hold down 4 (or maybe another ability? not sure) you do a pulse-like ability that would affect the enemies around you, making the ones inside the radius focus on you, witth this you will no longer have to stare at enemies in front of you for them to give you the vex armour buff, and the enemies of course would have a reason to hit you, everyone wins!

Pretty please DE, pass Chroma the boof.



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spectral scream is just out right terrible. yes he has 1 amazing ability (vex). another decent ability(ward), a super mediocre ability (effigy) and a out right crap ability (spectral lightly exhale at people and tickle their balls ....scream).

how to fix Chroma.
Spectral Scream revamp.
range: 5/7/10/12.5
strength: 150/250/350/500.
misc: Status chance. 45/50/55/65%

Make Spectral scream augment afterburn Innate to this ability. let the dmg cap scale with Strength. change Projectile dmg from 25/50/75/100 damage per second active to 75/110/145/180 and total dmg from 200/300/400/500 to 400/550/700/850. at this rate it now actually freaken down SOMETHING.

New Augment 
Spectral Roar.(charged. 2 seconds charge rate. base dmg starts at 400. for every 0.5 seconds it charged dmg increases by 150) Focuses all the damage onto a single target dealing , launching\rag dolling them back 8/12/16/20m (initial range to hit target 5/7/9/12m).  any enemies hit by target are status proc and take 65% of the dmg. 
if target dies it explodes in a 4/6/8/10m range dealing 4/8/12/16% of the targets HP in the chosen elemental type.

this adds some CC to his kit. increases dmg a bit more. makes this ability bit more fun and worth using. 

Elemental ward.
RIGHT here is how we fix this S#&$!.
the AOE on the damage portion of this ability. like dealing heat dmg, toxing an heat. make it the same as the Aura Range. 
the heat portion says it deals dmg within 5m. Incorrect. its 4m. that is pathetic. and its dmg is pathetic. 

the bonus HP isn't really nothing to write home about. increase HP cap by 100% then we can start talking. heat dmg... 25/50/75/100. screw that. even low level mobs laugh at you. FOR 2 Reasons. for 1 they aren't within 4m of you and 2 they dmg sucks ass, they will die of old age first. 

SO lets start. DMG AOE same as Aura Range. 
dmg rework
Heat Dmg from 25/50/75/100 to 50/100/175/300.
duration leave as is.
health bonus:from 50/75/100/200 to 75/150/225/300% (increased by PS) its a tank ability. make it an ACTUAL TANK ABILITY!.
aura range. leave as is. make AOE dmg the same! 

Electric. this one is actually fine.
only change shield bonus from 50/65/75/100 to 50/75/110/150% . 
everything else on this one is actually good.

Toxin. utter #*!%ing trash.
dmg. you have to cut them open and stand inside thier corpse for this to actually do a thing. but seeing you cut them open and are now wearing them as your new effigy\hide THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD!.
holster rate. MEH!. reload speed MEH!. 
dmg... shooting your own foot off is more effective.

Dmg from 25/35/40/50% Strength. to 100/150/175/250%. why the massive jump ? BECAUSE IN A 30 SECOND DURATION TIME IT CAN NOT KILL A LEVEL 40 BUTCHER! LEVEL BLOODY 40! and 22 seconds to kill a level 40 Crewman! 
the holster speed and reload need slight bumps in them. but dmg here suuucks. 
lets add something to this as well. this ability is about speed. make it increase Heavy attack speed as well. 

and finally Cold.
the reason people use this ability on chroma. bump armour max from 150% to 175%
increase dmg reflection from 1.5/2/2.5/3x to 2/3/5/7x

this allows it to be more useful in higher level content. all changes are with higher level content in mind. like kuva fissur\flood. kuva lich, steel path all in mind. now that we HAVE 
higher level content. NO ability should be struggling against a level 40 basic unit. 

Vex armour. its fine, leave it as is.

Effigy. RIGHT! Here is what we do. Effigy Gain 2 elements from elemental ward.
the 2 emissive colours are how this is selected.
NOW here is the fun part. Make Effigy Exalted. like an entire warframe unto itself. you can put HP, armour, adaptation, Natural talent (make this work like a Rate of fire mod on the effigy) shield, range and duration on it. make the Credit multiplier AND extra credits also affected by the power strength. allow range to affect the credit drop range.

NOW effigy will be ALOT stronger. make it really worth while using. just like with all exalted weapons the power strength affects the strength of the weapon. mods on exalted weapon further the weapons strength.

and NOW we have a chroma who is up to speed with the games current stat. Steel path ready, functioning abilities and a hella lot more fun. 

no frame should have abilities that struggle on hydron. if it deals Dmg it should be enough to make those enemies very much dead. 
bare in mind this is after the armour rework and stuff and alot of his abilities dmg BARRING electric ward and vex armour, struggle to kill level 40 units. 


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