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Mirage improvement ideas


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I have a idea about a possible change to one of my favorite frames Mirage, and I like to see if I could make it happen, but basically I think it would make Mirage even better if you could have Sleight of Hand be a utility ability allowing you to make a area upon ability cast that would allow you to change if you get the damage or defense buff from Eclipse, so essentially creating light or darkness in a radius around the area where the ability was cast, also if you use the ability again while in the area it would change it from light to dark or dark to light. It would be even better if it gives you a slight reload speed buff while in the zone too, and preserving the ability to make turrets and other environmental things like cameras become friendly like it does currently. If that makes it too strong, making the ability cost more energy and possibly decreasing the Eclipse buffs slightly could balance it out. Also it wouldn’t hurt to make all her abilities not interfere with movement or reload during the ability casting animation and possibly make her first recastable while it’s active. As for Prism, making it be able to debuff enemies (like armor reduction or something) would help make it better because it is kinda bad currently. I have an idea for a argument for Sleight of Hand (if it gets reworked) as well... any kills gotten while the Mirage or other Tenno are in the Sleight of Hand buff light or dark zone will give them a stacking fire rate and melee attack speed buff, upon leaving the zone or ability end the buff will slowly decrease until it’s gone. And Sorry I have too many ideas, but could her fourth ability’s argument get a increase it Prism follow duration.

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