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You owe me a Gravimag.


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7 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

I went to put a catalyst on the Cortege, which is supposed to already have a gravimag on it since it's a necramech weapon, and it ate my gravimag instead of a catalyst.  Every time I come back from a break, this game does everything it can to piss me off and send me back.

Hotfix 29.0.8

  • Fixed Cortege prompting to install a Gravimag first as opposed to a Catalyst. This weapon comes with a Gravimag pre-installed, it will only ask you for a Catalyst if you wish to add one.

    consoles are on 28.0.6 so we didn't get this fix yet an what you can do is contact DE support about this an request they return your gravimag an remove a catalyst from your inventory
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