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Found possible Warframe fake website


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Hello, I was using a search engine called Ecosia (based on Bing) and when I searched "Warframe" the second result which came up was a website that I suspect might be a phishing website (A phishing website (sometimes called a "spoofed" site) tries to steal your account password or other confidential information by tricking you into believing you're on a legitimate website)
I don't know who to contact, but I have embedded a photo of the website's URL and the page you land in.
I have 2 main reasons why this website is a fake website trying to steal information:

  1. The most obvious reason is the URL, although it has ssl which implies it being secure, Warframe's official website URL is warframe.com and not this mess of letters
  2. The title of the website isn't the same as Warframe's website title (the possible fake website's title is "Warframe: Login")

The reason I am posting this is to get a validation on whether this is a fake website or a real one, if it's a fake website then DE should take it down

Important: Don't go to that website, I am suspect this is a fake website created to steal user information...

Thanks for your time.

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