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Cyanex riven



I have a riven for the cyanex and i checked the wiki for it and a video to see it's performance so after checking i am realizing that my riven is actually good for it or at least i think.

The riven: 

+100% impact

+70% toxin

+170% damage

-50% ammo maximum

I think it's good because ive seen the best fire mode is the primary one and in that mode it cant get nor slash nor puncture damage( i understood it like that), in addition ive seen it doesn't benefit much from slash.

The mod is for me.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

But that doesn't affect cyanex primary mode, does it? because its gimmick is being like missiles that on contact deal impact damage  but when exploding it leaves gas and i think another elemental status you have modded in, so if i were going for a slash build or something it would be for the secondary mode.

It'll reduce the likelyhood of getting non-impact status effects from the initial hit. But the AoE explosion has a second chance that contains no impact component so will be unaffected.

So not a total loss cause it only gimps half the status procs. But that's still bad, especially with Viral being meta and having a stacking mechanic.... having Both the initial Contact and AoE be viable would be really nice....

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12 hours ago, taiiat said:

ah yes, the most common Modding strategy, to leave half of your Mod Slots empty.

i don't have any more patience for this.

even with the incomplete build he told us he inflicts more damage with viral+heat (using 3x 60/60) than gas

it's incredible how often people acquire strange notions about the damage system

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you are doing more damage with viral and heat than with gas

you are doing viral and heat on both damage instances (projectile impact and explosion), and gas only on the second one

also in terms of direct damage you are doing more viral+heat than gas, and viral is a better direct damage type than gas

all this means that the following:

6 hours ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

... but gas will always be where the majority of damage comes from.

is false

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ok, when you get cyanex just use it for a while without a riven.

that way you will understand how it works without wasting your time on stupid youtube videos

when you understand how the weapon works and make a good build for it, only then you should seek out a riven for the weapon

...not the other way around: get a random trash riven > get interested in a weapon

that does't lead you onto a path of understanding, you are doing it the wrong way

there is no point even talking to you about a cynanex riven when you don't have cyanex

1. get cyanex

2. forma it 5-6 times

3. use it for a while

then we can talk

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On 2020-09-27 at 9:00 AM, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

I have a riven for the cyanex and i checked the wiki for it and a video to see it's performance so after checking i am realizing that my riven is actually good for it or at least i think.

The riven: 

+100% impact

+70% toxin

+170% damage

-50% ammo maximum

I think it's good because ive seen the best fire mode is the primary one and in that mode it cant get nor slash nor puncture damage( i understood it like that), in addition ive seen it doesn't benefit much from slash.

The mod is for me.

so you don't have cyanex?

- - -

@(XB1)Rez090 show me your cyanex build, i really want to see the build so i could understand this 

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

are we playing the same game?

your Base Damage is always the lowest amount of your total Damage that there is. Elemental Mods literally add more Damage than your Base Damage as Damage. so even at the most basic level, your Base Damage is less of an impact than your modded Elemental Damage.


more applicably, it absolutely applies because Gas Status is much weaker now, and so you can't rely on just Gas Status to Kill things. so the other Damage Types that you will have alongside it will be leaned on more heavily to do the Damage needed to Kill things, with the Gas Status bringing up a support role.
even moreso now than always in the past, Base Damage total is the most significant part about your Base Damage, not Base Damage composition.

if there's aspects of Damage math you're not understanding, just ask. otherwise i don't know how many times i'll be able to reword the same facts.

Unless you either add other elementals or just alt fire the entire time, the gas damage that the Cyanex outputs is going to be what kills enemies the most. The impact is laughable on the primary fire, and the alt fire to get slash will only be good against a singular enemy. Gas is still the most significant damage on this weapon.

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58 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

But what you typed doesn't apply to the Cyanex because gas is the primary damage tied to the weapon. Anything else you add is supplementary to the gas. You can add magnetic/radiation/blast/corrosive/viral to it but gas will always be where the majority of damage comes from.

are we playing the same game?

your Base Damage is always the lowest amount of your total Damage that there is. Elemental Mods literally add more Damage than your Base Damage as Damage. so even at the most basic level, your Base Damage is less of an impact than your modded Elemental Damage.


more applicably, it absolutely applies because Gas Status is much weaker now, and so you can't rely on just Gas Status to Kill things. so the other Damage Types that you will have alongside it will be leaned on more heavily to do the Damage needed to Kill things, with the Gas Status bringing up a support role.
even moreso now than always in the past, Base Damage total is the most significant part about your Base Damage, not Base Damage composition.

if there's aspects of Damage math you're not understanding, just ask. otherwise i don't know how many times i'll be able to reword the same facts.

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On 2020-09-27 at 3:48 PM, Leqesai said:

Some prefer increased projectile speed because the faster projectiles tend to be a bit more useful offensively and other people prefer slower projectile speed because it helps with the target tracking.

For what its worth, I did a fair amount of testing of the Cyanex a couple of months ago and I couldn't find a strong correlation between  projectile speed and tracking by comparing the number of procs I'd get at different angles.  There was a weak correlation between positive projectile speed and number of procs at wider angles.  Especially at longer ranges.    I think this is because a few shells will peter out early, and more dramatically with negative projectile speed.  However I was shooting it while stationary at stationary targets in the simulacrum, and  it's very plausible it would work differently in normal gameplay.  

I do have Lethal Momentum on my Cyanex though, and regardless it's still a freaking fantastic status primer.

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13 hours ago, taiiat said:

the Damage Type, in general. that one shouldn't be expecting Gas Status to be a primary source of Damage, but rather a supplementary one that is paired alongside something else.
because of how much weaker Gas is now vs before.

i basically just said the same thing i already wrote in a different way. read all of the words i wrote or don't, whatever.

But what you typed doesn't apply to the Cyanex because gas is the primary damage tied to the weapon. Anything else you add is supplementary to the gas. You can add magnetic/radiation/blast/corrosive/viral to it but gas will always be where the majority of damage comes from.

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12 hours ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

You do realize that gas is the primary damage on the Cyanex, right?

the Damage Type, in general. that one shouldn't be expecting Gas Status to be a primary source of Damage, but rather a supplementary one that is paired alongside something else.
because of how much weaker Gas is now vs before.

i basically just said the same thing i already wrote in a different way. read all of the words i wrote or don't, whatever.

7 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

But that doesn't affect cyanex primary mode, does it? because its gimmick is being like missiles that on contact deal impact damage  but when exploding it leaves gas and i think another elemental status you have modded in, so if i were going for a slash build or something it would be for the secondary mode.

increasing or reducing Impact would still impact what the contact Damage does. increasing it would make it outright less useful, decreasing it might make it more useful but also may not make a significant difference either after IPS weighting being removed. the Impact will already be a relatively small portion of the Damage of the impact, so as long as it's not increased it should already not impact things much.

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hace 4 horas, (PS4)haphazardlynamed dijo:

Having More Impact on your weapon, Just increases the probability that your status effects will turn into useless Impact effects.....


it is actually desirable, to find Rivens with -Impact... reduces the odds of useless effects, get more good ones to trigger instead

But that doesn't affect cyanex primary mode, does it? because its gimmick is being like missiles that on contact deal impact damage  but when exploding it leaves gas and i think another elemental status you have modded in, so if i were going for a slash build or something it would be for the secondary mode.

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12 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

But i have 2 doubts, first in what does impact affect status? getting enemies out of gas proc?


Any given bullet, generally only has the chance to trigger a single status effect. (exception for status over 100, but ignore that for now)

Ideally, you want that status effect to be a Useful one. Something that either does additional damage over time, or makes the enemy more vulnerable.

Impact is Not one of those, all it does is knock the enemy around, which is pretty irrelevant.

Which status effect occurs, is based on the proportion of damage types on the weapon, with Impact, Slash, Puncture having 4x the weight of the Elements.

Having More Impact on your weapon, Just increases the probability that your status effects will turn into useless Impact effects.....


it is actually desirable, to find Rivens with -Impact... reduces the odds of useless effects, get more good ones to trigger instead

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7 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

saw gas got nerfed 

But i have 2 doubts, first in what does impact affect status? getting enemies out of gas proc?

does DE lowering disposition will affect your already existing riven?

yeah, Gas got significantly nerfed. it's still alright, but it shouldn't be treated as a primary source of Damage anymore, but rather a supplementary one.
Electricity has pretty much replaced Gas as the good AoE Status - though it's definitely not the same as the AoE is nowhere near as large (new Gas isn't either) and Anti-Faction Mods will apply twice rather than three times (which was also removed from Gas, it doesn't triple dip anymore either).

the Projectile Impacts deal Impact, so you'd be making the direct hits apply less useful Status. the AoE is base Elemental so it doesn't affect that but the Projectiles have contact Damage too.
and then ofcourse it also harms the Alt-Fire if you use that.


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hace 8 minutos, taiiat dijo:

it's decent but +Impact will negatively impact your Status output somewhat.

aside from the obvious univeral Stats, being able to replace a Mod or two would be desirable things to have on Cyanex. being able to replace Lethal Torrent could be quite appealing, for example.
depending on what Status Effects you're aiming to use, Status Chance could also be desirable. just depends on if your Damage is mostly coming from stackable DoT's or not. 

I thought of something like corrosive and gas but earlier today i checked nerfs for the cyanex and saw gas got nerfed so the video i checked to see it's performance has probably become outdated.

Guess i'm going to check videos in spanish.

But i have 2 doubts, first in what does impact affect status? getting enemies out of gas proc?

And the second doubt, if you have a very good riven with high stats, but then a meta appears and causes it to become very popular, does DE lowering disposition will affect your already existing riven?

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it's decent but +Impact will negatively impact your Status output somewhat.

aside from the obvious univeral Stats, being able to replace a Mod or two would be desirable things to have on Cyanex. being able to replace Lethal Torrent could be quite appealing, for example.
depending on what Status Effects you're aiming to use, Status Chance could also be desirable. just depends on if your Damage is mostly coming from stackable DoT's or not. 

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

Unless you've modded for bigger magazine capacity, higher fire rate means you have to keep reloading more often. 11 rounds runs out pretty fast with boosted fire rate. It's why I hate shooting when a Wisp drops their speed mote. Also, don't specters have to reload too?

Wukong's twin reloads, yes. Specters in general do, but the twin was specifically noted due to it inheriting the mods used. Fire rate, as a discussion, is pointless when discussing general specters since they do not inherit any weapon mods. The twin is very effective with fire rate and projectile speed. It is simply more effective when used on the twin because they will actively engage enemies constantly and they do not worry about running out of ammo.

It is very similar to the reason you'd want to use Acceltra on the twin.


It is not necessary to mod for a larger magazine capacity if you are using ammo efficiency, as I noted in my post. Arcane Pistoleer, for example, works pretty well with cyanex. Arcane Pistoleer gives 100% ammo efficiency on secondary headshot kill.

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11 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

You're also incorrect about fire rate. Boosting fire rate is fine when you are pairing the weapon with some form of ammo efficiency (and very effective).

It is also effective to build fire rate if you've got the weapon equipped to Wukong's twin since they do not run out of ammo.

Unless you've modded for bigger magazine capacity, higher fire rate means you have to keep reloading more often. 11 rounds runs out pretty fast with boosted fire rate. It's why I hate shooting when a Wisp drops their speed mote. Also, don't specters have to reload too?

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36 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

Ignore projectile speed for the Cyanex, it is a pointless stat for that weapon. Same goes for fire rate, it is not good to bump it up.

This is why there was a note designating that it has to do with playstyle. You're of the mindset "it doesn't matter" but there are plenty of people who feel otherwise. Some prefer increased projectile speed because the faster projectiles tend to be a bit more useful offensively and other people prefer slower projectile speed because it helps with the target tracking.

You're also incorrect about fire rate. Boosting fire rate is fine when you are pairing the weapon with some form of ammo efficiency (and very effective).

It is also effective to build fire rate if you've got the weapon equipped to Wukong's twin since they do not run out of ammo.

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