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Dojo QOL tweaks.


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I saw a tweet from DE Helen that said they are looking into giving the Dojos a QOL pass but I couldn't find anything on here for it... thus, I decided to start one in hopes they do make a big pass. I saw one post that was about time and funding but mine is more all encompassing. So here are all of my thoughts. I will go back and link other forums posts about some of the more specific parts in here later but would love to treat this as a living document for wanted dojo changes.


The Needed QOL


A Donate to all button, this is one that is apparently already on DE's radar so we will see what is added. A per room and a "all in dojo" both would be nice.


A way to access our foundry in the Dojo.  This could be a new room with multiple foundries or a decoration we need to use to access it. With how much time I spend in my dojo, I often have to leave the dojo to use the foundry then load back into the dojo.


Waiting on rooms to delete and not being able to delete rooms in progress. I will give you a scenario I have had many times and I highly doubt I am the only one: I place a room and put all the resources in for it to begin, while doing something else I realize I connected it on the wrong door and need to rotate it. I now have to either rush it and wait the 2hrs to delete it so I can correct it OR I have to wait 24hrs for it to finish so I can wait 2hrs for it to delete so I can place it again. I personally keep 45pl in my dojo for this very reason. It feels like a waste of plat but feels needed to avoid the long wait.


A slider for build boundaries, allow us to build an item half way in the floor or walls without us having to break out of the room and find a way to just make it work. This is something we all to a lot. Just have a 2nd boundary for the rooms "hard limits" or the edges of that tile. I am OK with this meaning the deco mode phasing thru walls with the click of a slider.


The Parent/Child relationship of rooms in the dojos. This is a big one for a lot of clans. If we just swapped the parent/child for an I/O path connected to room 1. This one is harder to explain so I am going to try.

Say you build a large circle of 12 gardens and you decide you want to demo the 2nd one, in the parent/child order, you have to demo rooms from 12 down to 2 in order to be allowed to demo 2. The way I would do it, is an order that uses I/O to say if it is connected to room 1. Since it would be circle, The connection between room 1 and room 12 would say yes it is still connected and once you demo room 2, room 12 is the new 2nd room in the order. There only being 128 rooms in the dojo, it wouldn’t be too hard to do but it is a major code rework. As soon as a room is set to demo, all doors are set to 0 and adjacent rooms show only one connected path again.


Reduce or remove the wait time for decorations in the room itself. There a lot of times where you are wanting to see how well things look together as a build and the 24hr wait time for them to finish sucks because if something looks out of place you demo it and again, wait 24hrs to see how it looks again. If we HAVE to have a wait timer on that, can we get it turned down to 3hrs? Or 6 at the most.


A minor glitch, that needs correcting because it is a MAJOR annoyance. The axis rotation glitch, the only way I can really describe this one is that when you try to rotate an item 1 axis just starts to gain on rotation and it becomes impossible to correct so you either have to relaunch the dojo and/or delete that item and start over.


The ability to link decorations together to move and tweak as 1 unit. @(PS4)BlightDragon89 had the idea below. "This would REALLY help the statue builders. Nothing more annoying then building half a statue only to realize that it got a bit off course, and having to try to move it piece by piece. This can really mess up a room. I have built false walls in a room before to avoid having to move a statue the 2 ft it needed to be centered piece by piece. Especially since a lot of statues and sculptures rely on clipping, and the clipping is inconsistent at best. No guarantee that you will be able to get that one part back where you had it."


A way to tag resources in the donation screen that the clan does and doesn't need so members know what will be most helpful to the warlords/decorators. Idea is off of @NecroPedidea to actually block some resources from being donated that really arent useful to the dojo or clan.


The overly hopeful wants


We got Solaris United deco and Entrati Deco, can Cetus get that same treatment? And while we are at it, there is just this 1 table the can be found all over the Orokin towers but it isn't a deco. That would be nice to have as well. There are actually a lot of things I can think of but the different factions getting their own decorations is and has been an awesome addition. Cetus, the Quills, and The vent kids still need the treatment IMO. Can add syndicate decoration to this list as well. I would love to get the table from the back of the Red Veil room.


Decorations we can interact with would be an awesome addition. Basically points we can click on to que an animation for ourselves alone would be nice. Also a polling box with display that can track votes visually(Idea from @NecroPed).


NPCs would be a great addition to make the dojos feel less empty. The dojo just feels so empty that it almost feels abandon. I would love to see NPCs, even if basically stationary with a selection of animations they can use. Even better if we could have syndicate NPCs for turning in medallions and such as well.


A dojo Cephalon, something to portray a presence to the Dojo itself like we have with Ordis and the Orbiter. It could be all around useful. Let visitors know what are the best points of interest in the dojo, let clan members know if the dojo has any needs, track clan or alliance events/contests, basically handle stuff that wont fit in the Clan MOTD. Would be a great way to add more functionality to the Crimson Branch room.


Music being played in rooms. It would be awesome if we could set rooms to play music from other parts of the game. I can more than understand not being able to play music from the somachord but some of the other sounds would be awesome.


A dojo entry dock room similar to the Relays would be an awesome addition. Unneeded but would be nice to have.


A box of some sort to trade within the clan. I know I often give my new members that are just getting into the game copies of all the base mods to swap out their flawed mods as soon as they unlock trading. It would honestly be nice if we could drop items to new members but this is definitely an overly hopeful request.


2 rooms I would LOVE to see added… a large aquarium and a zoo/rehab center. I mean, can tie Kubrow and kavat boarding in there too. Could make it so that floofs are donated to the zoo and it adds that animal to the zoo exhibit.  I accept these 2 probably wont happen.

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A bit more capacity in open space rooms would be appreciated.

Copy paste room colours using the consoles.

Using dojo rooms in captura would be nice also though not a necessity (unless already possible and i havent 'looked hard enough).

Duel zone decoration to be utilized in non duel rooms which sets up a 'fence'' around the duel zone when activated. 

Cloth decorations with no collisions.

A vote counting decoration which displays a number of votes from interaction (1 count per player if used and decorator has ability to reset).  - Would be handy for some events and voting on decorations. Not necessary but would love it.

Some kind of resource conversion for resources in vault (convert unused resource to credits or break down more unique but less used resources like carbides into something like alloy plate - I dumped a lot of resources because I had excess not realizing there wasn't anything to use them for which reminds me of my next suggestion)

An option for decorators to toggle off the ability to donate specific resources. I don't want people wasting resources thinking I can and will use them when I can't.

Customized spawn locations for each room or an exclusion/inclusion zone for spawning of rooms - I like to be in my dojo when joining other squads because I spawn into a different room each time I load out of a mission but I spawn inside decorations or behind blocked off areas a lot of the time and fast travelling is possible but it would be nice to be able to spawn into any room from an intended perspective.


I have so many ideas I wish I wrote down because now I can't remember them. 

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Another thing I was thinking of as a decorator is the ability to lock together items into a larger structure that can be moved as a unit. This would REALLY help the statue builders. Nothing more annoying then building half a statue only to realize that it got a bit off course, and having to try to move it piece by piece. This can really mess up a room. I have built false walls in a room before to avoid having to move a statue the 2 ft it needed to be centered piece by piece. Especially since a lot of statues and sculptures rely on clipping, and the clipping is inconsistent at best. No guarantee that you will be able to get that one part back where you had it.

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@NecroPed I think a good few of those ideas can be tied into a dojo cephalon. The idea of voting for sure. I personally will never turn away donations from clan members but again, having a way to tell them what resources you are actually needing could be just as good. Agree? I see no issue with banking tons of resources in the clan vault. I have several millions of some resources. Decorations with no collision is also a great Idea. The custom spawn locations per room, back end could get messy. But custom spawn locations in the room set as spawn room should have already happened as far as I am concerned. spawn pads for spawn room would be easy to implement. Copy and paste room colors would also be easy enough to implement. But better yet would be blueprinting a room with all deco intact to move it or rotate it with out having to start over.

@(PS4)BlightDragon89I pulled your idea into the main post.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)M82BFG said:

@NecroPed I think a good few of those ideas can be tied into a dojo cephalon. The idea of voting for sure. I personally will never turn away donations from clan members but again, having a way to tell them what resources you are actually needing could be just as good. Agree? I see no issue with banking tons of resources in the clan vault. I have several millions of some resources. Decorations with no collision is also a great Idea. The custom spawn locations per room, back end could get messy. But custom spawn locations in the room set as spawn room should have already happened as far as I am concerned. spawn pads for spawn room would be easy to implement. Copy and paste room colors would also be easy enough to implement. But better yet would be blueprinting a room with all deco intact to move it or rotate it with out having to start over.

@(PS4)BlightDragon89I pulled your idea into the main post.

I personally don't want a cephalon purely because I've already made my own haha. Some functionality behind a cephalon would be nice and all but I kinda feel that dojos have a sense of charm to them when things are done with a decoration like the trade and vault stations. Id only say yes to a cephalon if it came with a great deal of functionality and purpose. Or at the very least has an incredibly deep visual customization. And some ideas I'd rather be kept to an item like the vote for example. I'd rather place an interactable object which players walk up to and vote - although I'm not sure if this is one you thought could tie into a cephalon but Id like to be able to place something and utilize it as an object.

Not necessarily picking every spawn location but at the very least limiting it in rooms, I spawn in the outer edges of decorations more than the center of the room which is open and being able to fine tune where it at least doesn't spawn you by decreasing a radius I feel would be fairly achievable. Considering it spawns you into a random room when doing missions from dojo some kind of limitation on spawns in every room would make being in the dojo for long periods more fluent. It kinda defeats the purpose of spawning me in a room if I have to fast travel out of it before being able to see it because I was stuck in a wall (and yes you can walk out of decorations you spawn inside but decorations block off areas of rooms entirely and you can't phase through them) 

I just don't see a point to banking resources that aren't getting used. I literally cannot use most of the resources in my vault and only burn through select few. Either they need to be included in decorations (which I dont want because theres already enough resources to farm for decorations), used in some kind of repeatable consumption other than decorations or you need to be able to convert them to other resources or credits (At a cost) or else they're literally just sitting there for absolutely no reason until and if DE add things that will burn through it. I'm not going to turn down donations and am thankful for what I get, but I don't want something I have literally zero uses for. 

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The idea of a ceph for the dojo is pretty much all functionality. All tour guide, resource manager, bookie for contests, and added things such as the voting, room messages, and letting us know if new research is added to a room or completed in a room. I more picture it being a text based cephalon with a dedicated room and interaction at a built terminal than anything else. Place it where needed/wanted.

and yeah... the random spawns need to stop a little bit. It'd be nice if the teleporters were the makeshift spawn points in those cases. Other wise, yeah, something is needed or just make it set to spawn room.

As for banking, potential new research and decorations I'd like to see added for starts. But yeah, that's a hard one to pin down. I can say it'd be something I'd like to see but it would be an idea. I wont discredit the idea but can't fully agree. I just like making clear what resources are actively needed and what ones arent.

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On 2020-09-28 at 3:04 PM, (PS4)M82BFG said:

The idea of a ceph for the dojo is pretty much all functionality. All tour guide, resource manager, bookie for contests, and added things such as the voting, room messages, and letting us know if new research is added to a room or completed in a room. I more picture it being a text based cephalon with a dedicated room and interaction at a built terminal than anything else. Place it where needed/wanted.

and yeah... the random spawns need to stop a little bit. It'd be nice if the teleporters were the makeshift spawn points in those cases. Other wise, yeah, something is needed or just make it set to spawn room.

As for banking, potential new research and decorations I'd like to see added for starts. But yeah, that's a hard one to pin down. I can say it'd be something I'd like to see but it would be an idea. I wont discredit the idea but can't fully agree. I just like making clear what resources are actively needed and what ones arent.

Yeah I dunno I think I still prefer there not being a cephalon with functionality. I find the dojos have a sense of charm from all the player made stuff and Id prefer that dojos push for player creativity. And I'd personally prefer a lot of that functionality be behind individual items because I feel it has a certain charm to it walking up to a trade station or a vault. I also think we should be avoiding adding rooms as much as possible. My dojo is large and I have 1 room capacity left. Sure they could add more capacity but I don't really want to keep adding 20 hallways to utilize a new functioning room every time they add a new one. And we have already room with recently added that needs some more functionality first, the Crimson Branch.

One reason I want a vote decoration is for interaction. I don't just want to tally votes, it could have uses in player made events etc. A simple vote from inside a console would take away from a lot of what I want to get out of such a thing. 

Teleporters working as the spawn is alright I guess but I don't place a teleporter in every room so it would either limit the rooms effected or force me to place more transporters to utilize spawning into different rooms which would ruin the aesthetic of my dojo.. I don't want just the spawn room to be the only one I can spawn into after a mission either. I think it's great that playing from the dojo shows off your dojo as you do missions. But it just doesn't work with decorations blocking areas.

I just don't see why I can't stop people from donating things. I don't need any of it and it's literally going to waste.  I have a noticeboard up of what I need for decorations but it doesn't stop people from donating things I cannot use that they could put towards something like Helminth. I don't see why anyone has anything against me preventing people from wasting their resources when I physically cannot use them. A lot of players donating these unused resources may even come to a point where they realize they actually needed them for themselves for railjack and helminth.

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No disrepect to your post which I agree with and has good suggestions.

But no dojo post is worth its mettle without item #1, in bold, with caps. The dry dock situation.

I actually thought about installing one in our dojo but the game interface wouldn't allow me to place it. As with everything warframe, due dilligence, I go to google to read up on it.

Talk about the worst horror stories you ever heard. Have to build 3 floors up and 3 floors forward with a corner connector, have fun rebuilding your entire dojo and pray to f'ing god it works. Bro, I don't even know how elevators work in the dojo and I don't care either.

I am not going to play russian roulette with time and building materials, sitting around reading schematics and blueprints on google... HOPING it will work.

If building was free and instant, guess what I might actually enjoy it and play with it. Let me play tetris with money and wait 24 hours on every move to see if I did it correctly trial and error. Something is wrong but we sure as hell ain't going to tell you what it is, try again in 24 hours.

Royally f that.

The dry dock situation is a defcon 5^27 that should have been dealt with. I literally gave up on the content for no other reason than poor developer design and lazy attitude in fixing it.

I just laughed when I saw it and went, oh, well I guess they don't want me placing and a dry dock telling me I am not allowed. Okay, great.

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@NecroPedI think tying a potential cephalon to the Crimson Branch is a good idea. That would be a good spot for that. And I think I understand what you are looking for in the Polling box/display. You want something that actively shows and displays an ongoing poll or essentially a visual for specific votes. Not just a way to vote. I guess I can get behind that one.

The room spawns is an interesting issue. I really dont know a good solution for... Spawning in random rooms isnt always a good thing. 120+ rooms here as well. Theres a lot of room that have nothing in them still and then there are the rooms where, yeah, you spawn in a spot that leaves you trapped. Maybe instead of a "zone" make it an invisible platform decoration? and leave it turned off if that isnt placed other that the room set as main spawn? Kind of the same thing but maybe easier to code that way.

As for the donations idea, it really only goes between the "beggars cant be choosers" and a fear that turning things off would make people just decide NOT to donate at all. What about a way to flag things in the donation menu? Mark them as needed by the clan or not needed at all. Members who are just in the mindset of wanting to do a complete resource dump can still do so, since I know that does happen(I have over 50k kuva in the vault as well as gems and ore)


@Surbusken I am getting out of that, that you arent happy would couldn't get the drydocks in where you wanted it and cant figure out whats wrong to make it work? Assuming that's it, what would you propose as a potential solution? 2 Ideas I can think are: 1 - have a way to "set" a room so you can go see what/where other parts of the room are so you can make adjustments as needed more easily. and 2- Have some sort of dojo planner or something of the sorts so you can plan out how you want to build/alter your dojo. Those 2 in conjunction with fixing the parent/child build order could actually be good improvements all together. That seem right? Or have another idea you can add?

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@ (PS4)M82BFG

I wouldn't say that exactly.




"... because you are trying to build it on the 2nd floor while few rooms are floor below(I had same issue, had to destroy almost all rooms on 2nd floor and I built it on 1st floor".

"The Dry Dock requires a lot more physical space compared to other rooms and its construction can be blocked by existing rooms above and below the desired level."

"In my case I had a dueling room in the far left of my upper floor that was just barely within range of where I wanted my dock, and even after taking that out I still had to add an extended straight hallway for there to be enough room".

So, you come off as it's some tiny, irrelevant problem that me, I, exclusively is having.

I am saying the dry dock issues BLOCK an entire game mode, that I assume they are interested in people playing. How many people give up?

It's great you have ideas for cosmetic changes and whatnot, I want you to have those, but actual gameplay mechanics in danger far overshadows and marginalizes any other issues.

I would, probably, be willing to sit around and play minecraft in the dojo if every move didn't cost money and 24 hours. They aren't willing to put work and effort into the game mode... then why should I be?

They are asking me put in extra effort, extra time, to fix their broken design? Nah man, not happening.

It might have been slightly less messed up, if people hadn't created their dojo's years ago. Who decided it had to have the size and regulations it does.

Could just as easily have been a transporter to another instance or a regular size room. Seems like they have no sense of reality.

As if players are so eager to play archwing missions, you have to-build your entire dojo, on trial and error at that, timegated and resource heavy on top, just for the privilege, lol.

It's entirely on them to entice the players to want to play the game, not the opposite.

I don't expect anything, a change in attitude, a fix or even symbolic recognition of the issue, so I already took charge of the situation and gave up on it.

I am just saying, minimum we are going to talk about it and keep bringing it up, forever.


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I didn't have an issue understanding the dry dock build, but I can see how it would be an issue for people that don't follow the info on the game updates and didn't know till it came that it was HUGE and would need a lot of space out on the edge of a dojo build. They did warn us in many of the devstreams, but I get that not everyone watches them. A better way to view placement in game without the need of an outside dojo planning app would be a welcome addition. The tiny map they give you on the add room screen more often then not does not even show the entire room you are trying to place and that can get annoying if you are trying to build something into a particular shape.

No need to downplay anyone else's ideas however. Myself and M8 didn't have this issue, so we didn't think to bring it up. Thus the reason this is a forum post, to get others input.

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I am working on a new section in my dojo, and have run into an issue that I wish didn't exist that kinda ties into my last post.

We either need a better way to see new room placement in the dojo, or the wait times for building rooms need to be removed. For my example I will use the situation I ran into yesterday. I am building onto a rectangular shape made out of cross connectors. It's orokin themed so when i saw that we had an Entrati room I wanted to add it to the back long wall of the rectangle in the middle. To do this in game now, I had to build one cross connector on each side, one at a time and wait 12hrs. THEN I could add in the next cross connector till I thought I had left enough space for the Entrati room right in the middle of the rectangle. Guess what? Room was to big to fit. So now I had to wait 2hrs to remove the last two cross connectors and build straight hallways and hope that the room would fit between them. Luckily I guesstimated correctly this time, but that was MORE wait time to build the hallways. That was annoying as all heck when all I really wanted to do was get the Entrati room into the area I wanted it in.

Room building timers have no purpose, other then MAYBE trying to get us to spend plat to rush rooms. But I don't' think many people are spending the hundreds of plat it takes to rush a hallway ( can we also talk about WHY the plat costs of rushing rooms is so high?)

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@(PS4)BlightDragon89 I did actually touch on that issue in main post. Especially the fact that waiting to delete a room makes no sense. 


@Surbusken I am not dismissing the fact you have an issue, you just haven't presented a potential solution. Its literally just complaining about an issue without that. In the 3 posts you referenced, only 1 presents a potential solution in making the elevators longer. I can see that actually being useful for some of the room but if we make them long enough for the dry dock height, using them will remind us of elevators in the 1st mass effect. Not a bad idea for other rooms tho. Can we work towards a solution you think would be a good fix? Making the room smaller isn't a good idea. The room is the size it is because it is storage for a full size cruiser and a loading screen with animation for leaving and returning to dojo. It makes sense in that game mode for its purpose.

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And the plat cost is so high because they for some reason have it set to scale with clan tier like the other resources do. Blight.

The other thing to mention is they did give their own solution to dry dock size by adding 28 rooms to the dojo capacity. That way we could build to make it work. Wasn't perfect at all, but it was something.

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It's definitely not my job, to fix the game.

You posted about dojo fixes and I feel objectively speaking gameplay issues kind of have to be a big deal... compared to cosmetics.

And right at the top of that list by a landslide is the pos design that is the dry dock situation.

I said I certainly don't expect them to even recognize the issue or bring it up, I am simply here to just keep bringing it up, forever. Which is the best and all I really can do.

You talk about it as if game developers take suggestions. lol.

I realistically whole-heartedly expect to totally and utterly ignored, same as you.

But there is a giant issue, which in itself is completely messed up and flawed design - the dry dock requires "no rooms below" it to be installed, lol what is that.

Lastly you said I talked about elevators, I did say the word elevator in my first post, but I didn't say any of what you quote me one, or even have my comment go in that direction.

I said I don't care enough to sit and read a manual on how elevators work... because they messed it up. Elevators as a solution was never mentioned or even implied, are you commenting on the right post?

I am pretty sure there is zero reason, a dry dock needs to have an empty space beneath it. It isn't explained anywhere, the game has no interface helping you with anything, some text, HUD or any type of information on the illogical, flawed design.

Simply to say, there is a problem but you don't know what it is, and then it's your problem, to spend your time and money by trial and error solve it.

No, not good enough. Not even remotely acceptable.

And it could have been trivial IF it weren't gating an entire game mode, that I assume they want me to play? Or maybe they gave up on railjack and expect me to follow? That's not even a rhetorical question either.

The solution I randomly came up, and did actually talk about was, how about you just don't pull S#&$ like this right off the bat? lol. Whose bright idea was it to have a giant room gating a game mode with invisible hitboxes, in a game where people build their dojos years ago?

I want to hear that pitch meeting...

Alternately it's as simple as making it an instances if you really want to go big, you simply load on to another map by teleporter in the dojo. 


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7 hours ago, Surbusken said:

@ (PS4)M82BFG

I wouldn't say that exactly.




"... because you are trying to build it on the 2nd floor while few rooms are floor below(I had same issue, had to destroy almost all rooms on 2nd floor and I built it on 1st floor".

"The Dry Dock requires a lot more physical space compared to other rooms and its construction can be blocked by existing rooms above and below the desired level."

"In my case I had a dueling room in the far left of my upper floor that was just barely within range of where I wanted my dock, and even after taking that out I still had to add an extended straight hallway for there to be enough room".


@Surbusken you referenced 3 different posts very clearly. No need to try insult my intelligence. If you had actually read them you would have seen Aleilu made suggestions in his post that there was some validity to. Aleilu suggested different length elevators or lengthening them all together. Do you have anything constructive to say or are you just here to complain? You say you are constantly ignored, I can say most people who end up constantly ignored have nothing to say in way of constructive criticism. If you have nothing constructive, please dont use this as an angry vent or place to constanly complain.


@PookieNumnums I think a general "Portal" to other dojos in alliance would actually be a good idea. Especially since in my alliance we do a lot of resource sharing. Would be nice to see what everyone else is working on. And if they can add a foundry to dojo, I would be all for setting dojo as home location too.

Other games and such being added would likely get wrapped into another console but could be fun if done right. That's definitely an overly hopeful idea. 

The resizing probably should be extended a good bit. 

They also did mention a k drive skate park at one point... I will pull those into main post tonight.

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2 hours ago, Surbusken said:


It's definitely not my job, to fix the game.

You posted about dojo fixes and I feel objectively speaking gameplay issues kind of have to be a big deal... compared to cosmetics.

And right at the top of that list by a landslide is the pos design that is the dry dock situation.

I said I certainly don't expect them to even recognize the issue or bring it up, I am simply here to just keep bringing it up, forever. Which is the best and all I really can do.

You talk about it as if game developers take suggestions. lol.

I realistically whole-heartedly expect to totally and utterly ignored, same as you.

But there is a giant issue, which in itself is completely messed up and flawed design - the dry dock requires "no rooms below" it to be installed, lol what is that.

Lastly you said I talked about elevators, I did say the word elevator in my first post, but I didn't say any of what you quote me one, or even have my comment go in that direction.

I said I don't care enough to sit and read a manual on how elevators work... because they messed it up. Elevators as a solution was never mentioned or even implied, are you commenting on the right post?

I am pretty sure there is zero reason, a dry dock needs to have an empty space beneath it. It isn't explained anywhere, the game has no interface helping you with anything, some text, HUD or any type of information on the illogical, flawed design.

Simply to say, there is a problem but you don't know what it is, and then it's your problem, to spend your time and money by trial and error solve it.

No, not good enough. Not even remotely acceptable.

And it could have been trivial IF it weren't gating an entire game mode, that I assume they want me to play? Or maybe they gave up on railjack and expect me to follow? That's not even a rhetorical question either.

The solution I randomly came up, and did actually talk about was, how about you just don't pull S#&$ like this right off the bat? lol. Whose bright idea was it to have a giant room gating a game mode with invisible hitboxes, in a game where people build their dojos years ago?

I want to hear that pitch meeting...

Alternately it's as simple as making it an instances if you really want to go big, you simply load on to another map by teleporter in the dojo. 


The Dry Dock is not "broken".  There's nothing to "fix".

....I have my RailJack Dry Dock on the first floor of my dojo.   It isn't impossible or crazy once you understand that it's a GIANT ROOM and NEEDS the space to house a GIANT BATTLE CRUISER.

The "Space Below" the room is obvious, as it needs both a high ceiling AND it dips BELOW the "ground level", all within the room, visibly, to fit the ship.  

You're acting as if the requirement is nonsensical when, in fact, it makes perfect sense... you're just too busy being angry and throwing a fit to actually take the time to understand.

Ask questions... we'd be HAPPY to help you understand.. but don't just come here throwing a fit and expect not to "be ignored".

Build a longer hallway that goes past your other rooms, both above and below (doesn't matter what floor you're on), and you'll have plenty of space for your RJ.

Also, the mode is not "gated" by this.  You can absolutely still play RailJack missions AND earn parts/mods/exp by playing with other players.

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2 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

Spawn location decoration. 

Select group for decorations for placement 

Remove resize limits within reason

Multiplayer games like poker pool and bowling

Custom drive and lunaro rooms

Ability to set dojo as home location instead of orbiter (railjack?)

Alliance dojo connectors or portals.


Fantastic ideas!  I'd love to be able to better tie together my clan with our fellow Alliance members'.   One of my major complaints about clans/alliance is that, despite having hundreds of members between all of our clans, they feel too quiet/disconnected.   I've put years of effort into building my clan, and I'm proud of it, but.... some days it feels like it's just become a glorified "Market" for blueprints.

I really would love more reasons to "hang out" in Dojo.  Not just a "Oh, that looks neat" and then never log back to look again... but active games to play, ways to interact (like letting us SIT in SEATS, play music....).

Another thing I think would be HUGE would be... give us a VIDEO Decoration.  Allow us to link it to pre-approved URLs (for obvious reasons), but just imagine...  The clan gathering together to watch Dev Streams, Youtube videos, movies... even the STREAM OF THEIR FELLOW CLANMATES :p  

I can see where that might also pose issues (legal issues with the game "hosting" people playing copyrighted material), but I think it's worth discussing.   The decoration could even cost plat.. it'd be well worth it.

LOVE the Multiplayer Game suggestion!  I have an "Arcade" room already to host my Ludoplex... but sadly there's nowhere for others in the clan to watch the matches/gameplay, etc.  Thus another reason for my suggestion.


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On 2020-09-27 at 8:24 PM, (PS4)M82BFG said:

I saw a tweet from DE Helen that said they are looking into giving the Dojos a QOL pass but I couldn't find anything on here for it... thus, I decided to start one in hopes they do make a big pass. I saw one post that was about time and funding but mine is more all encompassing. So here are all of my thoughts. I will go back and link other forums posts about some of the more specific parts in here later but would love to treat this as a living document for wanted dojo changes.


The Needed QOL


A Donate to all button, this is one that is apparently already on DE's radar so we will see what is added. A per room and a "all in dojo" both would be nice.


A way to access our foundry in the Dojo.  This could be a new room with multiple foundries or a decoration we need to use to access it. With how much time I spend in my dojo, I often have to leave the dojo to use the foundry then load back into the dojo.


Waiting on rooms to delete and not being able to delete rooms in progress. I will give you a scenario I have had many times and I highly doubt I am the only one: I place a room and put all the resources in for it to begin, while doing something else I realize I connected it on the wrong door and need to rotate it. I now have to either rush it and wait the 2hrs to delete it so I can correct it OR I have to wait 24hrs for it to finish so I can wait 2hrs for it to delete so I can place it again. I personally keep 45pl in my dojo for this very reason. It feels like a waste of plat but feels needed to avoid the long wait.


A slider for build boundaries, allow us to build an item half way in the floor or walls without us having to break out of the room and find a way to just make it work. This is something we all to a lot. Just have a 2nd boundary for the rooms "hard limits" or the edges of that tile. I am OK with this meaning the deco mode phasing thru walls with the click of a slider.


The Parent/Child relationship of rooms in the dojos. This is a big one for a lot of clans. If we just swapped the parent/child for an I/O path connected to room 1. This one is harder to explain so I am going to try.

Say you build a large circle of 12 gardens and you decide you want to demo the 2nd one, in the parent/child order, you have to demo rooms from 12 down to 2 in order to be allowed to demo 2. The way I would do it, is an order that uses I/O to say if it is connected to room 1. Since it would be circle, The connection between room 1 and room 12 would say yes it is still connected and once you demo room 2, room 12 is the new 2nd room in the order. There only being 128 rooms in the dojo, it wouldn’t be too hard to do but it is a major code rework. As soon as a room is set to demo, all doors are set to 0 and adjacent rooms show only one connected path again.


Reduce or remove the wait time for decorations in the room itself. There a lot of times where you are wanting to see how well things look together as a build and the 24hr wait time for them to finish sucks because if something looks out of place you demo it and again, wait 24hrs to see how it looks again. If we HAVE to have a wait timer on that, can we get it turned down to 3hrs? Or 6 at the most.


A minor glitch, that needs correcting because it is a MAJOR annoyance. The axis rotation glitch, the only way I can really describe this one is that when you try to rotate an item 1 axis just starts to gain on rotation and it becomes impossible to correct so you either have to relaunch the dojo and/or delete that item and start over.


The ability to link decorations together to move and tweak as 1 unit. @(PS4)BlightDragon89 had the idea below. "This would REALLY help the statue builders. Nothing more annoying then building half a statue only to realize that it got a bit off course, and having to try to move it piece by piece. This can really mess up a room. I have built false walls in a room before to avoid having to move a statue the 2 ft it needed to be centered piece by piece. Especially since a lot of statues and sculptures rely on clipping, and the clipping is inconsistent at best. No guarantee that you will be able to get that one part back where you had it."


A way to tag resources in the donation screen that the clan does and doesn't need so members know what will be most helpful to the warlords/decorators. Idea is off of @NecroPedidea to actually block some resources from being donated that really arent useful to the dojo or clan.


The overly hopeful wants


We got Solaris United deco and Entrati Deco, can Cetus get that same treatment? And while we are at it, there is just this 1 table the can be found all over the Orokin towers but it isn't a deco. That would be nice to have as well. There are actually a lot of things I can think of but the different factions getting their own decorations is and has been an awesome addition. Cetus, the Quills, and The vent kids still need the treatment IMO. Can add syndicate decoration to this list as well. I would love to get the table from the back of the Red Veil room.


Decorations we can interact with would be an awesome addition. Basically points we can click on to que an animation for ourselves alone would be nice. Also a polling box with display that can track votes visually(Idea from @NecroPed).


NPCs would be a great addition to make the dojos feel less empty. The dojo just feels so empty that it almost feels abandon. I would love to see NPCs, even if basically stationary with a selection of animations they can use. Even better if we could have syndicate NPCs for turning in medallions and such as well.


A dojo Cephalon, something to portray a presence to the Dojo itself like we have with Ordis and the Orbiter. It could be all around useful. Let visitors know what are the best points of interest in the dojo, let clan members know if the dojo has any needs, track clan or alliance events/contests, basically handle stuff that wont fit in the Clan MOTD. Would be a great way to add more functionality to the Crimson Branch room.


Music being played in rooms. It would be awesome if we could set rooms to play music from other parts of the game. I can more than understand not being able to play music from the somachord but some of the other sounds would be awesome.


A dojo entry dock room similar to the Relays would be an awesome addition. Unneeded but would be nice to have.


A box of some sort to trade within the clan. I know I often give my new members that are just getting into the game copies of all the base mods to swap out their flawed mods as soon as they unlock trading. It would honestly be nice if we could drop items to new members but this is definitely an overly hopeful request.


2 rooms I would LOVE to see added… a large aquarium and a zoo/rehab center. I mean, can tie Kubrow and kavat boarding in there too. Could make it so that floofs are donated to the zoo and it adds that animal to the zoo exhibit.  I accept these 2 probably wont happen.

Yes please. 

1. Better customization tools for building. 

2. Rooms dedicated to simulated missions. This could activates the Dojo Life. and interaction between players in the DOJO.  

3. A general layout that allows people to go in and out piloting his/her railjack



Please DE hire these people. I loved Echo. I would like to see a lore related with Warframe. 




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6 minutes ago, Hayrack said:

Relay style dojo with action and interaction points instead of specific rooms, new decorator, decorative NPCs, yes PLZ. Bare minimum to make dojos feel alive.

I buy this idea 100%


I wonder why DE never thought of this before, lol. I think they did but....

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I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've suggested, but I wanted to drop a little tip to help with the Rotation bug that's been plaguing me since I started playing.  Some probably know about it, but hey, if even one person gets some help from this post then it was worth it.   

When you find an item that likes to drift when you rotate it along any of its axes, you can negate it by cycling the grid snapping to zero before you release the rotate button/trigger.  To explain in detail, on ps4 to rotate an item you have to hold L2, you can then rotate the item with the stick and change the snapping increments with the d-pad.  If your item likes to drift, once you get the item in the desired angle, while still holding L2, use the d-pad to cycle the snapping angle to 0.  Once you let go of the button, the item should hold its position.  It's not a fix by any means, but I hope it helps anyone that's been dealing with this problem. 


As for suggestions, a minor one would be a counter somewhere on the stats page showing just how many rooms we have so we know when we're nearing the 128 room limit.  I'm always afraid of adding another hallway to an area with enough space for one of the newly added rooms but once I get their it'll just tell me I've hit a limit.  

Also, giving the build camera a no clip option. Some types of builds just can't be done once items have been built as sometimes you just have to go inside an item to get an angle right or force a prop to clip into something.  I know this was a big problem for a large clan when an update messed with the walls of a maze they had built (the same update that broke the lighting and has yet to be fixed), so they had to deconstruct the entire thing because they couldn't reposition the walls back onto their proper places because of everything wonky hit boxes.   The hit boxes of items and props have always been very hit or miss, but I'd imagine adding a no clip toggle would be leagues easier than having to dredge through hundreds of items to tweak collision data.   It's a very simple fix to a very major issue.  I know DE doesn't want players to go out of bounds for builds anymore, which is why they added the new Space Room, but even with it people are going to continue doing out of bounds builds one way or another, so why even fight it? 

And one more thing.  Please, for the love of all that is holy, when you make new rooms could you at least make sure things are symmetrical?  Be it some of the hallways and the fact that the floor and the ceiling are misaligned, the Sun in Navigation not be centered properly, or the new Entrati and its baked in props not being connected properly (picture below), there's a slough of these little minor things that once you see them you'll never be able to NOT see them after.  




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