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Tombfinger Primary - did I just waste 5 forma?



Leveling my Solaris rep and decided to look into what Kitgun might be fun to try out. 

Googled something like "best Kitguns" and got a lot of videos on Catchmoons and Tombfingers. Poked around a bit and watched some videos from mid June of this year that made the gun look awesome, kind of like a Semi-automatic shotgun that was 3-shotting 170 Heavy Gunners and melting level 100 guys without a Riven. 

So I went all in, dumped 5 forma into this thing, only lacking a Hunter Munitions mod- and took it for a test drive in Deimos 5-star bounty- and it completely sucks. I mean, I think my Fulmin I've dumped one Forma into does more damage. The secondary fire is fine, but my Bramma, does like 5x more damage and if the regular fire is worthless I'd just assume use the Bramma. 

Tried some build on Overframe.gg with similar mods, and the paper DPS is like 2x what I get when I input the exact same mods on a new build (although it says the build was updated less than a month ago). 


Did something massive change with this gun? If I can't trust content that's less than 2 months old I feel pretty lost.


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9 answers to this question

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3 minutes ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

Most enemies on Deimos resist 75% of radiation damage and 25% of Impact damage, the two biggest damage types innate to the Tombfinger. Those that have rad weak armor are still 25% resistant to rad damage overall, so there's also that. Try using it on Heavy Gunners or the Plains of Eidolon.

Not to mention that basically all Deimos enemies are immune to Viral status.

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Adding on to this, a lot of builds showcase using 4 Vigilante set mods on the companion's primary as well as just the gun. But yeah, as others have said Open World enemies are just tankier then normal, and Deimos would be the worst place for a base radiation gun.

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EDIT: I guess Tremor is just way better than Brash

Fair enough on the Demios issue, but how come I'm looking at this video and this guy's sheet damage with a Tremor Grip is:

182 Impact
124 radiation 
553 viral
1635 Total

My Brash, with the exact same mods, minus Hunter Munitions is only.

79 Impact
21 Radition
181 Viral
535 Total

His Firerate is 3.4 where ins 3.77, but does Tremor get him 3x the base damage? I'm using Splat over his Killstream (but that's just magazine size vs. reload speed, not damage).

He's doing 10-20k crits and I'm hitting like 2k-4k on lvl 60 Grineer.





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5 minutes ago, setcamper said:

Fair enough on the Demios issue, but how come I'm looking at this video and this guy's sheet damage with a Tremor Grip is:

182 Impact
124 radiation 
553 viral
1635 Total

My Brash, with the exact same mods, minus Hunter Munitions is only.

79 Impact
21 Radition
181 Viral
535 Total

His Firerate is 3.4 where ins 3.77, but does Tremor get him 3x the base damage? I'm using Splat over his Killstream (but that's just magazine size vs. reload speed, not damage).

He's doing 10-20k crits and I'm hitting like 2k-4k on lvl 60 Grineer.





That video is out-dated. The grips received multiple changes around the weeks

I'll sum it up to you.

Brash grips are good for CHARGE shots.
Tremor grips are good for QUICK shots.

Conflicting? This is because I am taking mods into account. Brash grips does not need fire rate mods, so it can stack more damage and do better at charge shots.
Tremor on the other hand needs a fire rate mod. Its already decent base damage lets it out damage the brash on quick shots, but not charge shots because its still too slow regardless.


Also, you are missing Hunter munitions. Hunter munitions is absolutely overpowered and you should put it in.


Deimos enemies are resistant to viral. Try corrosive and heat instead.

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13 hours ago, setcamper said:

So I went all in, dumped 5 forma into this thing, only lacking a Hunter Munitions mod- and took it for a test drive in Deimos 5-star bounty- and it completely sucks.

If your weapon has high critical chance, Hunter Munitions is one possible solution to solving the problem of high-level armor.  The fact that this mod is not on your build when you're testing means you are using a drastically different weapon, one that has a notable problem.  That's certainly a huge reason why your weapon isn't working well right now.  I'm really surprised that more people in this thread aren't pointing this out.

Also it's unfair to compare the Kuva Bramma to most other weapons, it only has 5 ammo and requires a charge-up due to the bonkers damage it does (even in its nerfed state).

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