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"Cancel" button for subsuming


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Please add a button that lets us cancel/refund subsumptions in progress, like how we cancel things being built in the foundry.

I've been subsuming a warframe every day for the past few weeks, but today I screwed up and forgot to swap to an unleveled frame.

So goodbye forma'd Xaku, orokin reactor, bile, and additional purchased color configs. Time to farm all of your damn parts again.

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That must hurt but there is a confirm button...I mean you have to physically type in  the word c o n f i r m 

However when a person does something totally by mistake and submits a request for help De are pretty quick to respond. I made a stupid mistake about a year ago. Purchased a mod fused it with endo and then whilst in the mod tab proceeded to swap out duplicates for endo. Bye Bye to my new shiny mod. I made the mistake forgetting to deselect the new shiny.

DE got back to me within 24 hours and put the mod back into my inventory along with the request to please be more careful in the future.

I would submit such a help request. De can see what a person has done if they are quick enough and not let too much time elapse.

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