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What was your most loyal first time equipment?


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I just want to know how people did on their star chart the initial one or maybe you can include something that you found love for thanks to steel path, which frames you picked up and helped you a lot while playing, also which weapons did you use, have you also used a companion, and other stuff like that.

Mine was Gara, tigris, atomos, galatine and heat sword and i used a Shade for most of my starchart

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I used to love the Latron. Then they had the Latron Prime then the Latron Vandal and then my Latron crafted in to a Tiberon and then the Tirberon prime is my most used weapon today.

I haven't used Volt since the prime came out in 2015 and it is still my most used frame.

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The Lex. And then soon after that the Lex Prime. Power creep slowly has levied out my old reliable. Nowhere near as good as it used to be compared to the pyrana prime, which has become my new hotness.
As for my primary, the Latron took seat and so did its prime variant until the Vectis and its prime variant booted it out as well. I still use my Vectis Prime due to the riven I have edging it out over my Rubico Prime in consistent damage output.
I used to use the Tipedo a lot in the old days. Not because it was a really good coptering weapon, but because it was a bladed paddle and used to make loud whacks like a paddle but did slash damage. It was nice, but it got ruined by them changing the sound. Made me so sad. Nowadays I vary a lot with my melee. Usually around what weapon type I wanna use and not the actual weapon itself.

And for Warframes, Frost. He was a king back in the day. A safe pick in every single situation. Then damage took over. Now he's collecting dust in my personal quarters in a tube. But, like, he's not that useful anymore.

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Don't really remember what I used 5 years ago, but I recall using the Boltor, later the Prime, and Vasto/Lex and dual daggers which I can't remember the name of... fang? fangs? Something like that.

Together with Nyx, all the way till Master ~7 when I joined my clan and met a lot of people I'm still playing together with to this day, although not as often.


...aaaand then the clan fell apart because the leader was a maniac trying to re-create some sort of Eve-style global alliance by dictatorship and we ended up forming an alliance ourselves after we made 2 seperate clans.

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During my initial missions back in U13 or so I crafted the Galatine as my very first weapons and used it to clear most of the starter planets, then moved on to the Latron Prime gifted by a clan member. And that one's still being used from time to time.

As for my most loyal equipment (and most loved), it is the Ack & Brunt. Done so many great things with it: Endless raids of all kinds, nightmare alerts, special alerts, hour-long survivals, nightwave, boss fights, great portion of the star chart, etc. ...

My most beloved warframe was, is and will be Loki Prime with his loadout consisting of the Vectis Prime, Lex Prime, Ack & Brunt and the Helios Prime.

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I still have fond memories of my dear Karak. Even though I used Tigris more for clearing the star chart my mind keeps wandering back to those ra-ta-ta-ta days.

Melee-wise I actually created my account back in 2015-16 I think? When I came back earlier this year I found out I had the Ether Swords. Apparently I had spent my starting plat on them... They were a trusty pair of swords.

Also, of all the frames Nyx helped my the most. Then again, I play solo so Chaos was a godsend on many a mission.

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Hard to remember what gear I used nearly 5-6 years ago. I signed up in 2014 and first played back then, but after two missions I stopped playing because my computer couldn't run the game properly. I returned a few months later with a better computer, when Nyx Prime was added.

I remember starting with Loki, MK1-Braton, MK1-Lato and MK1-Skana. Rhino is the first warframe I got and he's my second most used warframe to date after Frost Prime which I used about twice as much. Last time I used Rhino (not prime) was nearly 4-5 years ago and I sold it back then because I got Rhino Prime. Rhino Prime is somewhere in my 20 most used warframes mainly because my playstyle changed and I got to use more warframes.

As far as weapons goes, I barely remember anything. I remember I used to love the Sicarus pistol and I still use the Glaive Prime to this day. I used to love the Kronen when it was first added. I don't remember a primery weapon that really surprised me with how much I loved to use it. I have my preferences of course, but nothing that stands out to me that was meaningful... The Torid is awesome, but it's not a weapon that carried me through the game as much as a lot of other weapons.

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Man, it's been so long I can't remember. Let's see, starters were Excal, Mk-1 Paris, Mk-1 Kunai and Mk-1 Bo. I've gone through a bunch of favorite primaries and melees, so those have fallen to 14th place for Paris and 24th place for Bo (I like a lot of melees), but the Mk-1 Kunai have retained 5th.

  • While I've not used it since aquiring the Sancti variant, the regular Tigris is still rightfully at 4th place; with it's kiddo a gold medalist.
  • The Lex Prime is still somehow my most used secondary by a large margain...I've no idea how...I don't really even like it that much. Let's just pretend it's Zakti, now that one I actually love...I do hate that DE added a stagger to it, but I still love the gun.
  • Picking a melee is complicated for me...especialy with how times have changed for them. Mios is still 6th for now, but I mostly liked them for quick attacks which are gone. Melee 2.99999 also drasticaly reduced the range of Ninkodi's dash combo...RIP. The Bo is no longer a stick and just a stick is all I ever wanted from it. Had a thing for Anku, Kronen, and Redeemer once. A Destreza charge attack build before charge attack builds were cool, it even sort of did coptering, funny how that was my first exposure to coptering. Still waiting on a Prime version of Silva & Aegis... One day I am gonna have Dual Scoliac and pretend they are the Blades of Chaos. Never really dropped Tonbo though, other polearms just don't do it for me.

If we include companions, there is not a place I haven't gone to without my trusty huras Blade Wolf.



She is a good girl and yes. In this time-line, Blade Wolf is a she...don't tell her I told you that, dang tomboy.


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My first "real" load out was Saryn Prime with Ignis Wraith, Staticor and spin to win Atterax. 

Saryn was a great aoe dps frame that also excelled at melee. With corrosive, viral and toxic in Saryn's kit it was a perfect match for healing return and condition overload. I felt invincible with regenerative molt and healing return on my memeing strike Atterax.

I had blast damage on my Staticor so if I got overwhelmed I could spam Staticor at my feet and give myself some breathing room. Spam Molt to get some health and draw aggro then back to endless slide attacks. I also built My Ignis for blast. I miss old blast damage, it provided good cc to any frame and saved my ass more than once.

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I'd normally say my beloved powerhouse Limbo, but in all honesty Excalibur was MVP for any content I struggled with in the early days. Limbo was a tad tricky to learn to a point where I enjoyed him, y'know, let alone get to a viable level. So it's Excal that saw me through the Second Dream and the War Within.


As for weapons, I'm not sure what specifically I used, save that I put a lot of effort into getting my hands on a Nikana Prime, so I think I held on to it for a long time.  Also, that I stubbornly refused to use firearms at first because of pre-concieved biases towards specifically shooter games (I only was interested in Melee and Powers when I got into Warframe. How things have changed), so I went through a lot more melee weapons than guns. As such, I think I 'used' the Mk1-Braton and Mk1-Kunai throughout the starchart for that reason.

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Rhino Prime, Dera Vandal, Lex Prime and various mele weapons.

rhino prime was a frame I knew I wanted before I even started playing, because I like "heavy" or tanky characters in games (unless it's a soulsborne-type game, then it's evasion and fast attacks.)

Dera Vandal was my first decent Primary, got it from Tubemen of Regor, and that little lasergun carried me through the rets of the starmap. I also had a soft spot for bows, because pinning enemies to walls is great fun, nowadays 'll use nearly anything but I love some of the more recent LMG-type Rifles like Quellor and Trumna. especially Trumna....

Lex Prime was my preferred Secondary because I like high-caliber handguns (magnum revolvers, Desert Eagles, that sort of thing: practical? no, but they're cool and they kill things in one shot!). I kept begging for YEARS to get Aklex Prime in game and was more excited when it arrived than I was for any updates around that time. I still take them or AkVasto prime (also something I wanted) on story quests or Secondary Only Sorties. 

my go-to  Melee has changed so many times I don't remember them all. I remember my first built one was Dual Ether Swords (which I still have), then being hyped for Galatine, big sword are cool, and also Dragon Nikana, back when it was the best Nikana. (description says it's "a master's weapon" I wanted me some of that!). then various polearms, then Galatine Prime; took a LONG time to put that down, and now I'm particularly liking the Tatsu, because it scratches the Weeb itch AND the big Sword itch at the same time, I just wish we had another stance. Wise Razor's OK but I'd prefer the standing "swordflip" combo and moving forward combo to be swapped.

honorable mentions:

Frames: Nekros Prime, Mesa, Mesa Prime, Vauban Prime.

Primary: Tigris (all 3 versions, my preferred shotgun even though it's surpassed by others), Soma Prime, Supra Vandal (always makes me smile) Sybaris (all 3 versions, but especially Dex Sybaris)

Secondary (Vasto and Vasto prime, Lato Vandal, Twin Grakatas

melee: Guandao (hopefully primed soon), Cassowar, Pangolin Sword (vanilla only, I think it looks better than Prime), Nikana prime, Jat Kittag.



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Rhino, Latron (Later Soma), Angstrum, Jat Kittag. That was what I had as my "main" loadout years back. The Angstrum was new-ish and I just happened to have a couple of argon crystals (Without even knowing where I got them) so I could build it as one of my first crafted weapons.

I didn't even know the Soma was a meta weapon at the time, I just saw it locked at MR6 and really wanted it solely because it was a high capacity machine gun.

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