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Host migrations intensifies (seriously serious)


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for the last week, I've been running a lot of Steel Path survival, usually 2-3h long, and with every single day, it's getting worse and worse.

Almost every run, someone gets disconnected, host migration is almost guaranteed, I'm not sure if there is a problem with the Steel Path that the p2p connection will start to bug out, but this isn't funny anymore.

There are multiple types of runs:

- Sometimes only one player gets disconnected, so we finish the run without him.

- Sometimes 1 player gets disconnected, several minutes later, another player gets disconnected, in the end it's just me and the host, or I get disconnected too.

- Sometimes someone gets disconnected and the next "chosen" guy is me.

- Sometimes the game will decide to throw me out first.

- Sometimes what did happend to me is, that I get host migration twice in a row (like in two runs in a row).


One would say that it's because hosts poor connection, I am getting this almost every single run, even when my ping is around 40 max with the host, and it's working great, until one moment when the session starts to bug out or I just don't know. My internet is stable and working good, I can even see, while I am getting host migration, how they type in the chat, then what's the problem ? For me, "all systems are nominal" , everytime when I get a host migration, I go and to check my net, completely nothing is wrong with it, it's stable.


Usually I'll get migrated and I just save my progress (loot) , so at least I will not lose my loot, this time, when hotfix 29.2.0 dropped, it kicked one guy, and few mins later even me, but thanks to the hotifx, I lost all loot and instead of a new session, I got kicked out to my orbiter as "mission failed" , almost two hours of progress (loot) completely lost.


Feel free to check the logs (if you have any) by my account , I am doing almost only Ophelia SP Survival.

PC , Europe region .

Note : I have saved my EE.log, if there is someone from the staff willing to take a look , I can create a support ticket, tell me what you want from me to make it identifiable.

Note 2: I've decided to send my EE.log anyway as a ticket.

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