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We need a new boss fight


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I actually love Eidolon hunts, for me it's the best content in the game, and I wish to see something similar to it.

Not like Profit Taker and Orb Mother, they were so boring and not as hard as Eidolon hunt.

Eidolon hunt rely on teamwork and timing which Orb Vallis bosses lack these things, you can kill them easily and randomly with zero teamwork.

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I go back and forth on grand bosses. On one hand, they're grand as hell, and it'd be nice to have something massive to kill, especially being the Infested.


On the other hand, DE's idea of a challenging boss tends to come down to "fill the screen with eye poison so you have no idea wtf is happening or what's really killing you"



if we see a boss, I wouldn't mind something Railjack related. Something truly epic and big that forces players to rely on their big guns, their space ship with their mounted turrets designed to rip through ship hulls.

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I would take trials back anytime over eidolon hunts, never had the feeling that I need teamwork or anything like that for eidolons.

Trials on the other hand allowed you to play as a team of eight, which was pretty chill and wasnt just the usual gearcheck, that you face with all open world bosses. At least in my opinion.

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I hope the next boss fight doesn't have 20-30 enemies spawn-in constantly and cause lag.

Tridolon was perfect. Even if I play at 200+ ping, my games were still smooth with only slightly of delay between transference. But for the Profit taker, even at 100 ping I constantly feeling the micro shutter. I also run at low setting, so it can't be the graphical lag if I average above 100+ FPS.

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I personally dislike eidolons, 

Too much migraine inducing activity happens on screen with bright lights on dark backgrounds. 

And though I won't say it doesn't need teamwork, what it needs more is the right squad build over teamwork. 

You can solo them with the right frame and weapons, but you will be less efficient the more you deviate from that squad build. 

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1 hour ago, 7amed said:

I actually love Eidolon hunts, for me it's the best content in the game, and I wish to see something similar to it.

Not like Profit Taker and Orb Mother, they were so boring and not as hard as Eidolon hunt.

Eidolon hunt rely on teamwork and timing which Orb Vallis bosses lack these things, you can kill them easily and randomly with zero teamwork.

more like time gate keeping it to 55 mins at night so only players lucky get to be there get to tridolon hunt. team work more like the same harrow, trinity, chroma and volt meta. besides you can solo 3x3 with volt alone, so i would hardy call it teamwork. at least profit taker and orb mother are not gated behind luck of the draw night/day cycle nor do they require you to be forced into going operator and amp mode here. their best boss fights are the ones like kela, tyl regor, jackals and ambulas. give the new bosses debuffs, cc and henchmen to back em up while they fight us. some of the best fights are in steel path against bosses in my opinion. 

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23 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I personally dislike eidolons, 

Too much migraine inducing activity happens on screen with bright lights on dark backgrounds. 

And though I won't say it doesn't need teamwork, what it needs more is the right squad build over teamwork. 

You can solo them with the right frame and weapons, but you will be less efficient the more you deviate from that squad build. 

I turn off bloom and ability intensity down to 30%. I also raise brightness and slightly lower contract. My screen looks "washed" but its much easier for the eye than default setting.

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Yea definitely the best fight this game has. It's so satisfying to Propa bomb that shield and watch it flash red to whip out the sniper and crack that Synovia.

The whole fight is aesthetically and mechanically pleasing as well, but sometimes I feel bad when the eidolon screams. It seems like a gentle giant just walking around, and imagine getting your kneecap blown out :(

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2 hours ago, (PS4)GingyGreen said:

I go back and forth on grand bosses. On one hand, they're grand as hell, and it'd be nice to have something massive to kill, especially being the Infested.


On the other hand, DE's idea of a challenging boss tends to come down to "fill the screen with eye poison so you have no idea wtf is happening or what's really killing you"



if we see a boss, I wouldn't mind something Railjack related. Something truly epic and big that forces players to rely on their big guns, their space ship with their mounted turrets designed to rip through ship hulls.

That comes with experience, and more Focus, because you need to be able to stay in Void Mode longer to avoid all that damage. It's all under the "behavior" tab though: 



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I am still hoping for the "NEW WAR" to be awesome.

I imagined a never ending space fight, a huge space battle field that you can join with your Railjack at any time. A global never ending mission where players join and leave with their own Railjacks and fight together against gigantic sentient battleships.


I personally love the Eidolon fights on PoE. They are easy to learn, hard to master. But they are always fair and you get time to breathe during the battle (not talking about 6x3 parties but rather the common solo experience).

The profit taker fight in comparison is a slaughterfest where you either survive long enough to see the boss die or run out of revives within a few minutes. What has always put me off was that you don´t even see the damage coming during the PT fight. It´s either "constantly move" or "die".

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while warframe is primarily Co-op, teamwork is never guaranteed, and DE seem to develop around modes being DPS fests, like with ESO and Granum Void. that's not to say we won't get another grand boss fight, and I would love it if Fass and/or Vome became the world bosses for Deimos. do I think DE would make it require anything other than bringing all the damage reduction and DPS and shoot it until it dies? no, I don't.

anyway, there's still starmap bosses LONG overdue for a rework, looking at you Sarge and Phorid.

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I'm confused how soloable content requires teamwork. If teamwork being a requirement makes a good boss fight, then Eidolons are horrible by this standard.

I personally found Eidolons to be boring, when you first start, it's so slow and drawn out. When you're geared a good portion of it ends up being moving back and forth, watching slow animations, and loading (to restart).

With how DE has designed the game, one singular enemy doesn't work well. They're all un-interactive and either feel like they die too slow or just die too fast with their life being extended through long animations and phases like Eidolons and co. DE even has a couple that are basically glorified cut scenes (jackal, one of the orbs).

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