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Why are curse words censored



Some apparent reason a 17+ game censor curse words why I mean I get younger people will even thou there is gore this would be fine if it weren't for nora when complete a challenge sometimes nora says look at these badasses do you want your game to have curse words or not make your godam mind DE

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Well, there is the profanity filter you can turn off.
The reason other countries would be an issue as well is that they all have difference cultural ideas on what cussing is, and that can effect the game rating. Some countries are more open about cussing, some about gore ect.

Even in places where cussing is fine, not everyone likes to read the f bomb every 10 seconds from people that fail to be able to communicate in any other way. I mean I cuss too, but some take it to far.

.... and lastly, some people like to use banned words just to be edgy and get people riled up. Blocking some of them can help make the entire chat space feel more welcoming.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

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On 2020-10-01 at 9:25 PM, (PS4)amazing021throne said:

Some apparent reason a 17+ game censor curse words why I mean I get younger people will even thou there is gore this would be fine if it weren't for nora when complete a challenge sometimes nora says look at these badasses do you want your game to have curse words or not make your godam mind DE

Like most games cursing and gore is optional.

The only words you are actually really not allowed to use are words that are discriminatory(trap, n-word and such) or just straight up rude("#*!% you you A******"). You can very well get banned for speaking out like this.

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The amount of learned obedience that Warframe and Destiny players pick up is embarrassing. You're not more of an adult because you do as you're told, or because you don't complain about things. The blocking out of curse words by default is childish, but many people would rather have the decision made for them, or because they are of the mind that is easily offended. Do also remember people have gotten banned for out of context reasons, or words certain groups of people decide is offensive now, and sit on the moderation board banning people for saying them. 

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even with that bad word filter disabled, just make sure you dont say some 4 letter words that still get you banned regardless, such as the word "t**p", tbh, id keep that filter on, then disable all chats possible except for clan/alliance, then forget about chat and all the people on it altogether.

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Content rating does not extend to social interaction within the product’s service environment. The service provider conditions and regulates the terms under which the service is used.
The regulations have been stated within the legal documents you've had to agree with upon installing this game. If you need a cuss crutch within your sentences, or feel safer surrounded by those that do, feel free to remove the automatic chat censor which can be done by unticking it in the Chat subsection of the Options menu within the game. 
However, bear in mind that the social interaction sanctions still apply and going overboard with edgy enthusiasm might bring unwanted results.

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You do know which English words are the "naughty" ones that you probably shouldn't use in polite company. Those are the ones that get autocensored, because not everyone wants to be constantly exposed to people cursing. 

They also tend to be in the list of the ones that are likely to result in you getting chat banned if you use them in the public chats. 


Since it's extremely unlikely that DE will change their policies, and our continued use of the game rests on obeying those policies (which we agreed to do when we signed up) it's in your best interests to learn a few new words. 

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You’re familiar with the Golden Rule - the guy with the gold makes the rules? It’s like that. DE is the authority when it comes to their game, and that’s what they’ve decided. They get to do that. 

(Put more bluntly, why does a dog lick his b***s? Because he can. It’s like that.)

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)amazing021throne said:

Some apparent reason a 17+ game censor curse words why I mean I get younger people will even thou there is gore this would be fine if it weren't for nora when complete a challenge sometimes nora says look at these badasses do you want your game to have curse words or not make your godam mind DE

You can turn that off...  It's in the chat options screen.

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