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Stahlta IPS Needs Fixing


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I absolutely love the Stahlta. It's such a unique weapon with an amazing idea behind it. I love shooting steel rods into enemies, I love the absolutely godlike sound design, and much more.

However I have a massive problem with this weapon; it's IPS. Here's the layout:

7.3 Impact

16.6 Puncture

28.1 Slash

Now think for a second. What are you firing? STEEL RODS. So why the absolute hell does it have slash as it's highest value by far? Puncture should be 70-80% of the Stahlta's damage, with the remainder being Impact. Here's how it should look from a realistic standpoint:

13 Impact

39 Puncture (I just used 75% of the total damage for an example)

I know what all of you meta slaves are asking right now: "Where's my slash?" Well if you know how Warframe mechanics and mods work, you'd know that Hunter Munitions gives the majority of the slash damage on almost every primary weapon anyway, so it's not needed at all on the Stahlta. And as I've pointed out, it hurts the weapon more than anything as it means less elemental procs, and less individuality, plus the fact that everytime I see the slash in the arsenal I just shake my head from the lack of logic.

It's a super quick and easy fix as it's literally just adjusting values, yet it would further cement the Stahlta as a unique and amazingly designed weapon.

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