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Personality Quirks in Liches should be common or guaranteed rather than rare, for variety + engagement


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Since Liches were introduced, I've gone through 32 Liches, of those 32 only 8 have spawned with a personality / "quirk". A Lich demands moderate to high investment from a player depending on where they are in the star chart or how prepared to hunt Liches they are. While a player has a Lich active that Lich never stops talking. This is somewhat unfortunate because a Lich's lines are by default only divided by one variable - whether it's male or female, and that means that whatever a Lich has to say gets run through and old very quickly.

Even if all a player wants out of the Lich system is weapons, getting one of each weapon means spawning and burning through 16 Liches, and hearing the exact same lines over and over again with the only personality variance being dumb (male) or arrogant (female). This isn't endearing. If I'm hunting Liches I mute the game, because hearing the exact same lines over and over isn't fun. What is fun is Lich quirks. I actually look forward to a Lich encounter when my Lich has a quirk, whether its wigging out over nature or, most recently, quailing at the presence of a Kubrow - it's funny and makes the Lich seem like more than just another target with something I want.

Liches should come with quirks by default, it makes them more interesting. The lack of a quirk should itself be a quirk, rather than the default.

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