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Appeal To Devs For Operator Loadouts


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I've played this game for like 4 years and was always frustrated i have to swap around operator arcanes/ even amps can vary on what I'm doing, and usually coincide with my load outs, so having a "operator" section of the load out instead of just focus school, would be great. Then adjusting from Eidolon Time gated things, to having a different amp/arcanes for taking on rapolyst/Profit taker, to having a diff amp/arcanes for general content.
Just me though, Let me know if I'm alone in this .

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On 2020-10-03 at 7:06 PM, RipDaPip.TTV said:

I've played this game for like 4 years and was always frustrated i have to swap around operator arcanes/ even amps can vary on what I'm doing, and usually coincide with my load outs, so having a "operator" section of the load out instead of just focus school, would be great. Then adjusting from Eidolon Time gated things, to having a different amp/arcanes for taking on rapolyst/Profit taker, to having a diff amp/arcanes for general content.
Just me though, Let me know if I'm alone in this .

You say that and we'll at most end up with what we got with Archwings. They appear to be a loadout selected within a loadout, but it's not.. why the UI implies one thing and does something else is beyond me.

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I would actually love this, especially if we could have multiple loadouts that INCLUDED the facial selections such as hair, face shape, skin color etc. I'm part of a really fun roleplay group here and I currently play as two characters. One is male and one is female. We tie in the roleplay with in game missions and such so I'm always forced to spend 5-10 minutes going in to change my operator's gender and appearance. Using a ton of screenshots of the customizations is also REALLY not fun 😭 

And when I finish and finally join the mission, I realize I forgot to change their voice which is super awkward haha. 

Please let us have loadout presets like this. I love that we have presets for the clothing but it would be more helpful if we could bring it all together like Rip suggested above. Please and thank you DE 💖

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