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New Corpus Ship Map GLITCHES ALL THE TIME for Fissure / Reactant Missions


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It has come to the point that when a Fissure Survival is happening on the new Corpus Ship / Fleet map we just don't even bother.
This is because the likelihood of a glitch happening is higher than it NOT happening.  75% of the time - NO JOKE - something goes wrong.

I literally JUST finished 5 minutes on V-Prime for a Lith Survival, I personally retrieved all 10 of the reactant for my squad mates, and when the 5 minutes was up I was not included in the "pick your reward" - nothing even though I was the 1st one to 10 / 10 reactant.  
OFTEN on this map the enemies just DO NOT SPAWN, and if they do spawn the "Fissure" bursts are so spread out and in such weird places that they do NOT "corrupt" the enemies.  
Far Far More than any other map set in the game, fissure missions are a BUST on the new Corpus Fleet maps.


The new Corpus Ship fleet map CONSTANTLY has fissure mission / reactant glitches.
Easily 20x the number of Fissure missions where the enemies either do not show up (so you cannot get 10 at all) or stuff like what I just described happens.
Sadly, NO, Speed Nova does not fix this.... It Is a GLITCH.

Anyway,  I meet a LOT of people who say the same thing, so I figured its time to post a Bug Report about it.

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