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What is The Business doing with the animals we aquire in Plains conservation ?


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>Population levels of the Plains Kuaka are in no danger of dipping, and this one’s services are required elsewhere. So, off they go.

>Scavengers prevent the spread of disease and pathogens. The Business is wise to collect them… but why? Surely he could not be populating some far-away Moh of his own?

Is this just an unused lore/potential gameplay mechanic in Fortuna, much like the spider orb in water ?


Also as a sidenote, after the Daimos conservation and accidental killings of its animals, Master Teasonai is a breath of fresh air:

"Sometimes we fail, despite our best efforts."

"That is unfortunate. But we should try again."

"And so it goes. I’m sorry, little friend."

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Probably send them to a controlled environment where they can live and not have to worry about Corpus killing them

Would be cool to have the ability visit those environments, something akin to MGS V conservation platforms. Or maybe something like The Leverian, but Biz or Son narrating the lore of each animal.

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Just now, Zzz-Somnus-zzZ said:

Well the Ostrons have meat from the tower as sustenance, always wondered what the organics in Fortuna eat...

From my understanding, its a pretty natural eco-system. With few notable expetions of course, like the grineer and rogue concords.

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1 hour ago, LoneDirewolf said:

>Scavengers prevent the spread of disease and pathogens. The Business is wise to collect them… but why? Surely he could not be populating some far-away Moh of his own?

You seem to forget who The Business is/was. Once you think about it, the answer to your question is obvious: Bioweapons development.

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1 hour ago, Zzz-Somnus-zzZ said:

Well the Ostrons have meat from the tower as sustenance, always wondered what the Solaris in Fortuna eat...

They make reference to nutrient canisters. Probably sold to them for exorbitant prices, of course.

1 hour ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

You seem to forget who The Business is/was. Once you think about it, the answer to your question is obvious: Bioweapons development.

How do you get a bioweapon from a rat?

They prevent the spread of disease and pathogens because they eat carrion which houses such diseases. Just like other real-life scavengers and decomposers. It's normal ecology. It doesn't mean they themselves are toxic or particularly dangerous.

15 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Meanwhile I do conservation on Earth, catch a cute little Kuaka and Master Teasonai tells me that it'll make a good water bottle and that they're one of his favourite food dishes...

I mean, he does live in a hunter/gatherer society. Unlike some other societies, the Cetusian Ostrons need to catch much of their food. Hai-Luk's dialogue also supports this - the Unum is their main food source, but she can't provide enough for everyone in Cetus or surrounding Ostron Settlements like the one from 'Awakening'.

Teasonai's just being practical.

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3 hours ago, LoneDirewolf said:

Also as a sidenote, after the Daimos conservation and accidental killings of its animals, Master Teasonai is a breath of fresh air:

Son doesn't even care anymore when I "accidentally" kill conservation targets out in the Drift.  He probably just quietly shakes his head in frustration as my Mallet annihilates another flock of velocipods in a cacophony symphony of destruction.

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18 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

How do you get a bioweapon from a rat?

They prevent the spread of disease and pathogens because they eat carrion which houses such diseases. Just like other real-life scavengers and decomposers. It's normal ecology. It doesn't mean they themselves are toxic or particularly dangerous.

The quote is about a condroc (a bird, not a rat), but that's an irrelevant detail.

Firstly, some real-life animals can be disease carriers while being immune to them. So you could study whatever they are carrying. Secondly, if the animal is immune to a contagion, you can study the mechanisms that make it immune in order to engineer a better contagion. Thirdly, you can use them for spreading the engineered contagion by infecting them and releasing them in a carefully chosen spot. Fourthly, there's always animal testing to be done.

And finally (and most importantly), you are taking this thread WAY too seriously. Master Tesonai's lines were made to amuse the players. Part of it is about how Tesonai thinks of The Business as some tree-hugging hippy, without contemplating his past.


"The Business has no stomach for the population control necessary in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. I fear for whatever sanctuary he is building."

This thread just plays around with this part of the lore for everyone's fun and enjoyment. No need to set up a fully-qualified scientific basis for all of it.

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2 hours ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Meanwhile I do conservation on Earth, catch a cute little Kuaka and Master Teasonai tells me that it'll make a good water bottle and that they're one of his favourite food dishes...

"I once knew a hunter who, in dire straits, walked many days using two of these animals as shoes."

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well, the most sensible thing I can think of would be to offer them as domestic pets for Corpus. I think he'd be selling them so as to ensure he doesn't end up in further debt and getting Brain-Shelved. but he could totally make Anti-Personnel Mine Kuakas, or Kamikaze Condrocs if he wanted to... Russians did it IRL with "Anti-Tank Dogs," soo.. *grabs duct tape and C4* better go do some "conservation"!

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I never cared about what he was doing with the things. I always wondered why I was asked to go chase these little fuzzy animals around. 

Do they know what I am, what I was built for, the things I've seen and done?. I've been to Void and killed over a million corrupted soldiers of Vor. Twice as many Grinner have fallen to my blade. I didn't think twice about. I felt no remorse. I enjoyed every second of it. Yet, they expect me to go catch some cute cuddly creatures. They can't find some other poor bastard in their trash town to do pointless busy work? 

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