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new loka. outside of what they give you is there any reason to like them?


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but no seriously every time i hear someone on YouTube mention them its to say they don't like them. like even reb wont ally with em

and to be honest i feel the exact same, they are a bunch of stuck up hippies who treat anyone who disagrees with them like garbage and there motives can be boiled down to "we don't like the Orkin and there tech stuff cuz it doesn't make sense" where as most other groups have a real motive like the paragon sequence wants peace and money, steel meridian is a resistance force, suda wants to know stuff etc.

this is my opinion but i am open to hear the other side of the argument. so for any of you new loka fans

tell my why 

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Well I'm from the Pacific Northwest, so I easily identified with them. 

Sorry hippies exist and we can't all be Wolfs of Wall Street here to exploit everyone and your children. 

When and if humans go extinct, it's the earth and Mother Nature that will still be standing to grow anew. You're just an ant on a floating rock. That rock allows you to live. 


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The worst thing about the We're Totally Not Space Nazis, We Swear Club is that for whatever reason, DE decided to make them the direct allies of Perrin Sequence. And since Perrin are my bois, that means I have to ally with them.

They talk about how much they hate overreliance on technology... and then squat in our relays.

They talk about how much they hate the Orokin for their 'technological corruption'... but have no problem looking to us, the Tenno, to solve their problems. They also told us to go and kill the Silver Grove... right up until they found out it was sympathetic to their cause. Then, all of a sudden, it was perfectly alright and needed to be protected.

They believe in the purity of the human form... and yet their death squad is a pack of infested ancients. Not to mention how, during the Pacifism Defect, their sole reason for wanting the kavors' coordinates was so they could be 'purified,' i.e., slaughtered for being Grineer. Despite just wanting to be left alone to live their lives.

In short, no, there isn't any reason at all outside of the weapons to back New Loka. They're awful.

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26 minutes ago, simon_goldshark said:

but no seriously every time i hear someone on YouTube mention them its to say they don't like them. like even reb wont ally with em

and to be honest i feel the exact same, they are a bunch of stuck up hippies who treat anyone who disagrees with them like garbage and there motives can be boiled down to "we don't like the Orkin and there tech stuff cuz it doesn't make sense" where as most other groups have a real motive like the paragon sequence wants money, steel meridian is a resistance force, suda wants to know S#&$ etc.

this is my opinion but i am open to hear the other side of the argument. so for any of you new loka fans

tell my why 

New Loka ( aka New World ) want Earth to return to it's natural state and destroy everything they deem non-human or impure (Orokin, their tech, grineer clones, etc). The fact is, that's 99.99% of the current universe.

Unless your RPing to blindly follow the Lotus, you're only there for the mods and arch-weapon pieces.

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You know, I'm straight up Red Veil, and it makes all the sense in the world for my closest ally to be the very militant Steel Meridian. At the end of the day though, what are we fighting for?  The people of Earth, the people of Venus - people making the Earth livable again dovetails quite nicely into a long-term outlook of restoration. Maybe this is the time to burn away corruption, but New Loka is philosophically on-track, maybe their timing is off...:redveil: + :meridian: + :loka:

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New Loka is my primary syndicate. While the I do not agree with some of their views, and admit they can be extreme. I do agree with most of their ideas and mindset.

New Loka believes that earth should be restored and that Orokin technology does more harm than good. They do not want to lose what makes us human. Which I can relate too as I do see the dangers of Orokin technology and do not want to abandon the earth.

However I do not agree on their view of Grineer being unhuman. I also do not believe all Orokin technology is bad, nor should we get rid of all of it. If you can look past that, they are mostly humanists who just want peace and to keep their humanity. 

Also their leader Amaryn has admitted that the syndicate's doctrines are not always right and will need to be changed. So they are at least willing to change their views. 


They also have a lot of benefits as a syndicate:

- They arguably have the best syndicate specter

- Their weapons are actually very good for syndicate weapons

- You can ally with both the Perrin Sequence and Red Veil without losing standing from any of them

- You do not have to deal with their annoying death squad

- They have the nicest room

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Most of them are hypocritical in some way or the other, and their philosophies tend to be rather extreme sounding in practice. 

Suda would destroy pretty much anything no matter how innocent so she can study it further, even though Suda should know that unethical experiments are corrupting in nature in terms of proper research. 

New Loka and Red Veil are both edge as hell and seem like they should be natural allies. Both pretty much want to purge the world of everything they deem impure. And yet, they forget that paradoxically, anyone who wants to take it upon themselves to "destroy the impure" is essentially part of the corrupt and impure itself. Who watches the watchers? As the expression goes...

Arbiters of Hexis act all high and mighty but don't properly explain their philosophy, and their arbitration missions don't really make sense. At best, they sound high minded but don't seem to really stand for anything, apart from watching tenno struggle a little bit harder in battle. For their own amusement? To make us stronger? For what? Their philosophy, at best, makes no sense. 

Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence at least sort of make sense. Both actually seem like logical breakaway groups with reasonable goals based on where they came from and how they got there. Their behavior is mostly consistent, and the fact they aren't willing to sacrifice anything but robotic soldiers when attacking you speaks volumes about their character. And yet, they make no sense because these two should be natural allies. Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence are both rebel groups from the main faction with very similar philosophies as far as the syndicates go, but their allies are Red Veil (a violent, murderous death cult) and New Loka (another violent, murderous death cult). 

So, I guess my point is, if you really want to RP properly in terms of things making sense or being ethical when it comes to the OG syndicates, you are going to need to have a lot of headcannon, suspend some disbelief and try not to think about it too hard. 



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6 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

And yet, they make no sense because these two should be natural allies.

Their ideas maybe the same but their methods are different. Steel Meridian solves all their problems with force. While Perrin Sequence resolves their problems with diplomacy. Which is why they dislike each other. Also the Corpus and Grinneer naturally hate each other.


9 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

New Loka and Red Veil are both edge as hell and seem like they should be natural allies.

I can understand the Red Veil but why is New Loka considered edgy? I do not see flowers, trees and seeds as edgy.

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3 minutes ago, WH1735S0W said:

Their ideas maybe the same but their methods are different. Steel Meridian solves all their problems with force. While Perrin Sequence resolves their problems with diplomacy. Which is why they dislike each other. Also the Corpus and Grinneer naturally hate each other.


I can understand the Red Veil but why is New Loka considered edgy? I do not see flowers, trees and seeds as edgy.

Well, let me preface by saying, full disclosure: 

I have at one point or another maxed all the syndicates, except right now I am at rank 5 in Perrin and a Mesa Systems away from Rank 5 in New Loka. I almost have all the syandana's lol. 

But anyways, Perrin Sequence and New Loka I intend to stick with from now on, I decided I like that pairing the most, and it's simple I can just do one or the other casually and always get xp for the other. 

But even though I have decided they are one of my top two favorites along with Perrin Sequence, I consider them edgelords for two reasons:

1) Their philosophy is incredible extreme, especially in terms of their desire for "purity" (their own idea of the concept). 

2) They talk about purging, and cleansing and the "impure", which sounds like violent edgelords to me. 

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8 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

1) Their philosophy is incredible extreme, especially in terms of their desire for "purity" (their own idea of the concept). 

2) They talk about purging, and cleansing and the "impure", which sounds like violent edgelords to me. 

That is fair, I thought you mean thematically they are edgelords. Honestly all syndicates seem to be messed up in someway.

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1 hour ago, XRosenkreuz said:

The worst thing about the We're Totally Not Space Nazis, We Swear Club is that for whatever reason, DE decided to make them the direct allies of Perrin Sequence. And since Perrin are my bois, that means I have to ally with them.

They talk about how much they hate overreliance on technology... and then squat in our relays.

They talk about how much they hate the Orokin for their 'technological corruption'... but have no problem looking to us, the Tenno, to solve their problems. They also told us to go and kill the Silver Grove... right up until they found out it was sympathetic to their cause. Then, all of a sudden, it was perfectly alright and needed to be protected.

They believe in the purity of the human form... and yet their death squad is a pack of infested ancients. Not to mention how, during the Pacifism Defect, their sole reason for wanting the kavors' coordinates was so they could be 'purified,' i.e., slaughtered for being Grineer. Despite just wanting to be left alone to live their lives.

In short, no, there isn't any reason at all outside of the weapons to back New Loka. They're awful.

The leader of them, Amaryn, is as far from pure humanity as can be. Humans aren't giants and they surely can't float above water/ground. The "purity" simply means what they want it to believe, like all fanatics. More accurately, what Amaryn wants it to mean. In other words, they are a bunch of unhinged people, especially Amaryn. Maybe Amaryn is secretly an orokin who just wants "pure" humanity as a race of slaves for her benefit/amusement?

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1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence at least sort of make sense. Both actually seem like logical breakaway groups with reasonable goals based on where they came from and how they got there. Their behavior is mostly consistent, and the fact they aren't willing to sacrifice anything but robotic soldiers when attacking you speaks volumes about their character. And yet, they make no sense because these two should be natural allies. Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence are both rebel groups from the main faction with very similar philosophies as far as the syndicates go, but their allies are Red Veil (a violent, murderous death cult) and New Loka (another violent, murderous death cult). 

i do agree with you here and to be fair i really really wish that i could be allies with both perrin sequence and steel meridan since i kinda agree with both

its such a shame that both of there ally's just wanna commit mass murder(not that we tenno dont already do that)

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Me, who only ranked up the Syndicates to get the Arch-gun parts then re-neutralised them, intending to leave them at Neutral forever: "All the other Tenno say is 'Space Nazis, Space Edgelords, Space Skynet and Space Groupies.' I just want to farm relics for Lotus's sake."

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

When and if humans go extinct, it's the earth and Mother Nature that will still be standing to grow anew. You're just an ant on a floating rock. That rock allows you to live. 

ah  but in the context of warframe that isn't applicable sense there are more planets to live on and more races in the solar system 

i dont disagree with what your saying in terms of real life but just in terms of warframe

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36 minutes ago, simon_goldshark said:

i do agree with you here and to be fair i really really wish that i could be allies with both perrin sequence and steel meridan since i kinda agree with both

its such a shame that both of there ally's just wanna commit mass murder(not that we tenno dont already do that)

Ironically, if you want to be friends with both of them, the best course of action is to alternate using red veil and new loka sigils.

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Red Veil all the way. sure, we love a good purging, and that makes us monsters, but at least we admit it: New Loka hides behind flowers while doing the same stuff we do, at least with Red Veil you get to look the part of a total villain, with that classic Black and Red edgelord colour scheme, and we have FIRE! New Loka only cares about earth, but what about the corruption everywhere else? there's a whole system out there that needs a PURGE!

:redveil:No Cost Too Great, No Blood too Precious! :redveil: 

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1 hour ago, WH1735S0W said:

Also I feel it is worth mentioning since syndicate weapons tend to be meh.

Melees are nice because they have unique effects (if they work, I'm looking at you, the Vaykor Sydon). Some weapons (e.g. Synoid simulor) are pretty good for their price (10p for 25k standing), imho.

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