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New missions, new difficulties? ideas

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First of all, i wasn't sure how to call the thread so if it isn't what you expected it's probably because of that.

It's just ideas i gathered up, don't take them to seriously, mark mistakes of my ideas and others so they can improve and understand why they might be wrong. Most likely anyone who posts in this thread is not an expert of anything related to programming or videogames, but maybe since people have a tatse on what is good or bad they can still help.

My response in another thread (changed it a bit):

In terms of difficulty or challenges i don't think duration of the mission is the way to go, i think it would be better with challenges such as going into the mission with certain weapon or warframe while following a specific requirement like not using mods or something, or like getting a certain amount of kills with the weapon but unlike arbitration it wont buff your weapon or frame, maybe it can give a resource booster during certain amount of time inside the mission or increase chances of getting an special item, mod or anything good that isn't really essential and at the end of a mission maybe get a reward for completing each objective and with each objective that you have completed in the mission you increase your chances of getting the higher tier rewards. With a timer on both the challenges and the missions so people dont just farm in the lowest "difficulty level" to leave early. And maybe add on some bosses that are much stronger and not just bullet sponges. there could be a combiation of missions. I thought about it requiring team work to be completed but i don't know what could be done with teamwork in a mission like this other than just kill, maybe someone else might know a way of expressing it better than i did. It could also get some of the things from disruptions like increasing a certain aspect of the enemies for a certain period of time so people's frames dont reach a point in which they can afk the mission.

A challenge could be inversed warframe abilities in which warframe's abilities have the opposite effect like harrow's thurible stealing energy (the problem i just thought of is that maybe some people will use it to troll others and ruin runs), but because it would be unfair in some situations if it starts while an ability is active and ends up messing the whole team, so at that time like 5 seconds before abilities get deactivated but with a warning before those 5 seconds. Another challenge could be being bombs that the only way of deactivating would be increased movement around the map, kind of checking how well can players traverse through maps using wall jumps, gliding bullet jumping, sliding, etc.

They could add a 'reward' system in which after a certain amoun of kills players are given the choice of choosing betwen between 2 pair or more of effects, in which in both there will be 1 negative and 1 positive effect, like boosting the abilities of a certain frame or team wide boost in exchange for a debuff, it would be based on a voting system.

Lore wise i'm not sure how it could fit in because i'm not very creative.

Some people might pay other people to get help in the mission and get the rewards, and honestly i don't know what could be done about this, but the best i can think of for this is the death, but then they could be revived before they die unless it's instant death like arbitrations.

I'm almost 100% sure this is impossible to do but i can imagine and i just wanted to express the idea, others probably do a better job at thinking of a game mode or mechanics much better than mine. Also i'd prefer DE checking and repairing what we already have instead of adding more broken things.

English is not my main language so some things might sound weird at first and i'm not an expert in level design or anything, this is just my opinion you can dismiss it or do anything you want with it. Disagree and maybe say why it is wrong or incorrect as that might help me understand your point of why im in the wrong. Additions and modifications are welcome. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

In terms of difficulty or challenges i don't think duration of the mission is the way to go,

neither does DE apparently, as it's only ever short missions these days, with a few phases at most.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

going into the mission with certain weapon or warframe

limiting our loadout choices, not off to a good start...

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

while following a specific requirement like not using mods or something,

removing our mods or gimping ourselves in any way doesn't equate to difficulty. we shouldn't have to nerf ourselves, especially in a game where the main goal for a long time is to get stronger: story quests and cracking relics are initially done to get access to more in-game systems and better Prime Gear, to make us stronger. after that, it's not as important, but for a long time, the player's goal is to keep progressing and getting more power for that next quest or mission.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

like getting a certain amount of kills with the weapon but unlike arbitration it wont buff your weapon or frame,

that's one of the main saving graces of Arbitration: if nothing else, you can try out equipment with an extreme buff to see just what ludicrous damage you can do, and maybe even discover a new weapon/frame combo you like in the process.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

maybe get a reward for completing each objective and with each objective that you have completed in the mission you increase your chances of getting the higher tier rewards.

optional objectives would work, as long as they aren't tied to particular loadouts. it just needs to be somethign simple, e.g. you're on a Capture Mission but the enemy's reactor core can be exposed so it can be destroyed for additional rewards. essentailly award the players for completing multiple misisons in one, and randomize the objective so that it's not the same optional objectives each time around. it can also vary on other factors such as terrain, e.g. you're running an Earth Exterminate but a Toxin Injector is in the area, and then a VIP Capture target shows up. harder missions can be given more optional objectives to do as well.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

maybe add on some bosses that are much stronger and not just bullet sponges.

easier said than done, making a boss fight that's genuinely good is hard in most games, let alone one where we are as powerful as we are. DE uses bullet Sponges and Invul phases to counter our ever-increasing ability to deal ludicrous DPS. personally I'd favour a regular opponent with no weakpoint mechanics or invul phases/immunities, but rather a system of diminishing returns, where using the same powers on it over and over eventually deals almost nothing in terms of damage or effect. 

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

A challenge could be inversed warframe abilities in which warframe's abilities have the opposite effect like harrow's thurible stealing energy (the problem i just thought of is that maybe some people will use it to troll others and ruin runs),

sounds like a fun modifier for nightmare modes lol. so would Mesa shoot herself with peacemakers or something? this sounds quite hilarious actually!

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

Another challenge could be being bombs that the only way of deactivating would be increased movement around the map, kind of checking how well can players traverse through maps using wall jumps, gliding bullet jumping, sliding, etc.

eh, usually I'm against platforming sequences on the basis that I suck unbelievably hard at them, but even I can do parkour in warframe, so sure, why not.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

They could add a 'reward' system in which after a certain amoun of kills players are given the choice of choosing betwen between 2 pair or more of effects, in which in both there will be 1 negative and 1 positive effect, like boosting the abilities of a certain frame or team wide boost in exchange for a debuff, it would be based on a voting system.

two problems with this: we don't really need more buffs if we're already killing things quickly, and secondly, having a vote system could result in toxicity if someone doesn't get the buff they want: sounds childish, I know, but I've been on the internet long enough to know that pettiness, like stupidity, is infinitely expanding.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BRUHck Obama said:

Also i'd prefer DE checking and repairing what we already have instead of adding more broken things.

yeah, we all would, you got that one right.  

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hace 5 minutos, (PS4)robotwars7 dijo:

neither does DE apparently, as it's only ever short missions these days, with a few phases at most.

Quoted this to not quote the whole thing.

Thanks for the input i appreciate it.

Yea most things are easier said and done, most of what i said is like that.

Many of the things i said were to restrict players from getting to strong as that would put a 'challenge' (even if the player had to handicap themselves) other than enemies becoming more of a bullet sponge which either way with all the armor stripping and stuff like that not even bullet sponges work sometimes to put a challenge. I can't think of any other way to create a challenge in this game filled with power creep, probably is because i'm just not thinking enough.

I at some time thought of the challenges depending on the warframe and loadout without handicaping players, but some people wouldn't even be able to complete their challenges because the others with full gear would destroy enemies on sight, so this is related to the said before about the first thing we need to know is how to put a challenge.

I liked what you said about the optional objectives i just thought of something like capturing an enemy but because that was too little i did not include it. 


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