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Extra plat that I can't trade. What to buy?



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Trading items, platinum or other in-game things between two accounts which you own is a violation of the Terms of Use Agreement. It is considered an exploit to bypass limitations of the game, and is something that may result in the suspension of any/all accounts involved with this activity.

If you have an alternate account, keep it separate from your primary account. They should not interact.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)x ARTaco x said:

doubtful it's that iron-clad, otherwise families where more than one person plays the game would be royally screwed since how would they even be able to tell if it's one guy or two different people?

There are many ways to determine whether they are family accounts or not. Couldn't tell you much how they work this out as I am no expert in it. But at the very least trading/gifting/joining the same clan with alt accounts is violating the ToS and if found out, it would be either trade suspension or ban. 

Without fully understanding what the mechanism is, my best bet is that the system has certain way to log trading and gifting between accounts with the same ip, and flag for suspicious accounts. Later there would be manual inspection. If the trades are one-way only particularly when there are events or 75% off coupon, then the accounts are most likely alt accounts to gain time-gated favor for the main account.

As quoted many times, do it at your own risk.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)x ARTaco x said:

doubtful it's that iron-clad, otherwise families where more than one person plays the game would be royally screwed since how would they even be able to tell if it's one guy or two different people?

Same E-mail address used for registration?

But you are in the right in that there is no 100% certain way (that I can think of) they at DE could determine some two accounts are actually registered by the same person. There could be false negatives or false positives (family members, which could - if they so wish - even use the same email address...) - in the latter case a support ticket explaining the situation could solve the issue, though.

However, just don't trade between the accounts to stay out of trouble. It is forbidden in the TOS for a good reason (IMO).

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7 hours ago, mhdguy said:

any trading between a main and an alt account is a violation of the TOS and  will risk loosing both accounts. best to just play them separately

its weird how this is a staple in almost every mmo in existence that you send all the good stuff to your alt so you have an easier time the second time around but DE are deadly against it, I can understand plat maybe beecause its like double rolling for discounts (they should just make plat cheap and do away with the discounts) and I can understand riven because its cheating capacity but something like cred and the essential mods should totally be 100% allowed

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Ok I did not know I could get banned good thing I asked before I did it, Fewf. well that is 50 plat gone to waste

Honestly I just needed a way to get plat, I honestly did not know it was illegal. 

Does anyone know what people want so I can trade for plat?


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