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Please make [Necramech] buyable


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The past month or so I have been trying to get one but it is a painful grind with the standing: Having to spam the same bounty for the blueprints. Only broken parts can be traded which are not hard to obtain in the first place. So please add a built necramech to the market or at least the blueprints.

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well i dont see where the problem is you can easy make 50k standing in one bountie (all 3 steps) run if you wanted to with boosters and loot frames even more
and to get altleast all the mods for the mech you will have to play alot of bounties anyways if you dont want to trade them.

all i can think about this bounties is how i dont have any motivation to get the mods everything else is not a problem.

well and if people can buy it we will expierence new players buying stuff they cant use like the archgun gravimags and for my part that would be a bad thing.
well i have at the moment around 350k standing ready to be spende and there is nothing to spend it on.

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They might as well add it, F2P's gonna F2P and it's not like using Plat to buy stuff instead of grinding is a crazy new thing for the game. Heck, if more people bought them instead of giving up on the grind then there'd be more interest and we might get better Necramech-related stuff in the future.

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i dont see where the hard part is i mean the mods for the mech are harder to get even the cortege so if you buy the first step might as well make loid a platin shop thats what it sounds like to me

well and i dont like deimos for my reasons too but well of all the things i can think of getting a necramech is the standing the easy part i mean if there where the need of resources i would see that but just 13k standing for the basic bps?

the worst part about all of it the necramech isnt even worth it so far sure the mastery but that can wait. you realy need them for nothing so people have all the time even if it takes time if they would buy it they would call that there is no content to do.

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9 hours ago, Yannik said:

So please add a built necramech to the market or at least the blueprints.

Please don't. This game does not need any more pay to win elements. Necramechs need to stay earned and stay MR14 to have any hope of being relevant. If they become something a new player can buy them DE also has to nerf them for new player content.

The grind for them sucks (and I'm on X1 where we're still on the early patch of Deimos where they drop incredibly rarely) but it's not too bad now that the broken parts are tradable. I have spares of everything (free for my clan or to trade) and lots of players are in the same place.

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On 2020-10-08 at 5:40 AM, Exlodian_Akitora said:

The necramech is meant to be a item you are meant to work for. It is meant to be for the ones who really want it, and besides if you REALLY want to buy the necramech farm the blueprints and you can buy the parts for the blueprints with platinum from players.

I already got the broken parts a long time ago. I'm not desperate enough to repeat bounties where most tasks involve waiting though.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Yannik:

I already got the broken parts a long time ago. I'm not desperate enough to repeat bounties where most tasks involve waiting though.

so do you have all the parts for the cortege too? or do you have the mods to support you necramech or will you soon wish to buy them too?
and how did you get the parts without the standing did you only do the a rota over and over again ?


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