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Stuck on 'Checking for new Content'



Hello everyone! 

I recently wanted to get back online after not playing for a week, to check out the new TennoGen and to continue my farming for Helminth. When it began downloading the +- 500mb update, I didnt have any issues. I'm now at 249,9 mb left and it stopped downloading to check for new content and it's been there ever since. It won't continue downloading at all. Tried waiting a day, nothing changed. I verified and optimized the download cache, changed the download settings (disable/enable bulk download and aggresive download) to every possible combination and yet nothing seems to have fixed it.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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8 answers to this question

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I recently had this problem too. Im not sure if this will help but I noticed that my launcher took around 30-40 mins to find a 10mb update. My WiFi is usually pretty fast so yeah, it was wierd. I switched to mobile data that had a similar internet speed as my WiFi and the launcher found and completed the 10mb update in around a couple of minutes.


So maybe try switching to another internet connection and see if it works

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On 2020-10-08 at 9:26 AM, ramthewow said:

I recently had this problem too. Im not sure if this will help but I noticed that my launcher took around 30-40 mins to find a 10mb update. My WiFi is usually pretty fast so yeah, it was wierd. I switched to mobile data that had a similar internet speed as my WiFi and the launcher found and completed the 10mb update in around a couple of minutes.


So maybe try switching to another internet connection and see if it works

I've tried that yeah, I usually play on 4G because my internet is incredibly slow. Switched between Wi-Fi and 4G several times Hoping that waiting it out will work, otherwise it's back to support once more. Thanks for the tip tho!

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7 minutes ago, thecatdragon589 said:

all the wifi here i canada is slow but my wifi usually works fine. the launcher has been stuck for 2 days now

Try verifying cache from the launcher's option when that happen.

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