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introduction to deimos game breaking progress bug!


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I made a direct choice to run though as few of the starchart nodes as possible to start my progress on Deimos immediately

on the introduction mission I am asked "locate father within the cambion drift" upon finding him I have a button "[x] wake father"

upon pressing this nothing happens, pressing it while moving gives a slight delay in the camera moving so it is trying to do 'something'?

my first warframe is not 30, I have most of the main story quests uncompleted.

this seems to be a game breaking bug in the completion of the introduction to Deimos quest

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got my warframe to level 30 and tried again, nothing seems to wake him (even tried loud sounds) any suggestions what might be breaking this mission? are there any specific story parts that uncompleted might stop this mission working ?

edit:restarting fixed it

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