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Solo extraction for syndicate.


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I have to be honest, they're both right. If you don't want other people ending your mission early the only answer is not to play with them. 

Play with friends, clanmates or people you recruit for the mission who also want to hunt down all the medallions.

Personally, when I need to run syndicate missions I solo them with a max range Limbo. Just pop his 4 and it breaks all the containers so the only things that show up on loot radar are medallions and Ayatan's

Then again, even if you are playing in public, when people see that there's a Limbo in the party half of them will leave anyway.

(Disclaimer, solo syndicate missions, and solo extractions are the only missions in which I run Limbo)

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5 hours ago, porkboneXP said:

super useful reply. no really. brilliant. /s 😏

it actually is though. you are putting this burden on yourself by choosing to play with randoms. you can't expect random people you've never met to do what you want to do; I've no idea why that's so hard for people to understand these days, that other people have free will too, including the basic human right to be a total a$$hole if they want to.

if you absolutely insist on taking other into syndicate missions (easier to solo IMO), use recruit chat or get friends involved. if that doesn't work, you could ask in region chat "where my *your syndicate name* people at?" and if someone says they're in the same syndicate, offer to run a mission with them via DM. 


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Want to play a certain way?  Play solo or with a premade group.  If you leave it up to matchmaking to fill your session, you are subject to the whims of others, and have no position to complain unless they're actively sabotaging the mission.  Most of your complaints would be just as valid (which is to say, not very) from the other side.  Why should they have to wait around while you search every nook and cranny for those pickups?

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8 hours ago, porkboneXP said:

super useful reply. no really. brilliant. /s 😏

I think they're trying to be helpful, even though they're not addressing your main point.  I nearly always solo syndicate missions too, since they're constructed to discourage random public play some major ways.  Not only due to the lack of individual extraction, but also because of medallions despawning for people entering after the host has picked them up. 

It sounds like you want that situation improved though, rather than looking for advice on how to cope with what we've got.  Usually suggestions like yours would go in Missions and Levels Feedback, and you might get more pertinent responses there.

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