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Among Us- Warframe Edition please


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After the joke about an imporster being in the devstream relay... I imagined a little game mode like Framefighter where there is actually ally Tenno and an imposter in the relay and the imposter is trying to kill the Tenno. 
The imposter could use Kuva Thrall execution moves to murder the Tenno aswell. Just imagine!

Come on that would be so fun with our fashionframe and all.

Do it DE :)

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1 hour ago, _Euphoria_ said:

After the joke about an imporster being in the devstream relay... I imagined a little game mode like Framefighter where there is actually ally Tenno and an imposter in the relay and the imposter is trying to kill the Tenno. 
The imposter could use Kuva Thrall execution moves to murder the Tenno aswell. Just imagine!

Come on that would be so fun with our fashionframe and all.

Do it DE :)

God no, this happens all the time when games get popular. Some of you seem to think ripping off another game is gonna make warframe better. Nobody would play it, that's not warframe, that's among us. Go play that if that's what you want.

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59 minutes ago, _Euphoria_ said:

Just imagine!

Now I have nightmares.


26 minutes ago, _Euphoria_ said:

Why not?

Better question would be "Why would they?".

Every. single. time. something gets popular, the forum spawns a mass of unholy threads asking DE to rip said something off.

PUBG? People want DE to rip off Battle Royale.

Crapnite? People want BR and questionable dance moves.

Any VR game? People want a 1st person VR mode, ignoring the fact that playing warframe as-is in VR would just make you throw up.

Among Us? People (you) want a crappy PvP mode that's gonna die in a week.

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6 hours ago, _Euphoria_ said:

After the joke about an imporster being in the devstream relay... I imagined a little game mode like Framefighter where there is actually ally Tenno and an imposter in the relay and the imposter is trying to kill the Tenno. 
The imposter could use Kuva Thrall execution moves to murder the Tenno aswell. Just imagine!

Come on that would be so fun with our fashionframe and all.

Do it DE :)

Begone trender sheep

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9 hours ago, _Euphoria_ said:

After the joke about an imporster being in the devstream relay... I imagined a little game mode like Framefighter where there is actually ally Tenno and an imposter in the relay and the imposter is trying to kill the Tenno. 
The imposter could use Kuva Thrall execution moves to murder the Tenno aswell. Just imagine!

Come on that would be so fun with our fashionframe and all.

Do it DE :)

_Euphoria_  acting pretty sus. 

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10 hours ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Probably because this isn't among us and warframe doesn't need to copy something popular every time it pops up

yeah warframe should just keep doing the same old thing forever never take any risks never change as it slowly fades into obscurity.

not! I have never played among us but was totally stoked when I saw that message pop up, I thought for a second we were going to get a fun one off event minigame!

but it dosn't have to be among us clone and it dosn't have to stick around permanantly but trying new game modes is fun!

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1 hour ago, _Euphoria_ said:

You are all talking like Flappy Zephyr and Frame Fighter does not exist. DE could have skipped those but still did it...

don't forget about conclave xD (F)

Honestly, Among Us/TTT is such a simple ruleset that I can legitimately see it being implemented as a full, 8-10 player lobby mini-game in warframe.

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I get that you wanna see an Among Us like game mode in Warframe but as other people pointed out Warframe doesn't need to follow trends, like would you prefer if Warframe had lots of stuff taken from a bunch of games that are/were really popular or Warframe being it's own unique thing? I mean Among Us: Warframe Edition does sound interesting but it's best if Warframe sticks to being Warframe.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)corpusbonds said:

I posted something about this on Twitter as a half joke.

8 players, one imposter. Except the imposter is a Sentient Mimic trying to kill the rest of the Tenno. It’d be interesting but probably best left to the Conclave.


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