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Questions for Endurance Players: " Would you like an everchanging map?"


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I am a a solo player, so i don't have people to ask this anywhere else ... plus i'm too potato to do runs more than 30 mins :3


So, here's the thing

"The map would every 20 waves have a drammatic change, among these can be:

- a Section becomes hazardous, Lore-friendly, a toxic gas is released by the enemy, a void storm passes by, electronics go crazy, exx

- new areas are added. Lore-friendly stuff, like a ship crashing and adding its boarding section and a few rooms as playable area, collapse reveal a new zone, ecc

- Mini-Bosses would spawn, to be defeated to progress to the next wave or to make survival timer resume


Is something you would appreciate or is it something that would be an obstacle to a chill farm session, or would it even be annoying as it would disrupt the strategy and flow required to keep going ?


It's relevant to Warframe of course, but it's interesting in general for game making stuff as it's about devs disconnected from their playerbase making things player do not enjoy.


If yes, cool.

If no, then it if it happens it should be implemented in bounties or any other short lived missions. or even some specific missions only like Disruptions.


I got a feeling Deimos is already heading in this direction.

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you know what? yes.

yes, I would actually like something like this. one of the strengths that ESO had goign for it initally is that it randomizes both the enemy type and the tileset, resulting in combinations you normally wouldn't see. and the random modifiers encountered in Disruption were mostly welcomed by players, so i think this idea has a lot of merit. the only problem is getting the minibosses to withstand the level of power most endurance runners are at, but that arguably leads to a discussion on pwer and diffuclty in warframe as a whole.

oh and scaling rewards. DE might not like it (for whatever reason) but scaling rewards are the ONLY way you're gonna get people doing long runs again. since that's never been on the agenda though, I can only assume DE are still going with "short but sweet" modes for the game, because the Endurance crowd are usually just ignored, or even worse, actively PUNISHED for playing their way. 

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I don't really want an ever changing environment for endurance. If it was like a SO/ESO my run would come down to rng of the tiles I got. Not saying that I'm 100% against the idea of changing the tiles to mix it up so I don't get bored, but wouldn't want rng to be the deciding factor of my success. 

For survival endurance runs I'd like some interesting enemies to fight. I'd like the Eximus units to spawn as an actual unit of enemies and not just a single enemy. Like if an arson eximus spawns have a Kuva Lich type mini boss that has fire enhanced minions. I don't want some status immune boss with invulnerability phases though. Have the whole unit be a threat and not just a single damage sponge. 

I'm also becoming less and less of a fan of Steel Path survivals. It's not really a survival but more of a massacre. It's has less to do with surviving and more keeping your kills per second up. I can make a great build that is safe to play with multiple forms of cc and the damage kill max level enemies, but if I'm not grouping enemies in some way I'm left hitting life support more often than I like. 

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42 minutes ago, vegetosayajin said:

yep it's a good idea+ midlevel bosses 
kuva fortress defence kinda tackles that idea 

It would be a way for the writing and voice acting team to have fun by creating recurring enemies.

The community is full of good ideas.

I think a corpus female and grineer male duo like jessy and james from pokemon would be amazing.


there was that " Nef Anyo's Son" on skateboards.

Squidward Perfect Grineer ( lol )

Super Attractive female Corpus ( John Prodman's wife )


Before it's illegal or not financially viable, i hope DE decides to have some dumb fun with their own tools xD


As a sidenote, the original liches idea ( months long relationship) is gone forever i'm afraid.

This would function as invasions, having them as an everpresent challange BUT one we can encounter not by RNG ( looking at u dread dispenser -_-) but whenever we want.

RNG aspect is still present as you don't know which boss spawns at each wave.


Add a simple cinematic when the boss spawns, a mini objective to make it vulnerable and make the area disappear from the map ( example detatching ship, making room collapse)  and it's Warframe 2 already :D

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Yes, all very good ideas.

Infestation sort of has a mini boss (juggernaught spawn).

They could do like an invasion mechanic, where boarding/landing parties of different factions can appear to make the loot a bit more varied and gameplay strategy.

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