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Valentine,the Traveler


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name: Valentine
Passive ability Faster than Time: for each 10 seconds passed on a mission Valentine's speed is augmented by 10%

Valentine's 1st ability: reality  Stream. Valentine distort reality around herself and project a tunnel in the direction she is heading. The tunnel is lasting until the ability key is pressed once again and Valentine's and her allies' speed is boosted while inside the tunnel. As long as she remains in it the boost will increase. The more her speed is boosted the faster her energy will deplete. Ennemies hit by the tunnel will go to a different stream ( the first enemy hit will create a new reality then each enemy hit has a 5% chance of creating a new reality)

Valentine's 2nd ability: Cross-over

Valentine go to a different reality (where ennemies have been sent or without ennemies if no ennemies have been hit by Reality Stream) for 5 seconds and her speed will be boosted.

Valentine's 3rd ability : Superposition.

Valentine superpose every reality Stream and any enemy and alternate Valentine from those Stream will attack any enemy from the Stream you are currently in. The alternate Valentine desappear after 5 seconds.

Valentine's 4th ability : end of the line.

Valentine stop all reality that is more then 10 meters in front of her creating a clear black separation.  Every enemy inside this zone is stopped and Valentine and her allies' speed is tromendously increased. After 10 seconds, reality that is from 2 meters behind Valentine to all reality in front of her resumes creating another separation and erasing any enemy and obstacle in the part of reality between the first and the second separation.

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