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Using Lich as Riven Bank?

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So I've had Liches steal Rivens before.

It occurs to me; that I can use this as way to stockpile Veiled Rivens from Sorties/GOTL Alerts beyond my slot limit.


Is there any way to have my Lich dominate all planets? Say, If I keep stabbing him but then abort to not clear any nodes; will he eventually spread to the entire system? or is there a set limit on how much he grows?

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Sourestdeeds said:

Its a bit pointless imo, as if you have no space and claim them all back they just get deleted. 

Not true, at least for two rivens above limit. Once I did sortie while having max rivens, was getting messages I'm above cap, then did Lotus alert for riven. I had two rivens above cap then. They were not deleted for a couple of days till i unveiled them and dissolved for endo. 

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I wish I could find the thread talking about it.  There was somebody who'd stored a ton of rivens and while he went over 150 he still didn't get 100% of them back, and last I remember,he hadn't gotten any help from support several weeks afterward.  So there might be hard limit on how many total rivens you can have in total.

Semi-unrelated, but the last two times I've had enough void traces banked up, killing the lich put me right at my cap instead of over it.  (I'd gone over the two times before that.)

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17 hours ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

So I've had Liches steal Rivens before.

It occurs to me; that I can use this as way to stockpile Veiled Rivens from Sorties/GOTL Alerts beyond my slot limit.


Is there any way to have my Lich dominate all planets? Say, If I keep stabbing him but then abort to not clear any nodes; will he eventually spread to the entire system? or is there a set limit on how much he grows?

I uh....huh


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