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Reactive Status procs concept


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Note: This is a 4th version of my general concept for status.
The idea is to simplify modding, remove the need to put as much elemental mods in the same weapons while keeping the system sufficiently complex to experiment.

Status effects are limited to how they proc in Railjack, only IPS and primary elementals can proc status, combined elementals have procs, but cannot proc on their own. Most of the procs are changed:

Impact - 10 procs max but is displayed as 4x the procs for readability. Each proc gives 4% additive to stun the enemy (enemy flailing their hands in place) for 4s, while the enemy is stunned he is open to melee finishers and takes 4x melee damage, stun clears all impact procs.
Puncture - 10 procs max but the effect maxes out on 5 procs. Each proc produces a weak spot on the enemy where it was hit, the weakspot gives x5^(1/5) damage multiplier stacking multiplicatively with itself up to 5 times, so maxed weakspot gives x5.
Slash - 1 proc max. Proc applies slash damage over time that ignores armour or adds damage to the damage pool and refreshes the duration of the proc. Each tick the damage cealt equals 1/6th of the total damage in the pool, obviously once slash proc is refreshed, new total damage in the pool it damage added plus the damage still left in the pool. This is functionaly the same as current slash.

Cold - 10 procs max, each proc refreshes all other cold procs on target. First proc creates a 3m + 0.33m per each extra proc (6m max) radius zone that slows down everything inside by 30% +5% per each extra proc (75% max). The area moves with the initial target.
Heat - 1 stack max. Weak Heat DoT (same mechanic as in slash but doesnt ignore armour). The proc also reduces targets current armour value by 15% for the duration of the proc. Reprocing Heat, aside from refreshing duration and adding Heat to damage pool also reduces armour by 12% of the current value. This effect is selfmultiplicative, achives 95% total armour reduction in about 19 procs, this effect cannot reduce armour value below total 200 armour (40% damage reduction).
Electric - 10 procs max. Each proc stuns the target for 1s, it also chains electric damage to all enemies within 3m +0.5m for each extra proc. Initial target of the proc receives +100% damage to shields and robotic health stacking up to +325% bonus damage at 10 procs. Enemies with this proc cannot regen shields on their own.
Toxic - old viral but has no effect on robotic health since its covered under electric. 10 procs max.

If you put 2 elemental mods on a weapon, they still combine into 2ndary elementals, but they cannot proc status effect. You have to individual proc those status effects on the same enemy for the 2ndary elemental status effect. To offset that, combined elementals have a lot stronger bonuses against certain health types than they are now.

Procing a combined proc consumes all of its source procs, moreover, procing more of the source prods generates more of the combined procs instead. So, if the enemy has Heat proc on, once you proc Toxic on it, it combines into Gas, and procing more of Heat or Toxic while Gas proc is still on, procs more of the Gas instead. The new procs keeps all of the effect and mechanics of the source procs unless stated otherwise, plus the effect of the combined proc. There is some semantic dancing on top of this: Corrosive is now Heat and Toxic, and Gas is Electric and Toxic, Radiation is now Cold and Electric and old Radiation is replaced with Plasma.

Blast - Cold and Heat. 10 procs max for the benefit of the Cold proc aspect, each proc adds damage to DoT damage pool, adds armour reduction and refreshes the duration of all Blast procs on the target. Instead of slowing cloud, target generates a transparent smoke cloud that reduces enemy accuracy by 90%, its initial and scaling radius is the same as Cold proc and caps at 10 procs. Each Blast proc also refreshes the duration of all Blast procs on all the enemies in the cloud that also have a Blast proc on, this doesnt refresh the duration on Blast connected Heat DoT.

Gas - Electric and Toxic. 10 procs max. No stun or chain effect from Electric proc. Creates a cloud with the same radius and scaling as Cold proc, enemies inside take weak gas damage, enemies inside without gas proc get also proced by Toxic.

Corrosive - Heat and Toxic. 10 procs max. Damage over time is Corrosive damage not Heat damage. Bonus damage also applies for robotic health.

Radiation - Cold and Electric. 10 procs max. Cold clouds generate an additional damage equal to electric proc damage every 0.2s.

Plasma - Heat and Electric. 10 procs max. No stun or chain effect from Electric proc Damage over time is Plasma damage, each tick one enemy in range of Electric radius that is not affected by Plasma proc gets Heat proced.

Viral - Cold and Toxic. 10 procs max. No effect from cold. Each proc forceprocs and inflicts Roxic damage on all enemies without Viral proc in 3m radius +0.5m per Viral proc on the initial target.


TLDR: you cannot proc combined damage procs on their own, you have to proc each of the source procs for them to combine and have effects of both with a little buff. On top of that better status procs in general to diversify the useful status types.

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