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Short Survey: Quest Difficulty (Updated with Results)


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>> Results in comment below <<


Hiho everybody!

I'm back with another survey. (~3 min)

This time, I'd like to find out how people experience the difficulty level in quests.

After the Protea quest came out, quite a few people (from what I've seen) got frustrated during the fight with Protea while I didn't experience any problems with it. Is this a general thing? Are quests too difficult for newer/casual players while not at all difficult for veterans?

Link to the survey

What happens to the results?

I'll wait about 48h for answers to come in and then start working on the visualizations. I'll post them in a few days' time.

If results show a widely different experience for newer and more veteran players, I'd like to present a potential fix.


As a little thanks for your time, I'll randomly choose 50 participants (PC only) and gift them weapon slots. Be sure to include your IGN at the end if you are interested!

Past surveys

Tilesets #1 - Characters - Watching Warframe Content? - Tilesets #2 - Mission Types - Foundry Rush


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I know that some people had issues with the Protea fight in the Deadlock Protocol, expecting to see a little spike there.

But other than that, i feel like even for a newer player or something, most of the quests should be relatively easy. Enemy level tends to not go past 15-20 and generally you have an infinite amount of time to do something.

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Hiho everybody!

I finally got the results ready for you!

But first up: If you haven't scrolled through the results yet (nor participated in the first survey), then why don't you do so now?

More data is always more good. I'll start updating things as soon as I get some more responses.

So what's the survey about?

I asked participants about their general experience with quests and how they remember their playthrough of “The Deadlock Protocol”, “The Heart of Deimos” and “The Sacrifice”.








Gallery | Google Sheet

What causes us to have a differently perceived difficulty?

  • Experience
  • Modding (using this or endgame builds)
  • Chosen Equipment (using Mk1-Braton or Rubico Prime)

Proposed change

Make mod setups not matter for quests.

This approach differs from the way Grendel missions work. Instead of playing “naked”, DE could slap some values on your equipment. How much damage your weapons deal and how strong your Warframe is, would scale with quest level (like Specters).


  • Veterans get more of a challenge
  • Quests can feel more consistent (as in the player is not Saitama in the first half of the quest, only got knocked around like Yamcha in the second half)
  • There is less need for invulnerability for bosses because our damage output is relatively predictable
  • Sponsored content is easier. New Content Creators could directly jump in and show new content without having to invest days to farm up and read tutorials

Not Positives:

  • Quests need to be spaced out more or else new players might feel discouraged from modding their equipment
  • Operators gear: There is a huge difference between the Mode Amp and proper Amps. Those have to be factored in as well
  • Changing the format is going to take DE some work but I am sure that prior balancing for Specters and Conclave might alleviate that a bit

Who am I?

I'm just some veteran that has been playing Warframe for about 4 years now. I'm not affiliated with DE. If you have any questions, just ask in the comments or send me a pm.


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