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Combo Fury bug. Can't shoot or melee unless I'm moving. Also breaks the aiming animation.


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So I'm using Mesa Prime, Euphona Prime and Falcor with Combo Fury on it.
I switch to my secondary weapon. I throw the Falcor by holding the melee button until the crossharis turn blue. Sometimes when the Falcor returns after killing if I roll while falcor is in flight it breaks the game.

I can't shoot, can't melee, can't aim while standing still. If I move I can do the "melee while gun on the other hand" combo. But nothing else. And If I aim while standing still the arm never goes up to aim. And if I walk after that while aiming I'm stuck on the standing pose. no walking animation or anything. 


Tried to reproduce it without Combo Fury on Falcor to see if maybe it was something else. But gameplay was fine without Combo Fury.

Any extra info you need I'll try to help.

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Can confirm I'm seeing this as well - similar loadout.  Mesa Prime, Orvius, Sepulcrum.  It seems that there's a chance for something to break when Combo Fury procs - sometimes I can get through a level without seeing any issues, sometimes it happens on the first melee kill I get.  I've also seen it degrade from just an idle-animation break to full on to a full-on frozen animation of standing still, while stuck sliding forward, not being able to switch weapons, fire, aim, or use abilities.  Unstuck won't clear it either.  I can try to get a video of the issue happening in a bit.  I just had it happen where I got stuck on an edge, and I was infinitely falling into a pit - couldn't open the menu to abandon mission.


EDIT:  I got a video of the issue happening, attached a link below.  Also including the bug description list if it helps

  • TYPE: In-Game, during missions
  • DESCRIPTION: Mesa Prime will go into a Peacemaker idle stance when Combo Fury procs
  • REPRODUCTION: Pretty easily reproducible as Mesa Prime on a melee kill with any Glaive
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: From my experience, a little over half of the time I get a melee kill
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I imagine Combo Fury should proc, and the game goes on without any weird animation issues
  • OBSERVED RESULT: When Combo Fury procs, Mesa will go into the Peacemaker idle pose and while aiming, will slide in the direction you're moving.  At worst, she gets stuck in that pose, and you can't use abilities, switch weapons, or transfer out of your warframe.
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