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Why are there no achievements added with the Heart of Deimos update? (xbox one)



I want to know where i can post about this so the devs will actually see it as nobody has even viewed my previous post. Would appreciate if DE added some achievements with the latest title update. Seems like they stopped bothering with achievements for some reason. Disappointing because there are a lot of people that i know who play games on xbox solely for achievements and have no reason to come back to the game and experience the new content. Plains and Fortuna both got significant achievements lists added, not for the latest open world though. If anyone can tell me where to post a question like this to get a response that would be appreciated.

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5 answers to this question

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8 hours ago, (XB1)AP 8T8 said:

Players helping players? Sure doesn't seem like it.

The title of your topic is not in regards to anything that players can actually help you with.  If you genuinely want help from other players, you will have better results in the future if you make your topic title something that is not a question for the dev team that players cannot answer.

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On 2020-10-16 at 3:43 PM, (PS4)Unstar said:

The title of your topic is not in regards to anything that players can actually help you with.  If you genuinely want help from other players, you will have better results in the future if you make your topic title something that is not a question for the dev team that players cannot answer.

At least i got a reply though, so where would you suggest i post this for the devs to see? Couldn't see anywhere that seemed appropriate from the forum list, thanks.

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