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[Warframe Concept] Hephaestus - Forge God Warframe Work in Progress


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https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/hawker-the-gary  here's who made the art

Some edits have been made inspiration from @keikogi

Hephaestus Role tank/support

Hephaestus Stats

Unranked             Rank 30

Health- 250    550

Shields- 0

Armor- 400      500

Energy 150      200

Sprint   0.8

By the way any values i don't specify for rank will be at rank 30 value

Passive part 1 Enemies upon death will drop black iron with 100% chance for 1 piece 50% chance for 2 25% chance of 3 and 12.5% chance of 4 black iron drops will go straight to the meter they wont act like a drop just straight into the meter drop chance will increase (no specific value yet) by enemy level for every 5 levels above 40 

part 2 for every black iron you have you'll gain 1 armor capping at 3000 additional armor 


Ability 1 Anvil Drop Energy cost 25 range unranked 10 meters rank 30 20 meters (range is same for both values  Hephaestus anvil dead drops from the forge dealing 2500 impact damage and 2000 heat damage to whatever it lands on and within a wave causing them to drop 3 black iron on death the anvil will stay on the field until broken its health value is equal to 2x the total health value of all enemies within the damage wave (the health value is affected by duration) (the anvil cannot be targeted by enemies) while the anvil is out if you hit it with a melee attack it will put out a wave of damage scaling from the melee weapon when an enemy dies it will drop 2 black iron at 100% 3 at 75% 4 at 50% 5 at 25% and 6 at 12.5%


Ability 2 Weapon Tempering Energy cost 50 Black Iron cost 100 Duration unranked 30 seconds rank 30 50 seconds Hephaestus tempers his squads weaponry giving all players weapons a 10% damage added and 25% crit chance added (this includes exalted weapons)


Ability 3 Spartan Shields Energy cost 75 Black Iron cost 200 Duration unranked 30 seconds rank 30 50 seconds Hephaestus Summons spartan protection giving all players 50% evasion chance (basically bullet dodge except i forget the name for it in this game) 40% damage reduction from enemies and enemies within 25 meters of Hephaestus (while in alerted state) will only target Hephaestus


Ability 4 Armory of the Gods Hephaestus summons some of his best creations tap the ability to cycle between them hold to summon (Zeus's Lightning and Ares's Spear can't be summoned together everything else can)

Zeus's Lightning Energy cost 100 Black Iron cost 500 Energy drain per shot 30  Hephaestus summons the mechanism which allows him to harness the power of his father a sniper with no scope sway the sniper has a 2x 3x and 6x zoom 80% crit chance 2x crit damage 2000 piercing 2000 impact 2000 slash and 2500 electricity with 2 innate V and 1 -  polarity when an enemy dies it will drop 3 black iron at 100% 4 at 75% 5 at 50% 6 at 25% and 7 at 12.5%

Ares's Spear Energy cost 100 Black Iron cost 350 energy drain per second 2 Hephaestus summons his rivals best weapon the spear has 40% crit chance 2x crit damage 2.5 m range  3500 pierceing 2000 slashing and 2500 fire the heavy attack will throw the spear with 2 innate V and 1 -  polarity

Sandals of Hermes Energy cost 25 Black Iron cost 50 Duration 50 seconds Hephaestus summons the Messengers sandals give the entire squad a 30% speed boost

Colossus of Rhodes Energy cost 100 Black Iron cost 650 Duration 60 seconds Hephaestus summons the stone dedication of the followers you bring in a modified nechramech which is automated the player can control it but it can work on its own 3000 health 1000 shields 500 armor 230 energy Ability 1 Energy cost 25 Grab a rock from the ground a throw it at an enemy dealing 25000 impact to what ever is hit by the rock Ability 2 Energy cost 50 Heat vent deal heat damage in a 7 meter radius around you scaling to how low the mechs energy is from max energy is 5000 (the max damge will increase with max energy) Ability 3 energy cost 50 energy drain per second 1 rush forward crashing through enemies dealing 15000 impact and ragdolling enemies Ability 4 energy cost 100 Fire a beam forward from the mech's chest having 15 punch through dealing 25000 slash and 25000 heat

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On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

Hephaestus Stats

Unranked             Rank 30

Health- 250    550

Shields- 0

Armor- 400      500

Energy 150      200

Sprint   0.8

The stats are a bit out of wack you could fallow nidus precedent for armor and health scaling 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

Passive part 1 Enemies upon death will drop black iron with 100% chance for 1 piece 50% chance for 2 25% chance of 3 and 12.5% chance of 4 black iron drops will go straight to the meter they wont act like a drop just straight into the meter

Sounds like a pointless roulet, it would be more reliable to just scale drops with the enemy base hp ( hp before level scalinag ) 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

part 2  The higher your armor value above base (from rank 30 base not unranked) your aggro pull will increase capping at 90% chance to be targeted after this cap is hit higher armor will extend the range of your aggro pull

If you want a agro tank just giving him a taunt skill is better than relying in agro mechanic 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

part 3 for every black iron you have you'll gain 1 armor capping at 6000 additional armor (cap is affected by power strength)

 the precedent set by atlas is 1500 , having for times more is unresonable 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

Ability 1 Anvil Drop Energy cost 25 Duration unranked 20 seconds rank 30 45 seconds  range unranked 10 meters rank 30 20 meters  Hephaestus anvil dead drops from the forge dealing 1000 impact damage and 1000 heat damage to whatever it lands on causing them to drop 3 black iron on death while the anvil is out if you hit it with a melee attack it will put out a wave of damage scaling from the melee weapon when an enemy dies it will drop 2 black iron at 100% 3 at 75% 4 at 50% 5 at 25% and 6 at 12.5%

Could create afk farming strattegeis and favors camping. I would keep it as is but add a small cap on the number of hits the anvil can take, something like the anvil has a portion of the HP of the enemies it hit when it felt. 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

Ability 2 Weapon Tempering Energy cost 50 Black Iron cost 100 Duration unranked 30 seconds rank 30 50 seconds Hephaestus tempers his squads weaponry giving all players weapons a 10% damage increase and 30% crit chance increase (this includes exalted weapons

if the 30% critical chance is adicitve it is overpowered if is mutiplicative it is too weak 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

Ability 3 Spartan Shields Energy cost 75 Black Iron cost 200 Duration unranked 30 seconds rank 30 50 seconds Hephaestus Summons spartan protection giving all players 50% evasion chance (basically bullet dodge except i forget the name for it in this game) 40% damage reduction from enemies behind you (180 degrees of the frames backside) and 20% sprint boost

Frankly I would just make this skill eneable automatic blocking without any animation lock ( you block regarless of having a melee weapon out and blocking has no animation lock ) 

On 2020-10-11 at 2:56 PM, RebelXWeeb said:

Ability 4 Zeus's Lightning Energy cost 100 Black Iron cost tap 200 held 500 Energy drain per shot 30  Hephaestus summons the his favorite weapon a sniper with no scope sway you can either tap for a weaker version of the weapon and hold cast for the better version (I'm only writing out the stats for the held version) the sniper has a 2x 3x and 6x zoom 80% crit chance 2x crit damage 2000 piercing 2000 impact 2000 slash and 2500 electricity when an enemy dies it will drop 3 black iron at 100% 4 at 75% 5 at 50% 6 at 25% and 7 at 12.5%

This is the weirdest skill on the kit. It is a bit odd. I know it is a reference to zeus lighiting but having it as sniper is extremily odd and having access to just Zeus lighting and not any other of his works is odd. Personally I would make it like this 

Tap to cycle , hold to cast 

can choose betwenn 

Arrows of appolo - Crossbow firing explosive fire bolts 

Thunderbolt of Zeus - trwoing weapon ( similar to staticor ) 

Sandals of Hermes - mobility bonus 

Colossus of Rodes - summons a autpmated "necramech" to summon by your side 


If you want a bit of reference for forging related skill you could have a look at this concept from Jado 


Overall solid idea but needs a lot of polish 


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