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Atlas + Valkyr Helminth Combo


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There is a bug related to Atlas and Valkyr's Warcry. According to the Augment Mod of Warcry, "Buff is extended 2 seconds for each melee kill". According to the stats during mission, Atlas Landslide (Punch) kills increase the Melee Kill counter. So, if Atlas 1 count as melee kill and the buff is extended for each melee kill, I suppose atlas 1 should extend the buff duration.

This "bug" is super easy to recreate. 
1º Go to a mission with Atlas 1 and Valkyrs 3 on the same ability kit

2º Start the Warcry 

3º If Enemies die after a melee weapon, buff extends, if dies after Atlas 1 it doesnt.

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i don't think it is a bug. DE intentionally disable pseudo-exalted abilities such as landslide, slash dash and whipclaw (which normally do count as melee kills) to extend warcry duration. 

But i see no point in putting warcry on atlas. Warcry only increases melee weapon attack speed. Landslide and other pseudo-exalted abilities won't benefit. If you want that extra armor, cold elemental ward or defy would be better.

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