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What are cosmetics you regret buying?


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That happens to me a fair bit. Worst one is probably Jotunheim Syandana, didn't end up using it at all, no idea what I was thinking buying it. I'm not usually very impulsive with purchases.

Recently I'm moving away from using syandanas in general too.

I don't care too much about platinum so its alright to waste some of that, its become fairly easy to earn and I often give stuff away too. Buying Tenno-gen i dont end up using feels pretty bad though.

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Definitely Saryn Orphid, since I ended up not really liking it and switching to Ion Tennogen and never looking back.

I mean, I at least roll out Mag Deluxe sometimes when I want to try new colourations, even if I always end up going back to my Graxx skin + Ferro helmet Tennogen setup in the end. I haven't touched Saryn Orphid at all since I got the Ion skin.

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7 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

I bet many who bough the Knave Loki regret it since they dont usually see it in missions.

Eh. I bought Ivara Skathi - you'd probably see even less of her than Loki. Still no regrets. Wasn't sure about the design at first, but the skin grew on me.

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I don't regret buying any skin, but I do regret not buying some things when it was time.
For example I farmed a second broken war(before raijack and scarlet spear, so...the horror) to build the war. After a couple of months I realised I wanted the hunhow collection because if the cosmetics...I would saved so much time if I just bought it first.
The second one - I liked trin's deluxe but I thought I would never make so much plat to buy whole packs so I bought only the skin...couple of months later the same story.
I have to buy another 2-3 deluxe sets again because of the additional cosmetics ...
From the first time I realised this I only buy full sets to not regret it later.

2 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

I bet many who bough the Knave Loki regret it since they dont usually see it in missions.

That means there are a lot of good loki's there. :>

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2 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

I bet many who bough the Knave Loki regret it since they dont usually see it in missions.

Never. It's got the only skin for dual swords I like, allowing me to make my Prisma Dual Cleavers look halfway decent.

I really, REALLY wish there were more Dual Sword skins.

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I'd love to have that problem.

95% of my time in warframe I've been praying for cosmetic items to spend my plat on.

Unfortunately I don't like the assymetrical transformer clay spikes outfits, so I am literally out here earning plat for no reason.

I'd like to see plain, normal items, like a cape that is just a cape. No 275 extra shapes, spikes and pieces cut of it to make it "special". Just a cape.

Or just a gun holster. Regular samurai holser no bs.  I understand it's their intent to give warframe a unique expression but ultimately everything is a copy of a copy, nothing in warframe is originally, no matter how ugly you make it.

Making it a ruined ugly cape, doesn't make it any less of a cape. Now it's just a  messed up cape.

My dream for warframe, at least on occasion, or maybe just even a single time, a regular, plain, ordinary real item comes out.

Since I also don't support planet-grind frames, I got the frames I want, I have actually been out of things to buy for some time.


ps. Most disappointing cosmetic so far, has to be either khora's kavat or the tenebrous ephemera for having zero customization.

Guess we aren't playing with cutomization any longer? lol

Think probably khora's kavat takes #1

Very disappointing and very surprising

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ik its kind of a meme how bad Vetala is now but there was i time where i didnt know any better and saw big boi chonky shoulders with what i thought was a nice semi gothic geometry when i took my first look at the Revenant bundle but now i realise its colour channels and textures are whack it annoys the heck out of me when its shoulders covers my crosshairs in missions, half of them just float off of most shoulders and it looks like its been glued on to you with how its not resized properly on almost every warframe
as far as i know it only looks good on the Ash shroud skin and Revenat (yes ik it dosent even match his textures despite being his signature armour but at least it fits) but even then both of those frames have better options like no attachments at all

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Some things that pop up

  • Khora Deluxe. The color shading on the tummy part is infuriating to manage. I was hoping that certain darker shades will hide the obvious protruding belly to make it look slimmer but it stays highlighted no matter what. Its Urushu Noble Animation set too looks like a painful attempt to look glamorous. Even with these tolerable nuances I still use it though
  • Flox Syndana. Yes, this one only opens when you get hit, so most of the time it looks like an elementary pupils boxy backpack
  • Kuva Stragh (R) Leg Plate. I bought the Kuva Lich Hunter Collection immediately after it came out. Love the chest and shoulder plates, but most of all, the unique lone pair of leg plates. I still do like it, but the right leg plate suddenly was bugged (reported it way back June) and left facing backwards when it is supposed to be protruding from the front on some WF. It is now October and it still remains a bugged part of a 835 platinum bundle in the market 
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not gonna lie the zato skin is really cool and artistic and gives the shaman-warrior vibes but its colour toning isnt so good , i think different parts themselves are good but somehow they dont share the same surface pyshics or whatever so colouring it imo is a pain in the .. 

also his boot looks elegant interestingly but i feel like it just doesnt fit the relentless warrior vibes.  But really good skin overall , i guess im more salty about hyroid deluxe be looking toy-ish more than anything , like a play doh made sculpture .

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