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Playing two accounts simultaneously



Hello, I opened a new account yesterday just to replay Warframe from start.
I'm eager to know whether you can play two accounts at the same time?
For example, the two accounts play some missions together (except for trading, etc, which are forbidden).


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7 answers to this question

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48 minutes ago, LemonTea19 said:

I'll definitely avoid this then, thanks!

It should only be restricted to trading, otherwise.. lets say husband and wife, could never play together. Which would be kinda dumb.

You should also be able to trade, normal trades, just.. you know, don't buy plat on one account because you got a discount and then put it on the other one.

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27 minutes ago, saghzs said:

It should only be restricted to trading, otherwise.. lets say husband and wife, could never play together. Which would be kinda dumb.

That’s a completely different situation to “I want my two accounts in one mission”. Two seperate people are free to trade even if they live in the same house.

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i play way more often than my brother and give him a lot of my excess stuff (he gives me a pitiful amount of plat or a brown mod or whatever since you can't trade for nothing) and we've never run into problems with our accounts. we also rank up together and play relics on occasion too so unless you're super blatant that you're trading with yourself, trading everything from just one account to the other (also gameplay stuff like only one account casting/moving/etc. during missions) you should be fine. idk if it's different on pc compared to xbox but it's been fine for me and him on xbone.

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you can "have" several accounts up at the same time, but you cannot have them in the same clan, they cannot be in the same missions, and they cannot swap/trade rivens/gear/keys/anything tbh, you can only play them as if they are separate and cannot see each other.

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5 hours ago, saghzs said:

It should only be restricted to trading, otherwise.. lets say husband and wife, could never play together. Which would be kinda dumb.

You should also be able to trade, normal trades, just.. you know, don't buy plat on one account because you got a discount and then put it on the other one.

that would probably be easier for DE to differentiate, that would be 2 accounts being used together with varied activity showing more than 1 person is playing, someone abusing the system will likely have 1 account active with 1 sat around leeching rewards which is probably easier to spot on their end.

2 different people is ofc no issue, but 1 person with multi accounts can happily run more than 1 account but they have to play them without any interaction.

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