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Heart of Deimos: Nezha Prime: 29.3.0 +


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Heart of Deimos: Nezha Prime: 29.3.0



Engulf your enemies in the sacred fire of the empyrean as Nezha Prime. The Prince of Flame arrives in his ultimate form along with the Guandao Prime, Zakti Prime and more!

Behold: the Scion of the Burning Wind, donned in his most courtly accoutrements. 

Engineered for the divine to reap a harvest of lives.

Unleash waves of gas damage with a smattering of spiny, toxin-filled flechettes.



Get the newest Prime gear with Nezha Prime Access and Prime Accessories here: https://www.warframe.com/prime-access




Nezha’s Leverian has been added! Listen to Drusus’ new tale to tell of our mercurial firemonger and seek out the Nezha Prex card. Visit Nezha’s Leverian Codex entry or in the Market!

Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime, and Redeemer Prime have entered the Vault!
With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced New Loka’s Sacrifice of Mesa Prime Systems with Titania Prime Systems.
  • Replaced Steel Meridian’s Sacrifice of Redeemer Prime Blade with Zhuge Prime String.

If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Riven Disposition Changes:
As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers. See the full Disposition changes here:


Nightwave The Glassmaker: Episode 5 - The Finale is here!

The time has come, Tenno. After meticulously investigating crime scenes, poring over clues and shattering glass across the Origin System, you’ve tracked the Glassmaker to a pivotal location. A place where the Glassmaker killed thousands, if not millions in an age long past. 

More questions await as the latest victim you discover is Orokin, possibly someone who stood against Nihil in the past? Find clues to reveal where the Glassmaker is hiding and shatter his schemes once and for all, Tenno.



Mastery Rank 30 is now available for eligible Tenno!

8+ years of Warframe content later and eligible Tenno can now achieve Mastery Rank 30! This is your True Master test. Prepare yourself with skills you’ve acquired on your travels throughout the Star Chart for this pinnacle test. 

True Master Tenno will be awarded the following:

  • 3x Umbra Forma
  • 15 Loadout Slots    
  • 30 Riven Mod Slots
  • True Master Chat Emoji
    • Access both the :truemaster: and :truemasteralt: Chat Emoji.
  • True Master Emote
    • Only the True Master may use this Emote.
  • True Master Sumdali
    • This Sumdali hull ornament is awarded exclusively to Tenno who have earned the rank of True Master. It can be mounted to the exterior of your Landing Craft to display your Rank to all who see it.
  • True Master’s Font (Relay Blessing)
    • Visit a Blessing Altar in any Relay once every 23 hours to grant a Blessing to each person on the Relay that lasts for 3 hours. Blessings you can grant are:
      Affinity Boost
      Credit Boost
      Resource Boost
      Damage Buff
      Health Buff
      Shield Buff
  • Mastery Rank 30 Facts:
    1. Each Mastery Rank beyond 30 requires the same amount of Affinity as Rank 29 to 30.
    2. Mastery Ranks beyond 30 are considered/titled as “Legendary 1”, “Legendary 2”, etc.


  • Optimized terrain rendering.
    Some fun facts: Terrain rendering optimization reduced cost ~30% (Deimos) ~50% (Plains of Eidolon) by grouping triplanar layers together per triplane and sharing texture gradients.
  • Optimized initial download size by ~100MB.
  • Optimized geometry on the Cambion Drift to improve framerate.
  • Optimized rendering slightly when Bloom is disabled.
  • Improved detection of run-time errors in the script system.
  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to all code on Windows and Xbox One.
  • Made a micro-optimization to splash effects on the water surface.
  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to the memory allocator.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the physics system.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the effects system.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the script runtime.
  • Fixed CPU times increasing significantly when frequently switching between controller and keyboard.


  • Updated Mastery Rank icons to new Vitruvian design! 



  • Increased the Nightwave Prestige Rank cap by 30 Ranks! This will retroactively place you to the accurate Rank you’ve earned thus far! We know some Tenno have already reached the current Prestige Rank cap. Increasing it allows those Tenno to gain Crystal Cred for the remainder of Nightwave Series 3.
  • Entrati member names will no longer appear when Creator Mode is enabled. 
  • The End of Mission ‘Important’ filter will now place Alert rewards at the top of the list.
  • Clarified Daily Standing Bar value by adding the word ‘Remaining’ to indicate as such.
  • Adjusted the Night Hunter Syandana wing spread idle animation slightly based on TennoGen creator feedback.
  • Removed Latrox Une from the Simulacrum (because shooting your friends is mean). 


  • Fixed a crash that could occur if you lose connection to a Host shortly after connecting to a new mission.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur with certain weapons with extreme Mod configurations.
  • Fixed a crash in the Simulacrum while firing a Convectrix that had max ranked Tainted Shell and Narrow Barrel Mods equipped.
  • Fixed a loss of functionality if you open the Pause Menu with the controller and Fast Travel to a vendor while a Profit-Taker Heist Bounty is counting down. 
  • Pausing during the countdown is no longer possible.
  • Fixed aggressive spot load when hovering over Quest-locked nodes in the Star Chart.
  • Fixed the Latrox Une “Sample Collection” Bounty phase taking longer than intended to complete due to the samples not dropping in their entirety.  We found that 20% of the time a sample was meant to drop, it wouldn't.  
  • Fixed Trinity’s Blessing fully restoring Health/Shields of mission objectives. 
  • Per Healing Defendable Targets Dev Workshop: it should "Restore 500 Health over 5 seconds".
  • Fixed Mirage’s Total Eclipse Augment Mod buff being shared with Necramechs. 
  • Fixed the Split Flight buff not resetting if the buff expires when in Titania’s Razorwing.
  • Fixed Umbra’s sentience not functioning after Transferring into a Necramech. Fixed inability to close the End of Mission screen after failing a Sortie Defense mission and waiting to close the EOM screen until you were back in the Orbiter.
  • Fixed some spawning range issues with Deimos Jugulus’ due to frequently spawning very close to each other. This could cause other enemies to not spawn as frequent due to the amount of Jugulus’ present. 
  • Fixed snow-weather data (Orb Vallis) overwriting the rain-weather data that was intended for Plains of Eidolon, which was causing way more frequent precipitation than desired.
  • Fixed Syndicate Standing earned in (Elite) Sanctuary Onslaught not being displayed on the Mission Progress screen.
  • Fixed the UI not displaying ‘1’ when you have just a single Entrati Token.
  • Fixed stats for the KUVA INJECTOR and DEMOLYST Codex entries.
  • Fixed black shadow being cast on Star Chart node mission cards if a transmission is played.
  • Fixed unreadable Pause Menu after opening the menu while fading to black due to a teleport volume.  
  • Fixed Helminth XP gain UI FX getting stuck on screen.
  • Fixed losing Chat functionality when attempting to Report a player while they enter Extraction.
  • Fixed blown out Perrin Sequence and Red Veil Syndicate leaders when interacting with them in the Relay. 
  • Fixed Orb Vallis Free Roam music playing in Fortuna.
  • Fixed audio issues for Nezha’s Divine Spears ability slam sound.
  • Fixed audio issues for fully charged Trumna sound for Host/Client.
  • Fixed some popping animations with the Night Hunter Syandana.
  • Fixed missing Daughter Naberus VO lines.
  • Fixed some missing Otak idle VO lines.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Titania’s Tribute ability. 


Heart of Deimos: Nezha Prime: Hotfix



  • Fixed losing ability casting and weapon functionality when casting Gauss’ Thermal Sunder ability.

  • Fixed Equinox’s Duality Specter not using your Secondary weapon if you don’t have a Primary weapon in your loadout. 

  • Fixed Prex Decorations having a large red box around it when selected instead of just the outline.

  • Fixed a script error when being hit by a glass shard in the Nightwave boss fight.

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On May 20th, patch 27.5.4 was released, and with it, Garuda, Baruuk, Excalibur (Prime/Umbra), Valkyr (Prime), Wukong (Prime) and Titania (Prime) all lost the ability to properly utilize crit builds on their innate melee weapons. For all exalted melee weapons, the previously functioning Gladiator mod set bonus stopped working, and for Garuda, she also lost the functionality of Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds on her talons.

We have yet to hear any word on if this change was intentional and just unannounced, or if there is a bug happening here. If it is in fact a bug, we have had no word on if its even being looked into. Myself, I hope it is actually a bug, because I am sick of DE's ninja nerfs for frames and weapons that do not deserve to be kicked while they are down. If this was intentional, I would like to hear their reasoning for essentially deleting crit builds for all of these frames' innate melee weapons.

I have not played since May 22 upon learning that these mod interactions no longer function. I would like to return to the game, but knowing that this issue is just the tip of the iceburg, and seeing so many other issues go unnoticed and unfixed really puts a damper on that. I've been here since 2013, I am a Founder, and I am very disappointed that DE continues to just push out new, disjointed content without caring at all about the existing content and its functionality.


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