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Deimos: Arcana - Bug Report Megathread (Read First Post!)


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  • TYPE: Ingame
  • DESCRIPTION: Out of place material cost. Pulmonars requires 24 Parasitic Tethermaws - sounds like another kind of fish, may be a similar mistake to the Tink requirement on the bonewidow weapon pod.

*REPRODUCTION: check the Pulmonars build requirement

  • EXPECTED RESULT: I expected not to need fish as nothing else has ever used just the fish
  • OBSERVED RESULT: it cost fish
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: it is still on the blueprint
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  • TYPE: Warframe ability scaling
  • DESCRIPTION: chancing strengh from 189% to 204% 
  • VISUAL: first one is with 204% secound is 189%
  • Warframe0001.jpg
  • Warframe0000.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Chancing the strength 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: keeping my 11 weapons or getting 12 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: it didnt chance so far and is still 10 weapons

UPDATE: the scaling is in reverse i put 338% strength and just get 6 weapons.

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9 minutes ago, SergeantBanane said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Missing Infested K-Drive Part Blueprints in Foundry
  • VISUAL: 
  • 7PtSi0f.png
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Blueprint showed in Foundry
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Blueprint doesnt showed up

Same issue got all three parts from races, not in foundry/inventory  and no one offers the board BP even though all races done multiple times


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This isn't related to the subjects listed in the OP, but is a new (I assume) bug:

Deimos pillars no longer have Infested spawn around them on your first approach.
Tested at multiple pillars, extracted, repeat, twice.

No infested spawn pods at any point.


  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Deimos pillars no longer have Infested spawn around them on your first approach.
  • REPRODUCTION: Enter Deimos. Approach any pillar.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Infested pods should pop up around the pillar the first time you approach one of them.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Nothing happens. No Infested spawned, pod or otherwise.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 11/11, across 3 different load-ins.
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  • TYPE: Mission
  • DESCRIPTION: New T3 Arcana bounties have incorrect rewards on later stages
  • VISUAL: n/a
  • REPRODUCTION: Do T3 Iso Vault set to Invite Only. Invite other plays once Arcana T3 bounties unlocked. Complete Arcana T3 bounties.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Warframe drops website shows Theorem Contagion, 4X Orokin Animus Matrix, Necramech Streamline, Theorem Contagion as final stage rewards.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Only rewards seen from any stage of the bounty are Necramech Fury, Endo, Orokin Orientation Matrix. None of the intended final stage rewards dropped over the course of 4 runs and no other types of rewards dropped at all. Also there was no bonus reward at the end for successfully completing the bonus objectives.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened every time, 4 out of 4 runs.
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: trying to buff my thralls (and pet, also don't work with sentinels), also i can't switch elemental ward element mid-mission
  • VISUAL: 
  • REPRODUCTION: Try any buff ability (rhino's roar, chroma's elemental ward), for element switching try switch element with elemental ward
  • EXPECTED RESULT: my ability should grant buff to my thralls and pet, also i should be able to switch element with elemental ward
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Thralls and pet don't receive any buff, and I can't switch element neither recast with another element
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Ash`s teleport doesn't open enemies up to finishers consistently .
  • REPRODUCTION: Teleport to enemy. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: It should open enemies up to finishers every time you teleport to an enemy.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemy is not affect by the ability.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time I teleport to a enemy.


Note: You will also see the arrow glitch in this footage.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: New fishes doesn't illuminates by luminous dye or by Oxylus's 'scan aquatic lifeforms' mod
  • REPRODUCTION: I used processed fass bait on a fishing spot for Flagellocanth while the fass wyrm.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Every other fishes were illuminated but Flagellocanth not
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TYPE: In - Game

DESCRIPTION: Destreza Prime equipped with Vulpine Mask has bugged combos (I don't have any other rapiers to test with)

REPRODUCTION: Equip Vulpine Mask Stance

EXPECTED RESULT: Slide attack (Spiral Cut)/ Right Mouse + E (Deceptive Lunge)


Spiral cut performs two stabs instead of slashing.

Deceptive Lunge performs two stabs before initiating the combo.

All the other combos occur as expected.

REPRODUCTION RATE: In open world, regular missions, simulacrum, railjack

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  • TYPE: Gameplay / Ability / Please I just want to use Revenant and the Vitrica at the same time 
  • DESCRIPTION: Revenant's "Enthrall" ability interrupts several game mechanics, including melee and sniper combo counters, arcanes, and the Vitrica special ability.
  1. Melee Combo Counter: hitting a Thrall with a melee weapon will not increase or refresh your Melee combo counter. Exceptions to this are slash effects with the Relentless Combination mod, and finishers for some reason. 
  2. Arcanes: Hits, headshots, and critical hits against Thralls do not trigger the effects of Arcanes. This was tested with Arcanes  Tempo, Acceleration, Velocity, consequence, Rage, and Strike. After six Arcanes consistently failed to work against thralls, I stopped testing. 
  3. Sniper Combo: Hitting a Thrall with a sniper rifle does not increase or refresh your sniper combo counter, same as melee. I have found no exceptions to this. Hits against thralls will actually count as misses for the purposes of sniper combo counter, and will actively reduce your combo counter with each hit. 
  4. On-Hit Effects: Hitting a Thrall with a primary weapon shot fails to trigger the on-hit effects of both the bow-specific mod Split Flights and the Latron-specific mod Double Tap. As the durations of these effects are low and they require constant refreshing, this usually means the stacking buffs are reset and must be re-acquired. 
  5. The Vitrica: Hitting a Thrall with the launched projectile from the Vitrica will fail to apply its "glassed" effect, meaning that Thralls cannot be used to generate the powerful shatter explosions like normal enemies. 

I've had some arguments with other players over whether this is intentional or a bug, but I feel like if using Revenant's "Enthrall" ability was meant to interrupt use of melee combo, arcanes, and sniper combo, it would be mentioned somewhere, and it is in no way a sensible design decision to make a player choose between melee working and using their abilities. 

Other warframe's abilities that do not work on Thralls include:

1. Vauban's bastille, tether mines, and tesla nervos (this might actually be a good thing, preventing Vauban from killing off thralls)

2. Garuda's Blood Mirror and Seeking Tallons

3. Valyr's Ripline and paralysis

4. Nidus' Larva

5. Protea's Blaze artillery (again, probably good)

  • REPRODUCTION: AJust try to use any of the above listed mechanics. I tested in the Simulacrum and only solo, so i could not test if these effects apply to other players as well. Multplayer Smulacrum testing confirms these affects apply to other players as well, and interfere with multiple other abilities. I have observed all of these effects outside of the simulacrum, both in solo and squad play. 

1. striking an enemy under Entrhall should have generated a hit of melee combo.

2. crits / hits / headshots against thralls should have triggered their respective Arcane enhancements.

3. hitting an enemy under Entrhall should have generated a hit of sniper combo.

4. Split Flights and Double Tap should have triggered their effects upon shooting thralls.

5. firing the special "glass" projectile with the Vitrica should have "Glassed" thralls. 


1. striking an enemy under Entrhall did not generate a hit of melee combo

2. crits / hits / headshots against thralls did not trigger their respective Arcane enhancements

3. hitting an enemy under Entrhall did not generate a hit of sniper combo 

4. Split Flights and Double Tap did not trigger their effects upon shooting thralls

5. firing the special "glass" projectile with the Vitrica did not "Glass" thralls. 

  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%, without fail. i think this is a result of Thralls being flagged as allies (crosshair turns blue when pointed at a thrall) and it strikes me as more of an accident than an intentional detriment of Enthrall, interrupting a variety of mechanics, some of them particularly niche, when using an ability that is ultimately a core part of Revenants kit. It is the nature of "Enthrall" that it spreads on its own, out of player control. casting it once means it is now spreading amongst enemies. this means that, if these detriments were intentional, players would be choosing between functional arcanes, melee, snipers, and weapon specific effects or the use of a core ability. 


These facets of Entrhall, bugs or design choices, are not new to Deimos Arcana, but there is no mention of these particular detriments in the game and nobody has as of yet specified them as intentional. because they make little sense as design choices but plenty of sense as accidental detriments, and because there is no mention of them in game, i am assuming they are bugs. 

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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Fishing with my oxylus with the mod to highlight fish in the Cambion Drift for the new fish Flagellocanth. That fish wasn't highlighted but others were. Using Luminous Dye also didn't work. 
  • VISUAL:D25F7497C4AF7391D1C612EDAF04D36DE872E4D3
  • REPRODUCTION: Go Fishing in the Cambion drift
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Flagellocanth should be highlighted.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Flagellocanth is not highlighted but other fish were.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Everytime a flagellocanth spawns
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  • TYPE: [In-Game]
  • DESCRIPTION: Focus "buff" can be obtained even if you do not have an item capable of gaining focus.
  • VISUAL:https://imgur.com/a/PgQw1UD
  • REPRODUCTION: This occurred twice while I was in Sanctuary Onslaught.  Since you still cannot see the focus "buff" pickup it is hard to reproduce.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: You should not get the focus "buff" when no item you have can gain focus.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: You can still pick up the focus "buff" however no focus is awarded.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Reproduced twice in Sanctuary Onslaught.
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Type: Ingame/Cosmetic

Description: Deru Syandana not coloring based off chosen colors, only energy color changes but the rest stays default colors

Visual: k0CIP12.png

Reproduction: Equip Deru Syandana after update and try to color?

Expected Result: Deru syandana changes color based on the color I choose

Observed Result: Deru syandana does not change color based on the color I choose besides energy color

Reproduction Rate: I have restarted and relaunched the game, switched syandanas, completed missions, switched frames, and it still refuses to color correctly

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  • TYPE: UI
  • DESCRIPTION: Random lab consoles in the Dojo would have a "e" in the search bar and the mouse can't click on anything, including the Exit button to back out of the menu. The ESC button will also be unable to bring up the main menu.
  • VISUAL: N/A, as nothing is visually off.
  • REPRODUCTION: Visiting any dojo Lab Console
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Being able to click on things
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Nothing besides the search bar responds.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: The Biolab and Chemlab are the most susceptable. Haven't tried it with the other labs, don't want to because each time it results in a reset and out of the 10 times I've interacted with the consoles, only once was I able to get it to function normally (before the next console immediately froze up again).
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Whenever Vauban activates his bastille (4th Ability), it slows down friendly necramech movement and weapon fire rate.
  • VISUAL: 
  • REPRODUCTION: Have Vauban throw is Bastille on the ground and have teammates roam by the Bastille.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Friendly necramech aren't affected by Vauban 4th ability.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Slows down friendly necramech movement and weapon fire rate 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Almost 100%

  • TYPE: In-Game (Show Profile)
  • DESCRIPTION: I don't know if this is a bug or not but Voidrig and Bonewidow are listed under Warframe after viewing your profile. Voidrig is also listed under Vehicles. 
  • REPRODUCTION: Already there.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Voidrig and Bonewidow are listed somewhere else? Voidrig not displaying twice.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Voidrig and Bonewidow listed under Warframe. Voidrig is listed twice (Warframe and Vehicle)
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  • TYPE: [In-Game - Combat]
  • DESCRIPTION:  Secondary fire of Amp 2-4-7 [Shwaak Prism + Phahd Scaffold + Certus Brace] causes stagger
  • VISUAL: lTAgIz2.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Shooting secondary fire (void ricocheting disc) at a near surface OR disc ricocheting back and direct hitting/near hitting the operator causes Operator knockdown.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Phahd scaffold never presented any kind of self-stagger. Should be able to shoot in confined spaces without being stunlocked.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: update aimed at "reducing the self-stagger range of the Shraksun Scaffold, Granmu Prism, Exard Scaffold, Dissic Scaffold and Propa Scaffold for Operator Amps" actually introduced stagger for Propa scaffold. The Amp is completely unreliable, since a single disc shot in an enclosed space now can stun multiple times the operator, leaving him/her stunlocked and open to enemy blows.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%, consistent, both in open spaces and extremely crippling in enclosed ones
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TYPE: In-Game, Dojo

DESCRIPTION: Renaming a teleporter relocated it to the void.





REPRODUCTION: Rename a teleporter in a dojo

EXPECTED RESULT: The teleporter name changes

OBSERVED RESULT: The teleporter name changes, the teleporter blinks out of existence and attempting to travel to it puts you in the void under the dry dock.

REPRODUCTION RATE: 1/1, I can try it again with a test teleporter later once it finishes building.

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  • TYPE: In-Game / POE (bug present in 29.5 and 29.5.1)
  • DESCRIPTION: Eidolon Teralyst Bugs out causing failure to defeat / capture. It incorrectly goes into its capture animation before its health is depleted, causing it to go under the ground while still alive, making it impossible to defeat / capture it. It continues to attack.
  • emDt1Ay.jpg
  • ud67dZM.jpg
  • MQgL8MN.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Fight teralyst with 3 charged lures after breaking all limbs.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Teralyst should not enter capture animation until health is depleted
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Teralyst entered capture animation early while still alive and went underground. Attacks continued. Bounty did not complete. Lures did not break and drop shards.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened twice in a row.
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Machete heavy attack+slide attack are broken. 
  • VISUAL: Sadly don't have the stuff to record a video, and a screenshot wouldn't super help. 
  • REPRODUCTION: Seems like just using any machete in general right now results in the broken combos. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Machete heavy attack and slide attack should function properly. 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Heavy attack button does nothing on the ground, although Slams still work in the air. Attempting a slide attack simply does the first string of the regular melee combo
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Tested with the Kreska and a Machete Wraith. Tried switching stances too. 
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Trying to start the research for the Catabolyst, the search bar has "x" in it and when deleting it the UI and most of the game soft locks.
  • REPRODUCTION: From the video, at 00:38, I enter the research UI, the search bar has "x" in it, when deleting it the UI soft locks. Clicking on the profile icon opens up the menu UI and can be used, but the research UI overlaps and locks the movements of the Warframe.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Functioning UI
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Research UI is almost unresponsive and soft locks the game.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: If the "x" is not in the search bar when opening the research UI everything functions correctly.
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il y a 15 minutes, NemesisZeru a dit :
  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Machete heavy attack+slide attack are broken. 
  • VISUAL: Sadly don't have the stuff to record a video, and a screenshot wouldn't super help. 
  • REPRODUCTION: Seems like just using any machete in general right now results in the broken combos. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Machete heavy attack and slide attack should function properly. 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Heavy attack button does nothing on the ground, although Slams still work in the air. Attempting a slide attack simply does the first string of the regular melee combo
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Tested with the Kreska and a Machete Wraith. Tried switching stances too. 

Similar bug : MELEE n' Heavy melee DOES NOT WORK with Machete Wraith

  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: After a dozen second melee attack with Machete Wraith, Melee and heavy melee stop working. Destreza prime Heavy does not work anymore.
  • REPRODUCTION: 7 successive missions with 2 warframe, with or without stance modes
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To be able to attcak with my machette and do heavy attack with destreza prime (slam with heavy attack button work fine)
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Using Melee weapon (machete) will randomly just stop allowing me to attack with the E button ou heavy button. Other weapons (primary and secondary) that work fine. Was working before update. After Hotfix, I have done verify cache and optimizing cache. Same problem with machete wraith but ok with Hate.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: All Missions (7 rescue on mercury dones)
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Cambion Drift K-Drive Race ends prematurely 8 out of 14 or 15 gates
  • REPRODUCTION: Take part in the K-Drive race just SW of the Catabolic Gutter
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Should be awarded the Ferverspine K-Drive Body; I have completed all the other races in full, and have unlocked the Blueprints for the other Infested K-Drive Parts (Steeba, Nodulite, and Gristlebuck) as advertised.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Race ends prematurely after crossing the 7th or 8th gate. Game says the race is completed, but you don't get any reward (presumably because it ends early).
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: While i was trying to build the new K-Drive parts i found that i am unable to build it's blueprints even though i own 3/4 of the new parts blueprints
  • REPRODUCTION: Unknown, All I know is that when I went to build my Infested K-drive i was unable to because the blueprint didn't show up inside the foundry even though i own the blueprint
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should be able to build my new K-Drive
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I can't build my K-drive because it's not showing up in the foundry.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% not in my foundry.
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