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Update 29.5: Deimos Arcana


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  • There is now a minimal Line of Sight check on Whipclaw’s radial damage. 

This is seriously bad, and not what should be going on, I really wish I could get a refund for the Frame and skin that I bought...

Edited by No_Recoil
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On 2020-11-19 at 3:39 PM, [DE]Megan said:


  • Tornado: Slightly better at holding enemies. Tap creates stationary tornadoes, hold creates wandering one

Feedback: Still having tornados spawning in BFE. Really would rather have it like Hydroid's tenticals of sorts. Where it puts a circle on the ground and they stay inside the circle. I was doing defenses and kept having them spawn and stay spawned across the map at the enemy spawn points instead of on the def point where it is useful.

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On 2020-11-19 at 3:39 PM, [DE]Megan said:

As you play in any Steel Path mission, Acolytes will spawn and attack - defeating the Acolyte grants a guaranteed drop of 2 Steel Essence. Beware! If you get downed by an Acolyte, they’ll escape and you won’t receive any Steel Essence! 


The stalker doesn't count as an acolyte and doesn't drop steel essence yet for some reason it counts as an acolyte for resetting the spawn timer. Can this get fixed? Only the acolytes themselves should be able to reset their own spawn timer.

On 2020-11-19 at 3:39 PM, [DE]Megan said:

In essence (ha), there is virtually no RNG with Steel Essence anymore.

See above, its RNG to get the stalker in mission and there is RNG for when the kill threshold starts in order to spawn the acolyte that spawns every 3 to 6 minutes.


I really want to love the steel path but these changes do not make it enough

On 2020-11-19 at 3:39 PM, [DE]Megan said:

In our view, it’s better to reward broader diverse play than hyper reward idle strategies, and the stats confirm this to be the case. On paper the absolute Top 1% of missions will see less Steel Essence per hour (i.e the single strategy AFK-Macro-run), every other mission strategy will see more.

This will never be the case as long as load times and entrance times exist. And "every other missions strategy" yet the hyper offensive strategy of completing a mission in less than 3 minutes will never see an acolyte spawn for steel essence needs to be fixed as well so of course the long runs will always reward more in that case.

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