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Update 29.5: Deimos Arcana


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vor 1 Stunde schrieb [DE]Megan:


Actualise... synergy... SYNERGISE! Residual Arcanes and Theorem Arcanes are geared towards synergising with each other to provide a different method of imposing elemental damage. Discover these new synergized Kitgun and Warframe Arcanes as rewards from the new Isolation Vault Bounties.

This is still the worst kind of synergy because one thing literally doesnt work without the other. Forced synergy isnt synergy, it's just the residuals asking for a slot on both your frame and on your weapon.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • There is now a minimal Line of Sight check on Whipclaw’s radial damage. 

I get the thought process behind this, I do... But did anyone do some actual play testing on this? It sucks - you don't hit enemies you think you would hit because of terrain and wall relief: you hit a doorframe, and it hits literally nobody. This should be rolled back and needs some more testing for this change to not duck over Khora so hard.

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Regarding this change:

Enabled Imprinting and breeding for Predasites and Vulpaphyla.

  • Mutagens and Antigens are inherited through breeding, allowing pets to stack their benefits.

  • Imprints of Predasites and Vulpaphyla can only be taken when the pet is Gilded.

This seems VERY time intensive for VERY little reward. More armor to pet's that don't die doesn't make sense to me, but that said it's also very time intensive to level, relevel, gild, repeat times 3 for what amounts to maybe 1 or 2 more hits before death in a SP mission? 

Now if that upgrade was some type of special Fox or Sphynx forma I *might* do it.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed Octavia's Resonator not going to pick up her Mallet if it was cast just off a navigation path (ie on top of an obstruction).

Oh hey, thanks for the random Octavia fix!  Hopefully this means fewer lonely Mallets.

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My God this update has a lot of things, and it isn't even a mainline one. Weapons, buffs, character (necramech), missions, pets, mods, arcanes, balance changes (steel path), optimizations, bug fixes, QoL changes and very few nerfs.

Just one question, though. The text says that you removed the AoE damage falloff, but the glaive buffs indicate just a reduction. Was that a typo?


2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Damage numbers have been increased, and the area-of-effect falloff has been removed, meaning max damage no matter what part of the explosion hits an enemy


2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Added guaranteed Toxin proc on Heavy Attack Detonation.

  • Increased Critical Damage from 2.2 to 2.3x of throw.

  • Reduced AoE fall off from 50% to 30%.


Edited by HolySeraphin
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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • There is now a minimal Line of Sight check on Whipclaw’s radial damage. 

Hold up.
No, you're not slipping this by us, this is just a bad change. If this is intended to fight AFK Macro users, then this will not stop them, Macro users can always find a way to work around fixes and nerfs like this, the change does nothing to them except slow them down for a couple hours as they figure out where to aim Whipclaws and find new tiles to AFK in, nothing will change.
In fact, this change hurts normal Khora players more than it hurts illegitimate ones, seeing as this makes Strangldome a significantly worse ability, seeing as how enemies constantly get stuck against walls and in weird corners when using Strangledome, preventing the AoE from tagging through walls slows down Khoras gameplay and makes her worse for DPS, also making it harder for her to sustain combo.
Please HEAVILY consider reverting this nerf, it doesn't fix any problems, and instead creates new ones. Thanks.

Edited by Mimikium
extraneous detail that didnt serve my point.
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Hmm .... I wonder how Kitgun Vermisplicer works .... since it got that 5 multishot and 5 chain thing ...... Main target got 5x damage (from 5.0 multishot), then it split to 5, each getting 1x (not multiplied by multishot)? ..... I wonder if the multishot increased by Barrel Diffusion, the shot will split to more target or not ..... hmm ...

Anyone tried that yet?

Edit : I'm still crafting it atm

Edited by randomCasualPlayer
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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Enabled Imprinting and breeding for Predasites and Vulpaphyla.

  • Mutagens and Antigens are inherited through breeding, allowing pets to stack their benefits.

Does this include cosmetic changes also stacking? Like having a vulpaphyla with mane, spike and tumor?

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