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A Chance To Make It Right


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Seriously ... im more than 90%  shure that after the event ends , we all get our wonderfully rewards .... WE ALL  get a good ,nice and cute backstab  by both the Grineer and the Corpus   and then THEY make the biggest mistake ever , making the deadliest enemy possible ........ now im wondering , what happen after both sides betray us ?  we go back to our normal daily routines  of  doing  mercinary missions ... -_-    and after  a small bit of time , the true "story" behind this  Grineer - Corpus  war  was some uterior motive to make  a new type of enemy , and then again , the tenno come in to save the day , WoW   :D

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Corpus is the only rational choice.

Only few know what sacrificing for a greater good means.


Dont give up hope so soon  - Our most feared enemies are fighting themself. Let`s take advatage of this.


The Grineer dogs wont stand against Alads brain combined with our Tenno power.


Be smart and stick with the smart ones.

Please , do not forget that the smart ones are usually the most dangerous , the grineer are simple and brutish , which is why most people would not expect them to betray us , i however think the corpus are not  STUPID  enough to ACTUALLY  BETRAY  us (the Tenno)  or else they know we can easily destroy their little empire   ;]

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Every faction is a warmongering, unsympathetic machine. Because of how bad the writing is at DE, they had to flat out tell us the Tenno were the good guys. Like thousands of other people, after hearing "You have amnesia, but you should totally trust me" I was wary of the Lotus' intentions. The writing for this game is akin to  a Saturday morning cartoon and that is just sad to see. The Tenno are murderous thugs, they garner no sympathy. But NOW~! We gotta stop the Grinner from spreading...into what? The only 3 factions that consist of humanoids are the only 3 that matter. There are no civilians that we know of, we are not trying to bring balance or peace. Lotus uses us like mercenaries for hire, we end up helping both sides all the time.


So this entire lazily done event has presented two options.


1. Help the Corpus and fail to uphold the only purpose given to the Tenno by DE, which is to save Tenno.

2. Help the Grineer and get our fellow Tenno back. Then use the awakened Tenno to fight back the Grineer.


A Tenno is worth 20,000 Grineer or Corpus, maybe more. If every single mission is extermination or whatever the Corpus missions are (I wouldn't know since I am not a traitor), this event is a bust. There is nothing to these missions. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was more than single mission runs. Have large flowing fights, Have you fight along side a Champion like Vor/Kril or a pack of Hyenas/Jackle. Have some interactions with Vor to show the uneasiness between us, that he vehemently hates us for foiling the Sling-Stone operation. Maybe have some Fomorian ship missions to get the Infested involved in some capacity. There is no reason this event could not have been a combination and expansion of concepts and ideas previously explored. I was hoping for more free-form choice driven levels, having multiple objectives; to interact with the enemy. You know, have it go all out. This event is reward heavy, but light on content. You know, the stuff that matters. It introduces no new concepts for game modes/the way we play, just more needless grind.


I will say it again. If you create compelling and fun gameplay, you don't need 1000 weapons or 300 Warframes. The ideas here were nice, the delivery of information was botched and the logic is just stupid. This coupled with the fact it is the same game being played, just with window dressing. This event does not create or give off the feeling of being "epic" (hate that word). It is just a means to show off new content(4 weapons) and does nothing to promote creating player-driven choices that resonate in the gameplay. It is still running up and down the same interchangeable hallways killing the same enemies. This event shows off how stupid the A.I. is. Instead of moving as a unit with them, they all just cluster F*** around. I was picturing boarding parties, squads of structured/diverse units, you know make it seem like it wasn't just the A.I. being dragged along by a sting. I was expecting to maybe encounter Vor in the field. If you are working with the Grineer, he pelts you with scathing remarks, but asks your team to take out a generator and gives you some men and a bomb to do so. Then you return to him for a final push. Break up these more structured missions with the samey rushed oriented crap and you got yourself a truly grand event in scope. The allied Corpus/Grineer are not even helpful. It is a novelty at best. They get in the way and the number of enemies present do not warrant the number of Tenno or allied faction present. So you have a "huge battle" happening within the same confined areas all other missions take place in, yet you jam more people in there (a majority of which you cannot shoot); the number of enemies does not require so many allied soldiers like I stated. If you were to spawn with a boarding party or a Champion unit and a party, then proceed to work through the level with a clear objective in mind; that would be way more compelling and something actually different(granted not much different, but still). You would have less clutter and a more directed flow to the mission.This event wreaks of laziness or lack direction/imagination, maybe both.


To break this down into being about telling your story for the sake of telling your story, that is not the way to approach this. You are only looking to create means to an end in which you tell the story of the Berserker; which will become stale if it is presented in a similar way the current lore is. To run through a level and hear the same dialogue over and over and over again sucks, it lessens the impact of what is said. If we have to grind for Berserker prints and a story is attached to the levels in the form of "words words words words words" of the same 5 or so lines of dialouge, you have screwed something up.


If you are only focused on telling one story, focusing on what is best for your story; you are doing it wrong. You need to tell your story in the best way possible for the good of the product as a whole. If that means compromising your story to let the players make a choice, so be it. If you are going to game the system to try and force a Corpus victory to tell the story of the Beserker, again that is dumb. This sudden interest in lore is just that. Instead of taking the time to think this out and present it a compelling way, you rushed it out the door. You had to change the stipulations at the last second to make the event even make any kind of sense, which it still doesn't.


This has become an extension of the grind with window dressing and not the awesome event it was made out to be.



I totally agree with you.

Edited by dvacettri
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We shall not serve you, you will defile are kind and make us suffer, I can not betray my kind especially to one of your 'projects.' The Grineer are a menace to the galagy, but in exchange for the grineer becoming more powerfl, we will become more powerful as well being able to retake the cryopods.

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Well, well. Look brothers! Pleading assistance to an enemy and alleged "lab rats". I thought you were too superior for MY kind, Alad? Why should we help those who experiment on our brethrens? The Grineer may gain power through your strategic losses, but in the end, Tenno will always prevail against the Grineer, for they lack vision and wisdom. You on the other hand, no, we cannot let our technology fall into the wrong hands, especially not you.


We will destroy you first. First.

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I am disappointed my Tenno brethren.


I see now that many of the clans value loyalty above all else --right up until a chance appears to get your hands on some Orokin power sources.


--and then you have the gall to cliam that it is neccisarry to uphold the virtue of Sacrifice!? It is we who Sacrifice, to uphold loyalty. I have made half a million credits already this day. What use have I for this Greneer gold? --but I take this poor reward with pride, knowing I have defended the helpless from a fate worse than death!


Don't you remember what it was like, waking up alone and helpless, with no memories to guide you to safety? Can you leave another helpless in that same plight, knowing that the heartless Corpus will vivisect them, looking for our Orokin secrets?


I hope you all feel the shame of betraying those frozen brothers, every time you look at your ill gotten corpus badge!

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I only follow the rewards, those 2 reactors will come in handy, the corpus weapons are better looking than grineer, but the grineer logo is the best, perhaps if the rewards will be the same from the beggining none of this would happend (I mean grineer 8 corpus 2)

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I am disappointed my Tenno brethren.


I see now that many of the clans value loyalty above all else --right up until a chance appears to get your hands on some Orokin power sources.


--and then you have the gall to cliam that it is neccisarry to uphold the virtue of Sacrifice!? It is we who Sacrifice, to uphold loyalty. I have made half a million credits already this day. What use have I for this Greneer gold? --but I take this poor reward with pride, knowing I have defended the helpless from a fate worse than death!


Don't you remember what it was like, waking up alone and helpless, with no memories to guide you to safety? Can you leave another helpless in that same plight, knowing that the heartless Corpus will vivisect them, looking for our Orokin secrets?


I hope you all feel the shame of betraying those frozen brothers, every time you look at your ill gotten corpus badge!


I am dissapointed in you, brother.


Ruk is not freeing our fellow brothers - neither can we save them. Their fate is slavery or death.

You doom their lifes to slavery over salvation from death.


Clearly you have the wisdom and foresight of the grineer dogs.


One day you will understand.

Edited by Sunfox069
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Maybe you should consider not giving horrible rewards. 2 goldtatoes isn't gonna cut it man. 



Also, it's hilarious how many delusional people think the grineer would treat the captive tenno any different... considering how many times we've been dispatched to kill Ruk, I don't think he feels very "loyal" to us.

Edited by Mictlantecuitli
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How immature. I don't care about these petty rewards. The last thing i want to see is for the grineer to control another planet in the solar system. I side with the corpus. I have since the beginning and i will continue to do so till the end. A few tenno sacrificed at the hands of alad do not compare to the amounts already killed by corpus and grineer alike. The idea of the captured tenno infested many tennos' minds and yet they fail to see the bigger picture. As tenno we are meant to keep this conflict going for as long as possible. By siding with the Gineer you are helping in the conclusion of this great war which will render the grineer a monopoly in the system. We are nothing but pieces. For now i side with alad even if the reward is 1 credit. I do not want to see the solar system ravaged by the disgusting clones. After this war is over we go back to what we always do slaughtering both factions and keeping the balance between them. Those who side with the grineer need to ask one question. Am i willing to sacrifice a planet which is crucial to the war between the two faction for a couple of fellow tenno? I say that in this case the lives of few will help save many.

Edited by KuraiKyofu
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There is no room left for both of the factions Alad, this is something you dont understand.... our Duty leads us to the punishment of all our foes... the Grineer as much as the Corpus will suffer the ultimate punishment from us !

This is not a war about YOU or about The Grineer its mor a war about our kind.... we are making history right now, even if there are brothers and sisters of my kind who fight for you.... we are not diveded or split in two factions.... We´ll still stand and fight together as Tenno´s to restore the balance.... but to free our fellow Tenno´s is our main Objective... we would free them anyway! Even if you can win this war... we´ll hunt for you and your kind until we find our Brothers and Sisters. This is no Longer a "little rescure" mission, this is war... a war wich you´ll lose soon enough.

Your head isn´t not even worthy my blade you fool ! 


and as one of my brothers said it before.... You´ll die Today... but the Grineer tomorrow !

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Every faction is a warmongering, unsympathetic machine. Because of how bad the writing is at DE, they had to flat out tell us the Tenno were the good guys. Like thousands of other people, after hearing "You have amnesia, but you should totally trust me" I was wary of the Lotus' intentions. The writing for this game is akin to  a Saturday morning cartoon and that is just sad to see. The Tenno are murderous thugs, they garner no sympathy. But NOW~! We gotta stop the Grinner from spreading...into what? The only 3 factions that consist of humanoids are the only 3 that matter. There are no civilians that we know of, we are not trying to bring balance or peace. Lotus uses us like mercenaries for hire, we end up helping both sides all the time.


So this entire lazily done event has presented two options.


1. Help the Corpus and fail to uphold the only purpose given to the Tenno by DE, which is to save Tenno.

2. Help the Grineer and get our fellow Tenno back. Then use the awakened Tenno to fight back the Grineer.


A Tenno is worth 20,000 Grineer or Corpus, maybe more. If every single mission is extermination or whatever the Corpus missions are (I wouldn't know since I am not a traitor), this event is a bust. There is nothing to these missions. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was more than single mission runs. Have large flowing fights, Have you fight along side a Champion like Vor/Kril or a pack of Hyenas/Jackle. Have some interactions with Vor to show the uneasiness between us, that he vehemently hates us for foiling the Sling-Stone operation. Maybe have some Fomorian ship missions to get the Infested involved in some capacity. There is no reason this event could not have been a combination and expansion of concepts and ideas previously explored. I was hoping for more free-form choice driven levels, having multiple objectives; to interact with the enemy. You know, have it go all out. This event is reward heavy, but light on content. You know, the stuff that matters. It introduces no new concepts for game modes/the way we play, just more needless grind.


I will say it again. If you create compelling and fun gameplay, you don't need 1000 weapons or 300 Warframes. The ideas here were nice, the delivery of information was botched and the logic is just stupid. This coupled with the fact it is the same game being played, just with window dressing. This event does not create or give off the feeling of being "epic" (hate that word). It is just a means to show off new content(4 weapons) and does nothing to promote creating player-driven choices that resonate in the gameplay. It is still running up and down the same interchangeable hallways killing the same enemies. This event shows off how stupid the A.I. is. Instead of moving as a unit with them, they all just cluster F*** around. I was picturing boarding parties, squads of structured/diverse units, you know make it seem like it wasn't just the A.I. being dragged along by a sting. I was expecting to maybe encounter Vor in the field. If you are working with the Grineer, he pelts you with scathing remarks, but asks your team to take out a generator and gives you some men and a bomb to do so. Then you return to him for a final push. Break up these more structured missions with the samey rushed oriented crap and you got yourself a truly grand event in scope. The allied Corpus/Grineer are not even helpful. It is a novelty at best. They get in the way and the number of enemies present do not warrant the number of Tenno or allied faction present. So you have a "huge battle" happening within the same confined areas all other missions take place in, yet you jam more people in there (a majority of which you cannot shoot); the number of enemies does not require so many allied soldiers like I stated. If you were to spawn with a boarding party or a Champion unit and a party, then proceed to work through the level with a clear objective in mind; that would be way more compelling and something actually different(granted not much different, but still). You would have less clutter and a more directed flow to the mission.This event wreaks of laziness or lack direction/imagination, maybe both.


To break this down into being about telling your story for the sake of telling your story, that is not the way to approach this. You are only looking to create means to an end in which you tell the story of the Berserker; which will become stale if it is presented in a similar way the current lore is. To run through a level and hear the same dialogue over and over and over again sucks, it lessens the impact of what is said. If we have to grind for Berserker prints and a story is attached to the levels in the form of "words words words words words" of the same 5 or so lines of dialouge, you have screwed something up.


If you are only focused on telling one story, focusing on what is best for your story; you are doing it wrong. You need to tell your story in the best way possible for the good of the product as a whole. If that means compromising your story to let the players make a choice, so be it. If you are going to game the system to try and force a Corpus victory to tell the story of the Beserker, again that is dumb. This sudden interest in lore is just that. Instead of taking the time to think this out and present it a compelling way, you rushed it out the door. You had to change the stipulations at the last second to make the event even make any kind of sense, which it still doesn't.


This has become an extension of the grind with window dressing and not the awesome event it was made out to be.



This is just....too true.


More people need to read this.


I would have absolutely loved some more interaction with NPCs other than "lulz we friends now", "y u fite me?" and "derp here's teh pay be gud".


They really should put more effort into mixing up story telling and gameplay.


I know this might not be the greatest idea but if they don't really have the time to add more to this game's story,why not hand pick a few members of the community to act as canon writers for the game.

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You wish the Tenno to fight for your worlds.. and the Tenno wish our comrades released from your inventory. I think we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

My brothers and sisters are better off dead or trapped in sleep at the hands of the Grineer than your playthings. I will fight for you, my allies will fight for you.. once our comrades are returned. Unless you agree, the Grineer can die another day.. now will be your time.

Choose wisely.

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I am no friend of the Grineer, nor do I care for the Corpus. Unless our fellow Tenno are released, our wrath shall be upon you with divine fury.
Yes, we are keepers of balance, of that which the Grineer threaten. But what you forget is that we are foe to all who threaten us.

Release our brethren, and your death may be swift and clean. Do not think we can be fooled by the tales of one driven by greed above all else.


I side not with the Grineer, nor with the Corpus. I side with the Tenno.

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