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We really need a auction house for non-riven items.


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5 minutes ago, gbjbaanb said:

uh-huh. "Just gimme teh munnies".

Yes?, pretty much own most items in the store brother as would most at this level. It's more stockpiling or doing cool things with it for your mates. Heck you should see my robots i can build with ayatan sculptures.

My main focus now is probably Tennobaum gifts for my lads. 

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

That website was a mistake

ah yes , a solely trade chat monopolly that is riven marketting is what we exactly want for prime parts as well like 200 plat per part .. just nope , glad we have the market the regulate who is bs'ing and who is not . 

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vor 20 Minuten schrieb Jackdarsan:

Never going to happen, love how this topic just keeps coming back up. 

Why would DE make it easy to get Plat in game when that is their only source of income? 

If anyone has a real answer to this question or a way to not impact DE's bottom line, only then they would even consider adding it into the game. 

right! why should DE destroy its own company?
and why do people go to work, good bosses are real sharks in the human body, there are wars for resources and much more brutal action.
according to trolls out of a world full of pink ponies, everything should be free. there is solar energy. you don't have to eat, do you?

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1 hour ago, (PSN)guzmantt1977 said:

You also fail at math? Steam doesn't show all PC gamers, and it sure as heck won't show you us console players. You are looking at a total of what? Just over a third of the Steam users and claiming that's a majority of the players in the game? 

How badly are you trying to embarass yourself here? 


Seriously, Tenno, too many people have been explaining all of this to you, for too long. You keep thinking that others are misunderstanding, because you literally don't know what you are talking about. Go give yourself a quick primer, and actually think about what it all means. 

Oh, I'm sorry! You didn't realize what I was talking about. I'll make it simpler for you:

You claim that not many people use external sites like warframe.market. This is clearly and demonstrably false. Many people use this service, which is shown on their website.

The population is so large, in fact, that it's as big as 1/3rd the the Steam userbase, which is a big userbase. I provide these numbers as a comparison so you can put warframe.market's userbase into perspective.

This is a big userbase. Clearly, many people use warframe.market contrary to your claims.

And like I said, and like you didn't read, comparing this number to the active player count is pointless because many of those players aren't going to be engaging in trade anyways.

1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

A more fair comparison would be to compare warframe.market's userbase to the ingame trade chat user list, but I guarantee you that name list isn't over 11,500 entries long.

The number that's a better comparison would be the number of users in participating in trade chat. Active users on warframe.market vs active users on trade chat. For the entirety of the PC playerbase, I count this to be in the ballpark of 140 players: about 11.5 groups of 12 names each. Let's say that Xbox, PS4, and Switch have an equal number of users on trade chat - which is a pretty generous assumption. warframe.market would still be 17 times larger.

Unless you can provide me with usage statistics that say otherwise, I think its fair to say that warframe.market alone dwarfs trade chat.

You are wrong. 🤡

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5 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Just curious: can you buy premium currency, legally, for those other games? What kind of items do people usually sell for high amounts of in game currency, and how are they obtained?

I suppose depends on the game one of my favorites was SWTOR. This was because of cartel coins (premium currency)  and the selling of crates etc. Man you could make bank in that game, it was alot of fun. Unfortunately it barely gets updates and the game just got stale.

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vor 14 Minuten schrieb DrivaMain:

The plat economy right now already stale because lack of updates lessening demand and too many supply. Adding the auction house only adds fuel to the fire. Low ballers will keep undercutting making the price of items completely worthless. 

Do you want your excess prime junks, primed mods, arcanes, etc to be worthless? This is a free market, it won't work. Unless DE start to meddle item values which is a huge headache.


the prices are really ridiculous. in the real world it's super good and how it should be. then you work a lot less and get more of it.

but here ... i bought lvl 5 arcanes for 30-40 plat. the guy must have farmed it for months. As a soft developer, I can buy a lot more than 8600 plat with coupons every day. and with the current prices i can't even spend it in 2-3 years. I am clearly winning here. and how does DE intend to finance its huge updates several times a year? and DE has top people who cost a lot of money. there are also other expenses ...

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30 minutes ago, Jackdarsan said:

DE's bottom line

I swear some of you play this game to help DE make money, rather than for enjoyment.  There's way too many people in this community that would rather do everything in their power to help the devs squeeze every dime they can out of players than see things that benefit players put into the game.

"What about muh small indie dev?"

I frankly don't care.  I'm not on their marketing/sales team or in their accounting department.  That's on them, and if they do things like they're currently doing in order to make more money, they're going to keep losing players.  I'm here for me and the people actually playing the game.  I'm not here to shill for the devs bottom line.  There's plenty of options for making money in a F2P game that don't involve making everything as tedious as you can possibly make it to encourage players to spend money to skip playing the game because you've made it not fun on purpose.

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

I swear some of you play this game to help DE make money, rather than for enjoyment.  There's way too many people in this community that would rather do everything in their power to help the devs squeeze every dime they can out of players than see things that benefit players put into the game.

"What about muh small indie dev?"

I frankly don't care.  I'm not on their marketing/sales team or in their accounting department.  That's on them, and if they do things like they're currently doing in order to make more money, they're going to keep losing players.  I'm here for me and the people actually playing the game.  I'm not here to shill for the devs bottom line.  There's plenty of options for making money in a F2P game that don't involve making everything as tedious as you can possibly make it to encourage players to spend money to skip playing the game because you've made it not fun on purpose.

This, SO MUCH THIS, it is unbelievable how crazy the de zealots can be sometimes, you just summed it up perfectly why people don't play this game for more than a couple weeks or months and then drop off.

I have been on a hiatus for a long time and let me tell you, I hade about 30 or so friends in game and I would play with a few of them quite often, but after a couple of months of talking or just playing in general they get bored and leave without hesitation.

Things that would be a boon to the game like an auction house or any minor qol feature like vacuum just inherent on all warframes and pets is met with severe whining and backlash, then they go and nerf vacuums range to throw shade.


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25 minutes ago, killerJoke66 said:

prime parts as well like 200 plat per part

Also, does this truly happen on PC? On xbox, when I'm looking at it anyway, I don't see anything scummy like that.

Either it happens when I'm not using the chat or because plat is more "scarce" on xbox people avoid doing stuff like this

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4 minutes ago, Battle.Mage said:

but here ... i bought lvl 5 arcanes for 30-40 plat. the guy must have farmed it for months. As a soft developer, I can buy a lot more than 8600 plat with coupons every day. and with the current prices i can't even spend it in 2-3 years. I am clearly winning here. and how does DE intend to finance its huge updates several times a year? and DE has top people who cost a lot of money. there are also other expenses ...

Except the plat you traded to that player had already been bought from DE for real money. If not by you, then by someone else. DE has already made their money before you've even had a chance to spend it. The amount of plat you have in your account doesn't matter at all, what matters to DE's bottom line is plat continuing to enter the economy through real money sales and plat eventually exiting the economy through their premium marketplace and services. What happens to a unit of platinum between those points isn't really of much consequence.

How does DE keep making money? By continuing to add new content and evolve the game and by creating more things that people want. Improving the trade system won't be what kills DE, but continuing to stagnate like they have over the past few years will.

4 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Rivens were also a mistake

And just like with an improved trade system, there is similar pushback and excuses whenever it's suggested that Rivens be improved. The naysaying comes from the same place I think.

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1 hour ago, Krankbert said:

Everything in trade chat is massively overpriced. It’s basically a way to scam players who don’t know about Warframe.market. An ingame auction house would be obvious to everyone. This would be bad for people who are raking in plat through price gouging right now.

I don’t know about that. If things were priced minimum wage for time to farm you would be paying about 1/4th or less of the cost of almost anything. Weapons are 1/8th or lower. A Warframe takes 2-3 hours to farm. People don’t pay 20-30$ in platinum for it.

Game markets always deal with people who are happy to trade 100s of hours of work for any amount of premium currency. To them it’s just the fact that they got it for “free” that makes them happy. 


Its not wrong to sell things cheep but to think your getting ripped off because you pay $3 for something that took 3 hours to farm is silly.

If Warframe changes its market to auction house they are going to need to drastically change how hard it is to farm things. Like every item now requires a relic only found in C drop of survival/defence/ Interception mission that can’t drop from syndicate relic packs. 

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21 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Oh, I'm sorry! You didn't realize what I was talking about. I'll make it simpler for you:

You claim that not many people use external sites like warframe.market. This is clearly and demonstrably false. Many people use this service, which is shown on their website.

The population is so large, in fact, that it's as big as 1/3rd the the Steam userbase, which is a big userbase. I provide these numbers as a comparison so you can put warframe.market's userbase into perspective.

This is a big userbase. Clearly, many people use warframe.market contrary to your claims.

Again I suggest you do a double check of what was actually written in the posts you're referring to and make sure that you understand what was written. 

If you check you'll find a reference to the word percentage. And as you seem to have difficulty grasping that a lot of us don't use Steam, let's make it clear, a lot of us don't use Steam's launcher to play the game. Oh wait I already made that point clear:

1 hour ago, (PSN)guzmantt1977 said:

You also fail at math? Steam doesn't show all PC gamers, and it sure as heck won't show you us console players. You are looking at a total of what? Just over a third of the Steam users and claiming that's a majority of the players in the game? 

How badly are you trying to embarass yourself here? 


I guess the answer is "very"? 🤣


21 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

And like I said, and like you didn't read, comparing this number to the active player count is pointless because many of those players aren't going to be engaging in trade anyways.

Hint: by adding a system that takes the effort out of selling, and allows us to continue playing without monitoring the trade chat, you would suddenly find a lot more sellers. 

Did you not think that through? 

21 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

The number that's a better comparison would be the number of users in participating in trade chat. Active users on warframe.market vs active users on trade chat. For the entirety of the PC playerbase, I count this to be in the ballpark of 140 players: about 11.5 groups of 12 names each. Let's say that Xbox, PS4, and Switch have an equal number of users on trade chat - which is a pretty generous assumption. warframe.market would still be 17 times larger.

Guess not. No big surprise there. Btw, don't you realize that the trade chat participants change during your gaming session? 

21 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Unless you can provide me with usage statistics that say otherwise, I think its fair to say that warframe.market alone dwarfs trade chat.

I don't need to. 

21 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

You are wrong. 🤡

Is that really the image that you want people to associate with your posts? If so, makes sense. 😉

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Also, does this truly happen on PC? On xbox, when I'm looking at it anyway, I don't see anything scummy like that.

Either it happens when I'm not using the chat or because plat is more "scarce" on xbox people avoid doing stuff like this

Bro, I remember selling an Ember Prime set for 1,200p. And at the time that was cheap, I could have gotten 1,400p for it but already had a buyer lined up. Some poor #*!%er gave me the price of a full AAA game for one vaulted Warframe. That's really good for anyone with a set to sell, but absolutely terrible for anyone that just wants to play with the frame they missed out on. Yet it wasn't systems like improved trade tools that have done away with that garbage; the external market already existed. It's was DE's own unvaultings that made the biggest change.

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Also, does this truly happen on PC? On xbox, when I'm looking at it anyway, I don't see anything scummy like that.

Either it happens when I'm not using the chat or because plat is more "scarce" on xbox people avoid doing stuff like this

no i was just hyperboling basically , over the time prime parts' prices overall decreased and now you have 50 plat for rare single part and 2-3 plat per some prime part that is too common (for pc). But there was a post saying a few years ago frost prime set being 550 down to 290 due to how market changed , supply and demand all that jazz. and i can imagine this due to warframe markets' constant regulation also affecting it outside of over the time people eventually farming for the parts they want from older primes and so on ..

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anyways .. i guess the sayings were true lol  

5 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Bro, I remember selling an Ember Prime set for 1,200p. And at the time that was cheap, I could have gotten 1,400p for it but already had a buyer lined up. Some poor #*!%er gave me the price of a full AAA game for one vaulted Warframe. That's really good for anyone with a set to sell, but absolutely terrible for anyone that just wants to play with the frame they missed out on. Yet it wasn't systems like improved trade tools that have done away with that garbage; the external market already existed. It's was DE's own unvaultings that made the biggest change.


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2 minutes ago, (PSN)guzmantt1977 said:

let's make it clear, a lot of us don't use Steam's launcher to play the game.

Back that up, bud, post your stats. You know how to cite your sources right?

4 minutes ago, (PSN)guzmantt1977 said:

I don't need to. 

Only if you want anyone to take you seriously. I certainly won't when you make wild and unsubstantiated claims like this. 🤷‍♀️

1 minute ago, (PSN)guzmantt1977 said:

Hint: by adding a system that takes the effort out of selling, and allows us to continue playing without monitoring the trade chat, you would suddenly find a lot more sellers. 

Did you not think that through? 

Hint: the system you're talking about already exists and sees wide use. You can already continue playing without monitoring trade chat, and thousands of players do just that on the regular.

Did you not comprehend that?

3 minutes ago, (PSN)guzmantt1977 said:

Btw, don't you realize that the trade chat participants change during your gaming session? 

Yeah, they enter and exit chat. Just like people enter and exit warframe.market. You can't view trade chat when you're not connected to trade chat just like you can't view the external market without being on the external market.

Now, I wasn't sure if you meant to imply that trade chat was only a small subset of actual traders, so I did some experiments. After traveling into my dojo, out of my dojo, into a mission disconnected from trade chat, returning to my orbiter and reconnecting to trade chat, exiting the game, signing back in again.... Ziggy is still at the bottom of the trade chat window. It's the same group of now ~120 participants.

It is, however, region based. So let me fix those numbers. On South America there are 8 traders. On Europe there are about 80. On EU/RU there is just 1 😂. Asia has abut 65. Oceana has 10. So to redo that math, there are ~300 users actively viewing trade chat on PC across all regions. Even if Xbox, PS4, and NSW have similar userbases, warframe.market is still 10 times larger.

This is like Trump demanding a recount: you're right! But you're still wrong.

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45 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

I swear some of you play this game to help DE make money, rather than for enjoyment.  There's way too many people in this community that would rather do everything in their power to help the devs squeeze every dime they can out of players than see things that benefit players put into the game.

"What about muh small indie dev?"

I frankly don't care.  I'm not on their marketing/sales team or in their accounting department.  That's on them, and if they do things like they're currently doing in order to make more money, they're going to keep losing players.  I'm here for me and the people actually playing the game.  I'm not here to shill for the devs bottom line.  There's plenty of options for making money in a F2P game that don't involve making everything as tedious as you can possibly make it to encourage players to spend money to skip playing the game because you've made it not fun on purpose.

i know right , its like they protect and sugar-coat to DE like they never will for some of their actual friends and whatnot. its kinda freaky at times .
Okay i understand the gist of liking a game's overall atmosphere , being in a good clan , loving the art and story etc. accumilating in a feeling of attachment but .. some guys dudettes out there taking that too seriously , look im kinda ooposite of that , i critique them seriously but in no way that would lead to hating them .

The bottom line for me personally is , loving or hating devs is just too heavy for me because at the end of the day they are doing a business and have their legal acts going on for them , im not against supporting for DE or any gaming company but there should be a fine line you know. (not that i follow that line perfectly)

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vor 30 Minuten schrieb BDMblue:

I don’t know about that. If things were priced minimum wage for time to farm you would be paying about 1/4th or less of the cost of almost anything. Weapons are 1/8th or lower. A Warframe takes 2-3 hours to farm. People don’t pay 20-30$ in platinum for it.

Game markets always deal with people who are happy to trade 100s of hours of work for any amount of premium currency. To them it’s just the fact that they got it for “free” that makes them happy. 


Its not wrong to sell things cheep but to think your getting ripped off because you pay $3 for something that took 3 hours to farm is silly.

If Warframe changes its market to auction house they are going to need to drastically change how hard it is to farm things. Like every item now requires a relic only found in C drop of survival/defence/ Interception mission that can’t drop from syndicate relic packs. 

Trying to argue what the price should be according to the intrinsic value of an item is a fool‘s errand. That’s not how prices are determined in real life either. I’m saying that the items in trade chat are overpriced because they’re available significantly cheaper on Warframe.market.

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44 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Except the plat you traded to that player had already been bought from DE for real money. If not by you, then by someone else. DE has already made their money before you've even had a chance to spend it. The amount of plat you have in your account doesn't matter at all, what matters to DE's bottom line is plat continuing to enter the economy through real money sales and plat eventually exiting the economy through their premium marketplace and services. What happens to a unit of platinum between those points isn't really of much consequence.

How does DE keep making money? By continuing to add new content and evolve the game and by creating more things that people want. Improving the trade system won't be what kills DE, but continuing to stagnate like they have over the past few years will.

And just like with an improved trade system, there is similar pushback and excuses whenever it's suggested that Rivens be improved. The naysaying comes from the same place I think.

This is a very well said post and trust me from personal experience over the years i end up collecting the stuff in the market place. This happens because of the prime access plat (me personally supporting DE) or from trading and i mainly do buying/selling because i enjoy it + i spoil my mates. So regardless i end up bringing in and taking out alot of plat myself lol imagine this playing out across many accounts.

Regardless of any auction house idea, DE will always be in control and making money of their system. :)

Ps to the newer lads regardless of how cheap them prime warframes get *quite voice* fashion tends to knock out alooot of plat lol.

i don't even like using Gara but you can bet your tenno behind i intend to grab the deluxe skin next time im home and make her look pretty as fine glassware. ;)

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My opinion on the matter is not affiliated with DE or in any way supporting DE or any F2P gaming devs. 

I would love an action house, would make trading super simple/easy, it won't make everything cheap since people already undercut each other in trade/warframe market. 

Just stating a fact when I say 'this will affected their bottom line'. Guess this concept is too much for most of you kids to understand. 

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

You say that because you never bothered to read my argument or understand my position.


I was not saying that warframe.market and an automated auction house are equivalent.

If you thought I was, it's because you didn't bother to read what I wrote.

I was saying that because warframe.market exists, it does not matter where it is located.

It could be located on a fansite, or it could be located on the dark web, or it could be located inside the game. The functionality already exists, and it already has a massive userbase. There are a third as many people on warframe.market right now as there are playing Warframe on Steam. Like, seriously.



So it does not matter if this functionality exists inside the game or outside the game, because it already exists and sees massive use.

Which brings us to this:

Claiming that the game shouldn't reach parity with external fansites is equivalent to saying that DE shouldn't add tooltips and explain how the game works because the wikia exists. They shouldn't improve the input system with features like auto-melee, auto-shoot, or auto-cast, because macros already exist. They shouldn't add colorblind support because colorblind users can use software to change their displays.

"DE should never improve the game where players can come up with a solution themselves."

Which is silly.

Obviously the game should have good tutorializing, address user experience problems, and improve the user experience as a whole. Obviously the trade system is due for improvements when it's got the feature set of Runescape's trade system in 2005.

1) my post wasnt just about you. Its about the trend of people comparing warframe market to a hypothetical ingame auction house.


2) if you thought it was, you didnt bother to read what i wrote.


3) okay. Couple things. A) a third of the playerbase using something is not the same as the entirety of the playerbase using something in game. B) just curious, since your images arent showing up well on my phone, did you compare the people using warframe market on all platforms to the group of people using warframe only on pc? Because that would be flawed by lumping all the warframe market users together and comparing them to one platform. Even if you didnt do that, its still not comparable to an auction house. Not everybody uses it because there is a convenience/knowledge barrier, albeit a small one, and both parties have to be online at the same time anyway. This is not the same as giving every player in the game a fire and forget auction house.

So. Youre asserting it doesnt matter if it exists inside the game or outside the game because the functionality already exists and sees "massive" use. By your own evidence at least 2/3 players online right now dont use it. Its also not the same functionally. You cant put items on warframe market and then go to sleep, work, a different game, play a mission or whatever else you want. If you want to sell stuff you have to at least be willing to respond to buyers relatively quickly.

An auction house would, presumably, eliminate the need for you to do more than put an item up for sale and walk away. It would presumably be available to every player in game. It would, presumably, not even require you to be online to make a sale, let alone require you to meet other players in a dojo.

These are not the same. Period.

4) next we get to this massive apples to oranges straw man non argument: 

"Claiming that the game shouldn't reach parity with external fansites is equivalent to saying that DE shouldn't add tooltips and explain how the game works because the wikia exists. They shouldn't improve the input system with features like auto-melee, auto-shoot, or auto-cast, because macros already exist. They shouldn't add colorblind support because colorblind users can use software to change their displays.

"DE should never improve the game where players can come up with a solution themselves." "

A) i didnt say warframe shouldnt have parity with external fansites. Im only saying that an auction house would have a different impact on the game because there are differences between warframe.market and any sort of in game auction house. 

B) tool tips and wikia articles have nothing to do with the subject at hand. This is an apples to oranges comparison and a textbook strawman.

C) auto melee, auto shoot, color blind options, and macros have nothing to do with the subject at hand either. 

D) i never said "de should never improve the game where players can come up with a solution themselves." 

And youre sneaking the premise in there, that an auction house would be an "improvement". It wouldnt. 


You know how many prime parts/sets i have laying around? I dont know. A lot.

They arent on the market right now because im not even on warframe and if i was i wouldnt be staring at trade chat.

Give me an auction house and *all of them* could be up for sale right this second. 

And guess what? If i undercut you by even 5p youre not getting a sale before i do if we're selling the same item.

And guess what? That would apply to literally every other seller in this game.


I dont think you understand, or care, what that would do to supply and demand. The amount of people buying would not change significantly. You have to be online and playing to do anything with any items anyway. 

Its not like the pool of buyers would drastically increase to match the pool of sellers. 



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17 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

Trying to argue what the price should be according to the intrinsic value of an item is a fool‘s errand. That’s not how prices are determined in real life either. I’m saying that the items in trade chat are overpriced because they’re available significantly cheaper on Warframe.market.

I dont know about PC but this is not always the case on console. 


I wouldnt even say its "often" the case. 

Haggle. Make offers. Specify the price youre willing to pay. 

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