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Why Not Give Each Side Their Weapons.


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I'm sorry you guys aren't happy about the reward you're getting, but you knew from the get go that this was a possible result.  You don't deserve to dictate your rewards based on what you feel is appropriate any more then everybody else.  Were I to decide that I've 'earned' a million forma for my efforts, it would be laughable - the rules of the event were clear that wasn't going to happen.   Same thing for you guys. 


Take heart, the Detron will become available later.  And then you'll have two guns instead of one.




First - thank you for ruining my thread  2 days ago by constant flaming me as a greedy selfish kid who S#&$s on all other players out there.


Second - "You don't deserve to dictate your rewards based on what you feel is appropriate any more then everybody else.  Were I to decide that I've 'earned' a million forma for my efforts, it would be laughable"

Stop to argue with massive exaggerated comments. Your only goal is to make us look like greedy kids who want everything for 0 effort.

Thats simply not the case.

Third - Stop to mixing up "event rules" with "event rewards" - We dont want to change the complete event - so players which are okay with the current state of the event (rules/rewards) would have any disadvantage.

Fourth -  "Take heart, the Detron will become available later." You assume this. DE said they would put the other gun into Vault - that doesnt mean it will be released with U11 or later. And I wont chillax just because we might get the chance to farm our desired weapon somewhen in the future.


We picked Corpus because we like them - their style - their weapons - their Moas !

We invested so many hours for our prefered faction just to get their badge. Wooo-pee-doo !


You, Sir, dont grant Corpus a corpus weapon blueprint - dunno if its intended but you refuse to understand our (Gradivus) Dilemma.

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Well, yeah.  The corpus started out with the entire system under their control.  Like, 100%.  That's pretty biased.


This has no relevance.




Explain to me why exactly the appropriate step here is not to make the Detron available to everyone?  Why exactly should we restrict it to Corpus supporters?


You should try reading and analyzing things more.

Corpus supporters should get Detron, and Grineer Brakk - as a event reward.

Who is "we"? Do "we" truly have power to restrict ti to Corpus supporters? If "we" have, that means "we" can also unrestrict it.

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That is the appropriate step. Allow everyone (with 100+ missions) to choose btw the winning side's gun+slot+potato, or the losing side's BP.


The rewards were botched, playtime has already been put in, that is the needed fix.


edit - added # missions


I don't think it is. 

The appropriate step is to give *both* BP to everyone, and a slot and potato for the Brakk to the Grineer side.

I believe that DE's intent - and the reason for the reward structure - was to ensure that eventually, both guns would be available to all players, not to force us to choose one or the other.  I think I prefer it that way.



Why should we restrict it to neither corpus nor grineer supporters? Both did the same effort to get their gun,and the penalty for losing is BP instead of crafted gun

Are you really so desperate to argue against choice that you're gonna go on for pages about how people deserve to lose on everything because they did not go with the majority's side?

You really don't understand my position at all.  Deserve to lose everything?  As it stands, the *only* thing the losers are losing is a potato and slot.  They'll have to wait to get the Detron - but that's not just the losers, that's everything.  Curiously, this proposed remedy actually hurts the losers more in the long run then the current rules.  Make the change, and they lose the Brakk forever.   Keep it this way, and they eventually get both.  Like everybody else.




First - thank you for ruining my thread  2 days ago by constant flaming me as a greedy selfish kid who S#&$s on all other players out there.

Oh, right, cause you didn't flame me as a troll for disagreeing with you?  Pot, meet kettle.

Edited by Phatose
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You really don't understand my position at all.  Deserve to lose everything?  As it stands, the *only* thing the losers are losing is a potato and slot.  They'll have to wait to get the Detron - but that's not just the losers, that's everything.  Curiously, this proposed remedy actually hurts the losers more in the long run then the current rules.  Make the change, and they lose the Brakk forever.   Keep it this way, and they eventually get both.  Like everybody else.

Please tell me you are trolling,because not understanding what people propose at page 8 is one of the biggest signs of cognitive incapability i have seen.Literally your whole post is random sentences that are irrelevant


You even contradict yourself.If they get Brakk BP,which they will,they are ok.But if they get Detron BP,they lose brakk forever? Then if they get Brak BP why are they not losing Detron forever? 

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The appropriate step is to give *both* BP to everyone, and a slot and potato for the Brakk to the Grineer side.

I agree. My personal favour would be Grineers get grineer weapon - Corpus get Corpus - with no chance to achieve them both. It would actually make your choice permanent and with consequences. But thats just my personal opinion.


Oh, right, cause you didn't flame me as a troll for disagreeing with you?  Pot, meet kettle.


constant flaming, exaggerated comments with no relevance actually making you a forum troll - like i stated above your only goal is to make us look bad. Example ? This quote 2 lines above:


I flamed you as a troll for DISAGREEING with me ?


Stop it already.


E: Quote: "Please tell me you are trolling,because not understanding what people propose at page 8 is one of the biggest signs of cognitive incapability i have seen.Literally your whole post is random sentences that are irrelevant"

He is and yes, youre right.

Edited by Sunfox069
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What Phatose was probably meaning there is that if they change it to where Grineer supporters get the brakk and Corpus supporters get the Detron then they would be locked out of getting the others reward. That means that if you want both you are completely and utterly out of luck.

Phatose brings that up and is saying: If they release only one now that EVERYONE gets, and then release the other one later then EVERYONE gets both weapons, people just have to wait to get the other one. If they just follow the proposed solution then you get whatever weapon you spported for and thats it, you cant get the other.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I don't think it is. 

The appropriate step is to give *both* BP to everyone, and a slot and potato for the Brakk to the Grineer side.

I believe that DE's intent - and the reason for the reward structure - was to ensure that eventually, both guns would be available to all players, not to force us to choose one or the other.  I think I prefer it that way.


I am fine with that solution.


As for the vault thing ... where did DE say they will put the other weapon on Vaults ? Any sources/links from anyone ?

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I can't even think of a counter argument that anyone could make to this point. +1


I can.


This war is one of technology and advancement. The Corpus, if they lose, will not gain the technology they were hoping to obtain from the cache of Tenno and warframes this war was sparked by.


I see the Detron and Brakk as symbols of either side's victory and gained strength.  It stands to reason that the Corpus wouldn't be able to develop this gun for mass production immediately if they lose. Let's not mention the extreme loss of numbers and territory. Usually, if a country loses a war, they fall back and rebuild - they don't start trying to put money and time into more weapons immediately. Sure, eventually they -will-, but not after licking their wounds.

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I can.


This war is one of technology and advancement. The Corpus, if they lose, will not gain the technology they were hoping to obtain from the cache of Tenno and warframes this war was sparked by.


I see the Detron and Brakk as symbols of either side's victory and gained strength.  It stands to reason that the Corpus wouldn't be able to develop this gun for mass production immediately if they lose. Let's not mention the extreme loss of numbers and territory. Usually, if a country loses a war, they fall back and rebuild - they don't start trying to put money and time into more weapons immediately. Sure, eventually they -will-, but not after licking their wounds.

But the blueprints already exist, we're stealing them for the losers to make. The losers should get their own sides blueprint.  

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Agreed. There have been many topics about this already, but DE just insists on "Oh, don't worry, we'll bring the other weapons back at a later date!".

I cannot think of a single situation in which that method would lead to more satisfying a result than simply giving players the weapons that they actually wanted.


In the current scenario, everyone has access to one weapon now, and the other weapons later. In your scenario, some players have access to some weapons, some players have access to others.


As a hoarder, I would like to one day have all of these weapons, and that's only possible if they shelve a few of them for now.

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Ever think that the losing side BP's may wind up being a reward for facing off against the new and improved RUK or Alad V bosses that we actually get to fight and kill, like the "Seer" became the reward for Vor?  


Just throwing it out there

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That's my point of view on this.

I want all of the weapons showcased as rewards for this event. If that means that they have to shelve half of them to give out from a later event then I am fine with that.

Under the scenario that people are proposing here I wouldn't ever be able to get a Detron and I much prefer DEs current take on the rewards if it means I can get it later.

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I wish that they give us all weapons, so everyone will be happy.


Hahaha, although you have been the most blunt about this, I wonder how many people here actually feel the same. The OP's idea is obviously supposed to be a replacement for how the current system works (because it would be nonsense if it were in addition to the current reward), but really, who really just wants it all and isn't speaking up?


And as a counter argument to the OP:

I can easily see a way that the lore impedes the losing side from getting the weapons they wanted. DE could say that the losing side never got to manufacture the weapon in question due to loss of research/resources. The winning side prospered so they managed to mass produce the new weapons. I don't agree with the above person that says the blueprints already exist. We don't know how they exist and in what form of completion even if they do.


For game purposes, and also for appeasing the whining players that every game has purposes, DE should probably do what the OP says. For lore, I think it makes more sense the way DE has it currently.

Edited by gell
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Under the scenario that people are proposing here I wouldn't ever be able to get a Detron and I much prefer DEs current take on the rewards if it means I can get it later.


You may want to improve your reading skills and read this Thread again.


Sorry for the offense but people keep posting wrong, irrelevant things that only turns a serious concern thread into a laughable pillowfight.

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And I have read the thread and all I have gotten, from your comment none the less, is this:

I agree. My personal favour would be Grineers get grineer weapon - Corpus get Corpus - with no chance to achieve them both. It would actually make your choice permanent and with consequences. But thats just my personal opinion.

I would prefer to be able to get BOTH weapons, not be locked into one with no chance of getting the other.

Or please, if I have missed it, quote the post that suggests under the scenario proposed in the op (that grineer supporters get grineer weapon and corpus supporters get the corpus weapon) that it would be eventually possible to get BOTH. With how DE is currently doing things we will be able to get BOTH, even if we have to wait.

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And I have read the thread and all I have gotten, from your comment none the less, is this:

I would prefer to be able to get BOTH weapons, not be locked into one with no chance of getting the other.

Or please, if I have missed it, quote the post that suggests under the scenario proposed in the op (that grineer supporters get grineer weapon and corpus supporters get the corpus weapon) that it would be eventually possible to get BOTH. With how DE is currently doing things we will be able to get BOTH, even if we have to wait.



Oh youre right.


My personal opinion = The way DE implements things.




My quote:

"I agree. My personal favour would be Grineers get grineer weapon - Corpus get Corpus - with no chance to achieve them both. It would actually make your choice permanent and with consequences. But thats just my personal opinion."


Its about Corpus getting Corpus weapon - and vis a versa.

None said you couldnt/shouldnt achieve both due bossfights later on. (well i did in that sentence - but thats not the whole Thread / what all people think/want. Neither is it the topic of this thread.)

PS: now i am sure you should improve your reading skills.


E: added [sarcasm] to prevent more useless pillowfights.

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I can.


This war is one of technology and advancement. The Corpus, if they lose, will not gain the technology they were hoping to obtain from the cache of Tenno and warframes this war was sparked by.


I see the Detron and Brakk as symbols of either side's victory and gained strength.  It stands to reason that the Corpus wouldn't be able to develop this gun for mass production immediately if they lose. Let's not mention the extreme loss of numbers and territory. Usually, if a country loses a war, they fall back and rebuild - they don't start trying to put money and time into more weapons immediately. Sure, eventually they -will-, but not after licking their wounds.


If you're trying to make a lore based argument, the supporters of the losing side shouldn't get the melee weapon of the winning side, or even a BP. These BP's already exist, the question is will our side have enough resources to build/potato the weapon for us? If your side loses - no.


It doesn't even make sense lorewise that Corpus supporters would end up with a Grineer BP in the first place.

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If you're trying to make a lore based argument, the supporters of the losing side shouldn't get the melee weapon of the winning side, or even a BP. These BP's already exist, the question is will our side have enough resources to build/potato the weapon for us? If your side loses - no.


It doesn't even make sense lorewise that Corpus supporters would end up with a Grineer BP in the first place.


We all work for Lotus and we will continue to work for Lotus when the war ends.

If the winning side gives us weapons why wouldn't the Tenno share them with the rest of the Lotus?

This makes perfect sense.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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After 200 replies and 200 different threads to this topic it would be nice to hear something from DE.

Maybe 200 is not enough - but i think most has been said.


Im afraid they will just ignore us/this thread and let it disappear on this forum.


Doesnt have anyone some "connections" to DE ?

(like the private phone number of DE Megan)


DE. Statement please.


We need feedback to our feedback.

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If you're trying to make a lore based argument, the supporters of the losing side shouldn't get the melee weapon of the winning side, or even a BP. These BP's already exist, the question is will our side have enough resources to build/potato the weapon for us? If your side loses - no.


It doesn't even make sense lorewise that Corpus supporters would end up with a Grineer BP in the first place.


In Lore, there are a thousand different ways they could justify it.  The badges were intended for immediate distribution to let their forces tell hostile tenno from friendly, but logistics difficulties delayed it.  The guns were given as rewards to long serving Tennos, and once aware of their existence Lotus was able to steal the plans from the faction in question.  The melees were given as a gift by the victorious faction after the fact to the Lotus in hopes of securing loyalty in future conflicts, and she distributed them as she saw fit, rewarding any tenno who took a stance regardless of their particular affiliation.


Total fan wank, but with the way the lore is, anything based on lore is going to be largely wank.



From a game perspective, there are good reasons to do it this way as well.  This way DE automatically avoids any possibility of an uproar by an imbalance between the weapons.  If we switch to this other method and the Detron turns out to be significantly better then the Brakk, then DE runs directly into a situation where anybody who won got a slot and potato, but missed out on the currently exclusive better gun.  Had it been the Corpus winning but the Brakk was better, they'd have run into the same issue.  From DE's perspective, avoiding that thicket has to be a huge advantage.  Pretty big advantage to us too - at the very least, none of us will ever regret our choice based on differing stats of weapons that we didn't get to see.


They also, as noted, avoid the uproar from collectors about mutually exclusive items.   For all the noise that's being made, they're also avoiding plenty of trouble by doing it this way.

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Total fan wank, but with the way the lore is, anything based on lore is going to be largely wank.


From a game perspective, there are good reasons to do it this way as well.  This way DE automatically avoids any possibility of an uproar by an imbalance between the weapons.  If we switch to this other method and the Detron turns out to be significantly better then the Brakk, then DE runs directly into a situation where anybody who won got a slot and potato, but missed out on the currently exclusive better gun.  Had it been the Corpus winning but the Brakk was better, they'd have run into the same issue.  From DE's perspective, avoiding that thicket has to be a huge advantage.  Pretty big advantage to us too - at the very least, none of us will ever regret our choice based on differing stats of weapons that we didn't get to see.


They also, as noted, avoid the uproar from collectors about mutually exclusive items.   For all the noise that's being made, they're also avoiding plenty of trouble by doing it this way.


I absolutely agree with you in almost all points - and I understand DE is trying to avoid trouble.

But sometimes trying to avoid trouble is causing even more. Anyway I doubt they change a running event(-reward) because of a

feedback given by 0,xx % of the players.


The point i disagree with you:

About the problem the Detron could turn out "better" than the Brakk. This is just a balance problem, which could be easily hotfixed

since balance = numbers which can be easy changed. But i get what your point is.

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