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Update 29.10.0: Bug Hunting Megathread (Read First Post!)


Message added by [DE]Danielle,

Please note: All known and fixed bugs, popular and live feedback, and more are being tracked on our Trello board: https://trello.com/b/K34ACrAu

We will not be updating this forum thread with the above. 


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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Range mods doesn't seem to affect Zephyr tornadoes
  • REPRODUCTION: I started with high range build and switched to low range build. Tooltip may say it's going from 70m radius to 8m radius but what I see in action seems to always be a 10m radius tornado, no matter the build.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should see a difference. Maybe not of 70m radius that sounds a bit too big but it should be different.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No difference
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Zephyr's Tail Wind can still use a quality of life improvement: slide cancelling.

Tail Wind can move Zephyr quickly over vast distances, but if Tail Wind ends on a horizontal surface, she completely stops.  This kills the flow of Tail Wind as a low altitude traversal tool.  What I often want to do is enter a slide out of Tail Wind, so I can transition into a bullet jump on landing.  However, this is only possible from sufficient height as Tail Wind needs to end midair, the leftover momentum carrying you to the ground.

Being able to slide to cancel Tail Wind would greatly improve the fluidity of it, as rather than come to a complete stop on the ground, you can keep parkouring.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing Vauban's Bastille final form Vortex does not PULL enemies into the center of the vortex but only ragdolls  at the perimeter making it difficult to kill since they are not tightly packed like the usual
  • REPRODUCTION: Just cast Vauban's  Bastille and hold for Vortex
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Vortex pulls every enemy (w/out any physical obstruction in its path) at the moment of contact and ragdolls inside it.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemies just ragdolls at the moment they got caught at the periphery of the Vortex's radius
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It happened twice when I use Vauban on Defense missions at RJ tilesets
Edited by Alpha_Tango
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TYPE : in game
DESCRIPTION: Just use skill 4 as Vauban Prime.
REPRODUCTION: Use a vortex.
EXPECTED RESULT: Enemies should have been sucked into the vortex.
OBSERVED RESULT: However, the enemies only repeated the actions of falling in place, and were not sucked into the vortex.
REPRODUCTION RATE: It always happens.

TYPE : in game
DESCRIPTION: After using all of catabolyst's bullets, I tried to click the left mouse button.
REPRODUCTION: After using all of catabolyst's bullets, I tried to click the left mouse button.
EXPECTED RESULT: I had to throw the catabolyst's magazine and also reload the ammo.
OBSERVED RESULT: Nothing happened. It didn't load catabolyst's bullets, and it didn't throw empty magazines. I had to press r to reload.
REPRODUCTION RATE: It always happens.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Interaction hotkey for EXITING Pilot and Gunnery positions does not respect the Hotkey chosen and can only be achieved with the default X 
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Exit gunnery & piloting position by pressing Interact button again that I set to G (it works for activating it btw and it shows G after setting up my Hotkey)
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Nothing happens. Found out the default key X still works instead. Oddly, the Slingshot does work correctly and respects my G hotkey for both activating/exiting
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After i used valence fusion on the new Plating item for Railjack, one of the stats got maxed out, the other not (pretty sure because it was an uneven number...), when i tryed to use valence fusion again to increase the still non-maxed value, it gave me the message that a value was maxed out and gave no diferent property to change.

Basically, if you max out one of the values in the Plating without maxing the other one at the same time, you cant max out the second later.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Dargadon:

TYPE: In-Game
DESCRIPTION: After ending mission and arriving to next statistics screen got stuck for all players.
VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/TrTIBxM
REPRODUCTION: End mission and start next one. Exact reproduction unknown.
EXPECTED RESULT: New mission started without issues.
OBSERVED RESULT: Statistics screen from previous mission got stuck for all players.
REPRODUCTION RATE: Unknown. Around 50% on Venus and Neptune proxima.

press P this will help 😷

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Engineer crewmate has infinite revolite. I never managed to find an engineer using my ship resources to repair my ship. Nor did I ever see an engineer refill my own revolite stock. I'm pretty sure they never used the forge.
  • REPRODUCTION: Assign an engineer in your railjack.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Engineer should have limited revolite and need to restock using the ship resources, preferably through the forge like a player would.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: They never run out of revolite.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Mastery from gilded kitguns is not shown in "Profile > Equipment" screen. Cannot confirm whether the mastery itself was obtained or not.
  • VISUALhttps://imgur.com/a/SNzXJ2q
  • REPRODUCTION: Trying to level up kitguns (Sporelacer and Vermisplicer) resulted in this bug
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Both kitguns were supposed to be shown as mastered in "Profile > Equipment" screen
  • OBSERVED RESULT: One of kitguns is stuck at Rank 26 (which was reached before 29.10), another kitgun is shown as unranked
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened with my both not fully mastered kitguns. Non-kitgun weapons are shown as intended.
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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Warframe character state and keyboard state do not match when continuously blocking/aiming and performing a bullet jump
  • VISUAL: Not really useful in this case
  1. Equip Warframe ( all Warframes I've tried ) with one of each type of weapon ( primary, secondary, melee )
  2. Enter a mission or a state where combat is enabled ( Mission, simulacrum )
  3. Enter blocking (melee) or aimed (primary/secondary) stance by holding right mouse button ( default key binding )
  4. Whilst continuing to hold block/aim ( RMB ) perform a bullet jump by pressing Ctrl and Space ( default key binding )
  5. After the bullet jump is complete the Warframe returns to the normal standing state even though RMB is still held. The player must release and repress RMB in order to block/aim again.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: After the bullet jump is completed the Warframe should return to blocking/aiming stance or bullet jumping should be disabled whilst blocking/aiming.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: After the bullet jump is completed the Warframe returns to the normal standing stance even though the player is holding the right mouse button to block/aim.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% on every Warframe tested with every weapon tried ( primary, secondary, melee )
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  • TYPE: In Game

    I played on deimos bounty ( isolate vault tier 3 ) with my voidrig. 
    After I put my fourth forma on my voidrig, I get weird reaction on the mission.

    First, My bonus EXP on my voidrig at the end of the mission is gone. My voidrig still receive the EXP but when I re-enter the bounty it put my voidrig to the level before bonus EXP is occured. For example, finishing mission with lv17 voidrig -> check on the arsenal tab my voidrig is lv19 from bonus EXP -> enter the bounty my go back to voidrig lv17 -> but the actual level is still 19.

    Second, When I use to the tentacle that put me out to the surface ( isolate vault tier 3 quest ), I keep getting black screen for every member that use this tentacle no matter who use it first.

  • REPRODUCTION: I am not certain how but maybe forma voidrig
  • EXPECTED RESULT: No black screen every time someone use tentacle, have bonus EXP show on the end of the mission for voidrig, and display actual Lv of void when re-enter the bounty
  • OBSERVED RESULT: finishing mission with lv17 voidrig -> check on the arsenal tab my voidrig is lv19 from bonus EXP -> enter the bounty my go back to voidrig lv17 -> but the actual level is still 19. 
    keep getting black screen for every member that use this tentacle no matter who use it first.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Not certain that is why I use "My voidrig" 


Edited by OzeNix
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: AI crew on a Turret (the rear Turret at least) appear broken when viewed from the Tactical Menu.
  • VISUAL: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2430338556
  • REPRODUCTION: Seems like any time a gunner enters a Turret. Could be specific to this Steel Meridian gunner - can't say.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Gunner has a head.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Gunner's head is missing.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: All the time.


  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Players have no option to mount a Turret currently equipped by AI crew without reassigning said crew. There is no interaction for the occupied Turret.
  • REPRODUCTION: Have an AI gunner, wait for AI gunner to mount Turret, attempt to mount Turret.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Player should be able to mount the Turret, kicking the AI crew out.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Player cannot interact with an AI-occupied Turret.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: All the time.


  • TYPE: UI
  • DESCRIPTION: The Railjack Intrinsics UI has poor button interactivity. When an Intrinsics card is flipped in order to display ability descriptions, it cannot be clicked. The player must flip it back over to the Intrinsics level display before clicking it. Once a player has upgraded an Intrinsic, that card can no longer me clicked. The player must first mouse-off the card, then mouse-over it again before it becomes interactive again. Seems like the UI code only sets an Intrinsics card as interactive on mouse-over, but clicking it resets its state, requiring another mouse-over event to reactivate it.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Tether targets do not explode upon death when killed by a non-hosting player.
  • REPRODUCTION: Not as the host (you have ping), fire a Tether into a group of fighters and destroy one with your turret.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Tether to behave like it does for host, with each destroyed fighter exploding and damaging other nearby fighters, potentially starting a chain reaction of death.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Explosion does not occur. Fighters are tethered, but death explosion does not trigger.  Not even a 0.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Whenever not the host of a Railjack session.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION:I had just joined an instance on Arc Silver.
  • REPRODUCTION: Happened after i joined Arc Silver instances, the railjacks stood still and the pilot couldnt maneuvre the railjack.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: For the railjack to move when pressing WASD and for it to rotate with the mouse
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The railjack couldnt move in any plane, and it only followed the mouse a little bit, it wouldn't rotate or turn beyond a certain degree. I even tried to use the command "/unstuck" as pilot and it didn't work either.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Don't know, happened twice so far.
Edited by Hiroshi_kun
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Bug after update 29.10:

  • TYPE: In- game
  • DESCRIPTION: Was playing a defense on Sedna with Vauban. Held the 4th ability to throw out a vortex and noticed that the ability no longer pulls enemies toward the center of the ability.
  • REPRODUCTION: Repeatable when casting vortex or collapsing Bastille, either manual or automatically.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The ability should pull enemies into the center of the vortex and bunch them up, similar to Nidus' Larva.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemies are repeatedly knocked to the ground in place. They do not get pulled toward the vortex.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Appears to occur everytime vortex is cast.
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The creeping bullseye derelict mod (trades pistol fire rate for crit chance) is being prohibited by the primed pistol gambit mod (pure crit chance) as though I were trying to equip the same mod more than once. This behavior has not been observed between the hollow point and target cracker mods, which act as the above mods but for crit damage.

a quick review of my crit based sidearms has revealed that all builds that featured both mods have been automatically adjusted to remove the creeping bullseye mod.

considering the necessity of stacking crit mods for critical builds, this seems like quite a glaring error.

Edited by majorchord96
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Bug report: wrong level railjack

Doing various railjack missions to level my xaku and tetsu, when after a few i noticed that even if i had earned a lot of affinity to get to level 20, in mission i was still level 9.
Getting back to the dojo i realized that my level was correct in the armory and the upper left corner profile info in the menu, but under the hp bar my level was still 9 as in mission, getting back to the orbiter locked my level to the correct ammount.


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  • TYPE: In-Game, Railjack Cosmetics. 
  • DESCRIPTION: Lack of Wear & Tear Slider when working on ship interior appearance.
  • VISUALu9LJXcW.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Like previously when wear & tear for the orbiter interior was introduced, there was no slider to control wear & tear, and was draconianly set as a standard wear & tear appearance.  
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To be able to manually control user preference for wear & tear. 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Extremely consistent.


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TYPE: In-game

DESCRIPTION: I was playing railjack and I moved around the mods and the the damage of my railjack zetki cryophon mk3 increases up to 400k. I thought it was a visual bug so i went into a mission thinking it will fix itself but upon shooting a radiator it showed 400k damage on the radiator


REPRODUCTION: happens everytime i add and remove a Predator (im not sure about other mods)

EXPECTED RESULT: damage of weapons should stay unchanged upon removal of Predator

OBSERVED RESULT: damage of weapons increases everytime I add or remove Predator

REPRODUCTION: 100% works everytime when adding or removing Predator and preserves even after leaving and joining dojo, it only resets upon quitting and leaving the game

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Crewmate can duplicate the pilot station and attach them to their feet when walking out of Pilot job
  • REPRODUCTION: Not as Host. I ordered our engineer to pilot the ship while the rest of the squad was in a corpus ice mine. When we came back I assigned the crewmate to Engineer again. And then I saw it walking with the Pilot station (probably) attached to her feet not being animated.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Crewmate should walk without duplicating the job station to their feet when they quit a job.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Job Station is attached to the crewmate feet when they quit a job.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened only once so far but I'm not usually client.
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12 hours ago, MaxFaraday said:

Did something happen to kuva liches?

I have like three weapons left and the lich I am working on, well six missions in and he hasn't made an appearance.  Plus I am only 3/4 of the way to the first circle (can't remember the term... shoot)

I know it was always random and slow but this is bad.

Ok, an update on this.  Everything seems fine, just the terrible kuva lich system being the terrible kuva lich system.

About two mission later he appeared and then another two time in the next three mission.  When I finally got my parazon setup ready for him he hasn't shown for 5-6 missions.

For a terrifying nemesis they don't like to do anything to me except taunt me and take my stuff.  Not very frightening when they never appear.

Edited by MaxFaraday
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Crewmate weapons don't apply skins
  • VISUAL: (I don't have a screenshot, but should be easy to understand)
  • REPRODUCTION: When you equip your railjack crew with a weapon, and go to Appearance: Weapon Skins.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The weapon skin should correctly apply to the weapon in the crewmate's gear
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The weapon defaults to the unskinned state, as if it simply overrides the config
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It has happened to all three of the Unreal Tournament skins on all three crewmembers 100% of the time. (I haven't tested with others)

As far as I can tell, this is simply not working as designed. Settings don't feel fluid, and it doesn't feel like they save properly. I would also love the option of being able to click Config A/B/C (or more if we have them) to change the weapon appearance as if it were equipped on our own warframe. We have multiple configurations for a reason, and it feels silly that we are using the exact same weapon but rely on using the first slot for crewmates. Maybe something slipped through testing? Maybe I'm the one doing it wrong somehow? Either way I personally think this whole crewmate customisation needs more looking into just to be sure its all working as intended...

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Doors in Corpus railjack missions not letting me progress through ship maps
  • REPRODUCTION: Random, but it prevents me getting to objective rooms in Orphix and Defense, which can then fail missions as I cant support my team who can get past said doors.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Doors should work and allow access
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Doors refuse to open, leaving me stranded in ship as this also disables omni teleport back to railjack or to other team members 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happens randomly
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