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Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.2


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vor 1 Stunde schrieb BesucherPrime:

I second that. I was host and Alt-F4‘d (after announcing a forced migration). Relogged and rejoined the party. They were able to move on through a door in the meantime (sadly finished tje mission so my loot was gone)

thats not rly an fix ....loosing items

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5 hours ago, Wesleysniped said:

a new bug if found is with ivara yjay when u stealh it drains energy per melee hit like u have her 4 active wich means u are almost unable to use melee while stealthed



5 hours ago, Alanthier said:

that's not a bug? that is literally the intended mechanic for her 3.

No it's not, if you only have her three running you don't use extra energy when you hit an enemy, it drains slowly depending on efficiency.

Sorry @Alanthier it doesn't show it in DE's Ivara/Prime ability info, I was shown on the wiki by @cliffghost and I've never noticed the drain before, I'm sure it didn't do it in the past.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Slayer-.:

No it's not, if you only have her three running you don't use extra energy when you hit an enemy, it drains slowly depending on efficiency.

"Prowl drains 1 point of energy per second while stationary and drains 3 energy per second while walking. Additionally, melee attacks consume 2 energy per hit, and taking damage consumes 10 energy per hit. Prowl will end if Ivara runs out of energy, if certain maneuvers are performed that break the cloak, or if deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 3 )."

Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ivara/Abilities

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34 minutes ago, cliffghost said:

"Prowl drains 1 point of energy per second while stationary and drains 3 energy per second while walking. Additionally, melee attacks consume 2 energy per hit, and taking damage consumes 10 energy per hit. Prowl will end if Ivara runs out of energy, if certain maneuvers are performed that break the cloak, or if deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 3 )."

Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ivara/Abilities

I'm working off the source from DE in the Warframes Abilities list, I shouldn't have too scrape the wiki to find that info.

I drain 1 energy per second, never noticed if I hit something with melee which I do a lot.

I'll have to test it in my Simulacrum BRB

WTF, how long has it been like that?

I'm positive it was never like that, or I haven't noticed all these years. :facepalm:

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7 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Since you removed the Arsenal from Railjack, if we want to do a Weapon or Warframe change before the next mission we now have to Fast Travel to the Dry Dock, from there we then jump onto the Teleport pad  (well for my Clan I put a Teleport pad next to DD)  then from there we Teleport to the Observatory, then jump off that Teleport pad (also added) right next to the Arsenal and into Arsenal, such a hassle now to what was a simple change on Railjack.

Instead of needing to fast travel to the arsenal, you can just go to equipment -> arsenal and it'll teleport you just outside the railjack and open your arsenal from there.  It used to teleport you to the arsenal in the navigation room or the arsenal inside the railjack, but now if you're in drydock you tp to a few feet from the 'configure railjack' console, and outside of drydock you go to nav room like normal. 

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20 minutes ago, Tacomanxxx said:

Instead of needing to fast travel to the arsenal, you can just go to equipment -> arsenal and it'll teleport you just outside the railjack and open your arsenal from there.  It used to teleport you to the arsenal in the navigation room or the arsenal inside the railjack, but now if you're in drydock you tp to a few feet from the 'configure railjack' console, and outside of drydock you go to nav room like normal. 

Thank you, I never really knew that in the Dojo, might help if I read the damn menu items, I just did it, I always just clicked arsenal on the Railjack, I never bothered to try it like we do in our Orbiters, I feel like an idiot after stopping to read the smaller print under the bigger words.. double face palm :facepalm: :facepalm:

Having a GAkMehu.gif moment and not reading the menu, move along.

I'm just going to tempban my old arse from the forums until tomorrow and get some sleep.  

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1 hour ago, Slayer-. said:

I'm working off the source from DE in the Warframes Abilities list, I shouldn't have too scrape the wiki to find that info.

I drain 1 energy per second, never noticed if I hit something with melee which I do a lot.

I'll have to test it in my Simulacrum BRB

WTF, how long has it been like that?

I'm positive it was never like that, or I haven't noticed all these years. :facepalm:

exactly what i was saying


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vor 1 Stunde schrieb ShirakawaNaoya:

Hasn't gone deep into the update yet, only play like 1 or 2 mission in venus proxima. Is it just me or there is no energy drop from the ships killed? I wanna use those flashy void/tether/etc. early on.

At start you only have the starter energy from your chosen warframe and there are no energy orbs from killed space fighters to fill that gap afaik.

Conclusion? Use energizing dash from Zenurik focus school, eat energy pizzas, get energy orbs in side missions (containers, lockers, enemies) or don't use the weapons at beginning. You may complain about it, but I assure you that it is more convenient and efficient to use one of the first two solutions.


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4 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

I'm working off the source from DE in the Warframes Abilities list, I shouldn't have too scrape the wiki to find that info.

I drain 1 energy per second, never noticed if I hit something with melee which I do a lot.

I'll have to test it in my Simulacrum BRB

WTF, how long has it been like that?

I'm positive it was never like that, or I haven't noticed all these years. :facepalm:

Yep Ivara's prowl always drained as you performed actions and as you hit enemies, and i do remember having that ridiculous drain since 2019 (when i picked her). And the drain is not bring afected by power efficiency/dur. 

Should send that to the Trello thingy with a video prof if possible.

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Game-breaking bug found: When using the Railjack's navigation terminal to go from one completed Railjack mission directly into another, the reward screen can not be exited ultimately forcing me to close the game.

Also found a bug where my Nechramech weapon is replaced with the Omnitool for some reason.  

Other than that, been a great update so far!

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Uh some major issues, mainly trying to go to any orcus relay instance via rialjack (orbiter/dojo to relay, missions to relay, ect) is an endless loading screen. Also using lavos's 2 is a lot more clunky now, not to mention the split second Cool down before you can cancel hurts his synergy. Why even bother with it, when I have no issue waiting the 4 seconds for the cooldown to reset?

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I'm missing weapons drop, been farming Veil and Pluto and I havent got many weapons, even doing long dogfights, not sure if this is intended, if I'm being unlucky or whats going on, but would be nice to increase the drop rate, just a lil :S

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Bug on Fortuna nope Kubrodon Beat in gear when hunt animal 

i Use this  for Kubrodon bate on my General Gear,

Bug in RJ space nope energy

Bug  RJ mission Defense sometime nope Crypod in mission

Bug in  3 Orphix complete mission no detect incomplete 

Bug in RJ final Extraction locked door in Corpus ship

Bug in Crew  Ship Corpus when hacked console reactor no destroy

Bug with Oeprator dash sutck in Crew ship Greener/Corpus-sometime destroy and give black skreen stuck =abort mission  alt+F4

Bug in RJ bad host -failed mission

Bug with hacked Console destroy all mark red  enemy on big map in ship = give more brutal lag

Bug when complete on goo Dojo  just reload =Host abort mission  for all players (squads)=lost loot

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39 minutes ago, XzWasPzX said:

I'm missing weapons drop, been farming Veil and Pluto and I havent got many weapons, even doing long dogfights, not sure if this is intended, if I'm being unlucky or whats going on, but would be nice to increase the drop rate, just a lil :S

Weapons drop from crewships (not the smaller units), even if the mission goals don't ask to kill them, you should still try killing all that spawn (crewships) in the mission, either with the forward artillery (tunguska cannon) or by going in and destroying their reactor and waiting for them to explode (for the drop).

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hace 5 minutos, nms. dijo:

Weapons drop from crewships (not the smaller units), even if the mission goals don't ask to kill them, you should still try killing all that spawn (crewships) in the mission, either with the forward artillery (tunguska cannon) or by going in and destroying their reactor and waiting for them to explode (for the drop).

Thank you very much 

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2 hours ago, Loafy07 said:

Game-breaking bug found: When using the Railjack's navigation terminal to go from one completed Railjack mission directly into another, the reward screen can not be exited ultimately forcing me to close the game.

Also found a bug where my Nechramech weapon is replaced with the Omnitool for some reason.  

Other than that, been a great update so far!

Yeah it is annyoing, but actually you can close it by pressing the key 'P' . They will probably fix it soon, but until then this workaround should help :)

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So.... I'm not sure how to broach this.  Let's go with the good, the bad, and the ugly.


The Good

  • Team AI seems to be competent enough to aim for the ramsleds as a priority.  They also seem to be literal aimbots.  Both good.
  • The team aggressively doesn't die.  Again, a low bar but very good for AI.
  • The missions have the potential to be fun and rewarding....assuming you are willing to wander all over perdition to find everything.
  • The buffs to turrets make them a real threat now.  That's great....assuming you've got that maximum mod.  See the ugly.
  • Finally, things seem to not be completely patchwork.  The individual components mostly work.....even if they're frustrating as all get-out together.


The Bad

  • Use the f****** test servers.  Use them.  Use them.  Maybe if you do, we don't get a hot mess on day one.
  • Speaking of stability -screen lock, forcing restart.-  Speaking of stability, being able to do more than one mission -screen lock.-  Screw it, stability please.
  • GRIND.  You managed to minimize it by extricating the duplicate and triplicate missions....but put it back with the lack of structure around railjack.  Yes the core warframe goal changes, but the railjack stuff is a constant grind to get there.  Don't be surprised when the only mission people do is the exterminate, because the rewards are the same so it makes no sense to do the other stuff.
  • Did I ask to use the test servers so that you don't release pre-beta junk?  If I didn't, you really should use those test servers.


The Ugly

  • More grind....because the Plexus needs multiple near mandatory 14+ drain mods.  It also needed one of two D polarities, and one of the core polarities of the default Railjack to be a D.  Joy...I'm forced to either have higher boost, higher base speed, or to forma into something more useful.
  • The new stuff seems to somehow drop less frequently.  I have a legion of mods, but can't yet produce any of the plating or new weapons at maximum.  Well, at least the costing isn't completely insane.  One win, in an otherwise WTF category.
  • Companions do one thing, and one thing only.   Great.  At least when I park the ship they won't perform a suicide run.  Now, if only the Railjack's components did their one thing well.  Yes, I'm talking about the board/disembark point across from the former setup changing point only working about 50% of the time.  Really?


You'll note that the bad is smaller than the good, but the bad and ugly outnumber the good.  I thought this fitting, as this is another update with immense potential squirted out the door half formed.  It's like a funnel cake that was too cold, slammed into the hot oil, and broke apart.  There are good bits, but the structure is all wrong to support the thing.  Of course, there will be people willing to defend this....and they will have some points.  What really makes me frustrated is that this should not be where we are.  I feel like this is setting us up for more grind than new content (because the math supports that), and the half baked features are not helping me see when it's time for fun.  I'm already seeing the 512 intrinsic grind, the crew member grind, and the grind for RNG one shot drops....and it's not an improvement.  It's more of the same.

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T.B.H.; I DO like where this mode is going, but good lord TEH BUGS.  More bugs than market street in the middle of summer.

*Can't vote after a mission to opt out.
*Can't vote to speed up a mission selection.
*Can't do jack squat except abort after a mission if you don't want to continue ahead.

*The never ending load tunnel of doom from day-one Railjack Ver. 1.0 if you are a host.
*RNG drop tables that make Kohora's or even IVARA's (normal) parts seem like common copper mods.
*A new Sentinel that we can't just purchase BP for and forge.  we are FORCED to either platt-out or suffer the aforementioned RNGbuzz.


THOSE are my gripes with the actual game update.  Otherwise, I am pleased with the changes.  No, seriously I am.  
I just hate speed running jag-offs who won't let anyone actually do the points of interest OR harvest all the space loot.
(It's called a LOOTER / shooter for a reason.  Emphasis on the first part.)
But it's a co-op game, with of course, self entitled [censored]s who don't wanna co-op.

Fix the bugs, DE; THAT you can do for us.
As for human nature (and I use the term loosely for the percentage of pratts I have mentioned above), there's nothing you can do about that. 😁

~Stay Safe.
Keep the faith.

...and as always; keep your Skanna sharp, Tenno.

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1 hour ago, master_of_destiny said:

The new stuff seems to somehow drop less frequently.  I have a legion of mods, but can't yet produce any of the plating or new weapons at maximum. 

Go solo the veil exterminate, just park away from the main objectives and let the endless fighter/gox waves wash over you. In about 30 minutes I had:

  • Vidar 3 plating
  • Lavan 3 plating
  • Zetki 3 plating (admittedly this seems to be an ultra rare drop and is probably easier to farm on a grineer node with the relevant outrider)
  • 2x Vidar 3 engines
  • Lavan 3 engines
  • 2x Vidar 3 reactor
  • 2x Lavan 3 shield
  • 5x Zekti glazio 3
  • 4x Zekti lathe 3
  • 2x Zekti talyn 3
  • Zetki vort 3
  • 3000+ ticor plate
  • oodles of mods and other resources, only a few hundred credits and 30 endo
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