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Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.7


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3 hours ago, metvincent said:

They half addressed that in the devstream, literally. Steve dc'ed while responding to this. Didn't get back to what he was saying when he reconnected. What I got from that tho was "we know about the issue, don't know how to address it".

For the time being I'm either going solo or premade through clan/alliance/recruit chat, as you said. Couple days ago I got sent to some other Tenno's RJ which truly wasn't equipped to handle the new Corpus crewships. That was fun...

Bold of you to assume the friends part tho :P All my IRL friends that got into the game left not long after. In large part due to the new player experience within the game.

I distinctly recall one of them who's specially gun-ho with microtransactions on all games, getting the 4300 plat bundle when he got the 75% discount couple days after he made his account, and leaving the game for good less than two weeks later at MR7.

Another one, one of my lifelong best buds, saw the game's biggest flaws right away, and a couple months in found out on his own about which company owns DE, then sent a support ticket to get his account banned to entice himself not to ever come back. Support gave him the "why cancel your phone subscription?" speech and the dude got his way by cursing them to hell and back.

So, let's review how this works...and why it's half baked.


Day one you boot into the system...and discover access to the Plexus.  This happens once you get an archwing... and you've literally had no reason to access the Plexus because you can't possibly have gotten any railjack mods.  Let's glaze over this.  You decide that because you've got access to the railjack missions now, you should do some.  Failure point one, nobody is doing the mission on Earth, because the rewards to time investment are garbage.  Ditto for Venus.  

Let's say you eventually manage to hook-up with a group.  Everyone is new, because there's no reason to school bus people through these missions.  Your starting railjack is complete garbage.  No artillery, slingshot, or anything but basic gun access.  Time to do a mission...and discover that despite having access to the ship all you can do is fly a fragile archwing through a swarm of fighters that infinitely spawn, to board a ship, and eventually take the crewship out.  Of course, your group can really only spare one or two people because with the extremely limited resource pool and infinitely spawning fighters you cannot afford to have everyone focused.  This is failure point two.  Namely, the completely amazing railjack turns out to be a flying kick-me sign.

Let's say you do some grinding.  You invest, and get command up and running.  Plow those resources into the system...and discover that the power function costing is simply frustrating.  You can get a crew member, and maybe even a second.  This is instead of the slingshot or basic features...if this isn't clear, that is failure three.  Putting it into short terms, there's a designated progression requiring command focus, to properly arm and crew your ship so you don't have to get a crew together and keep those cats herded.

Now you've got a crew.  It's time to grind, and maybe unlock the other intrinsic paths.  With a single gunner and engineer it's easy to barrel through Earth and Venus, while accumulating resources.  You can't really build much, because the resource drops have really crashed.  That said, you can accumulate enough resources to get the high grade crew.  So, what do I do now?  Well, this is failure point four.  It's a copy paste railjack start, then a random bolted on piece of core warframe content.  Yep, failure four is trying to do everything, doing it all mediocre, and thus failing by pleasing nobody.

You've already struck out, but there are other failures along the way.  With capped scrap and RNG based drops you fail by having  to fight inventory.  You fail engagement, because the progression from 8-9 and 9-10 is so much grinding that by the time you earn anything it's been so long without reinforcement that it doesn't feel like a reward.  You fail rewards themselves, because of stupidly low random percentage rolls.  Finally, you find that everything in this game mode is functionally designed to be about a power fantasy, but the difference between no investment, moderate investment, and fully powered content is often only rewarded by having to engage with the systems less.  This is all hinging upon not wanting to play, because a fractional percentage drop chance almost guarantees that by the time you earn what you wanted there is no fun left.





Regarding the account suspension, I have one word.  "Motivation."  DE counts based upon "registered users."  This ignores non-users by virtue of their accounts existing, or alternatively they are allowed to call people "players" as long as they at least provided enough data to open an account.  This is important because you don't lose an account due to inactivity.  Looking at this another way, all your friends that quit without an account suspension are still counted as registered users....making DE's player base seem much deeper than it is.  That's the motivation.

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Have you considered giving lavan armaments a elemental damage buff, then they might get some usage


Edit: i meant replace the fire rate bounus with a elemental damage buff, because zetki and lavan have the same bonus and that always goes in favor of zetki and lavan being ignored so why not this then lavan - elemental, vidar - ips and zetki fire rate.

Edited by Eternal192
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5 hours ago, ZiggySt4rdust said:

Exploits get fixed right away. 

Annoying bugs, naaaah... 


Damn this is so true.. fair is fair DE .. if you can put the effort so fast into fixing exploits, surely you can just put half that effort into fixing the real bugs !  Like the new Pet AI not following anymore.. My Vulpy spent 1 mission in the first derelict ship while I did all the other items, only came home when we arrived back at DD ..

Also as a codex completionist I noticed scans arent recording in the codex since latest update  .. nmes are saying the are fully scanned but in codex they still need more to scan..  codex completion doesnt mean much to some but a lot of the time its all vets have got to do .. please fix DE.

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6 hours ago, Duality52 said:

Speaking of Mods, we cannot see any of any unowned Railjack Mods. It can't be seen in either the Codex or our Mod Bench. Will we be able to preview any unobtained Mods?

This is such an obvious thing they could just add a tab for unowned and same for recently unequipped(this bteak too often with searching mods) because the mod system is easily the most confusing and unexplained part of the game.


I also noticed Steve pretty much faked the disconnect because he didnt want to admit we would need to have extra option to force host for the whole game unless they make exception for RJ missions. It would just be a public host priority modifier but thats too obvious for knuckDEheads

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Why has the foundry copped a Nerf? I've been flying as soon as Empyrean went live.

Why only 100 Revolite now instead of our 300 we once had?

Only 2 Dome charges instead of our 5 we once had?

Also I noticed if you craft anymore than 2 Dome Charges you lose them if you have to leave the Dojo, they revert back to 2 so resources are wasted, let us keep what we build in the foundry, if the ship is not meant to carry that extra cargo in the first place why even let us build more of them in the first place.

Why does ONE electrical fault take out all of Level 10 Engineering, the ship has more cables than that one? Think my ship needs a retrofit to be able to bypass the fault to get us out of danger until we can fix it, at present you can only use boost no engine so guess what I have equipped max boost seeing engines get stopped the slightest bit of damage and my ship is fully pimped to the hilt.

If you get get walloped as soon as you enter the mission and its Electrical damage you cannot fix it unless you already have your AI crew set to fix it, otherwise you need to run to fix it because Level 10 Engineering is DISABLED.

Now some positives.

I wasn't impressed with the new plexus at first with the Forma and Endo what I thought was going to be a few Forma sink build but I'm pleasantly surprised that I only really need an Aura Forma to fit all my fully max'd out mods back where I had them pre change, thank you for not making it like the Necramechs and the Kuva weapons.

Solo the missions play out quite nicely, not so much CO-OP though but as solo they feel smooth objective markers all work and the textures and terrain looks really nice.

It's nice you're doing all these hot fixes to try and keep everyone happy, good job.


Can you Blink during an Electrical fault? I forgot I had it, I will have to test it, you can use Blink while boosting and not boosting no damage, so I'm going with a Yes until I test it fully.

Edited by Slayer-.
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1 hour ago, master_of_destiny said:

So, let's review how this works...and why it's half baked.


Plexus right after AW(same problem as fesh aw/guns, it sucks without the mods and investment and de dont have any alternative)

Its all noobs with no reason to replay or ability to host for late game players.(just like normal chart but they dont have any unique rewards besides #*!%ing goat parts)

Command is mandatory and takes intrinsics and resources(better than no command and what else can you do?)

Doing everything and sucking at everything, typical RJ mission design.(obviously they will make more modes and perhaps touch up the crew to remotely fire at interest radiators from FA )

Bad rng spread and no fun grinding to maximize, just like rest of unrewarding grindy crap(other than rng 30-60 not much else to improve, maybe different bonus stats for each house weapons)


De digging their own grave by tracking number that can only increase

I agree these are problematic but so is anything, nothing changes if you dont have an actual better solution. If DE really cared about active players (such as steam) they would notice its never that popular, the reason is the obscurity of much content and absolutely no previews or pointers to any future content including an explanation where to unlock things nightwave wants.

I looked at active games on steam and all 11 above warframe are either completely based on or have pvp as core component (if we count the friendly fire of valheim which is itself a new meme title) of their design. Its such a unique situation any conclusion will be irrelevant.

We know de doesnt understand why their pvp sucks or what their current players think about pvp because they've never done any poll or ask community why it sucks or what would they want to make this optional content rewarding. And probably its not worth reviving pvp anyway.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the reward script for Grineer Railjack Missile Platforms and Shipkiller Platforms firing up to 7 times for one completed Point of Interest. Visually the reward popup UI only appeared once, but then later on at the End of Mission screen you would see a reward duplication up to 7 times in some cases.

See, now this is why people keep giving up on playing your game. Was this working as intended? I assume not. So "fix" makes sense. However, there's obviously a reason why we were using this to our advantage. The current most efficient way to farm Endo is Vodyanoi. It's boring as hell and helps to have multiple players coordinated at once to get the best return on TIME INVESTED. And for me, those last two words are very important. It seems like every time the community finds some way to have fun and farm things efficiently at the same time, it gets shut down. I've seen comments from many players over the past year or so that I've been playing. They usually go something like "Why does DE not want us to have fun?" And to be honest, I don't know a legitimate answer to that question. Short of you think you make money because players can't get Endo or Relics quickly. Capture missions exist guys, and we WERE having fun playing this update. Then apparently we were getting too powerful. In a power fantasy video game. Oh no.

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Ever since the new update I can't get the nautilus to drop parts on the ice mines of Neptune. I have 3 systems, 2 chassic & 1 neuroptics BEFORE the update & I have done the mission 9 times already & NOTHING. To add to my frustration after killing a cruise ship i instantly die when leaving the ship after killing the reactor.


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11 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the reward script for Grineer Railjack Missile Platforms and Shipkiller Platforms firing up to 7 times for one completed Point of Interest. Visually the reward popup UI only appeared once, but then later on at the End of Mission screen you would see a reward duplication up to 7 times in some cases.

Nice, the only time the playerbase felt that they were being adequately rewarded for their time, skills and coordination and it was a bug. This really says a lot about how much DE devs play the game, they are way too disconnected from the players.

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please fix signs of wear and tear in the orbiter when said slider is at 0. If there's some other option I overlooked, please tell me

Edit: Good grief, the Nautilus is taking up so much of the screen -.- why is it so close? camera is closer to my frame anyway (unfortunately something I can't change) and the sentinel takes up a lot of  my view

Edit 2: Whatever they did to the RJ engine sound is horrible.. flying at constant speed and yet it revs up and ebbs down.. yikes

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This is complain post, railjack after all those NEEDED fixes when it came out was good, there was not more content but was good, simple and felt rewarding ,low time missions
Now its a force gameplay, no one wants be force to do type of missions that are borring and time consuming same as the whole game feels(alert 10wave of boring for a forma-why not 5?) anyways, before tether that yes was way too GOOD comparing to rest is no where to be found as the rest remain the same and even worse with non flux capacity, the meta guns = they were able to kill more than 1 without getting overheat (zekti carci) is so bad that i dont have clue what guns put so far they are trash they barely kill 1 after 10s and close overheat lvl 40-50

What railjack needs now,higher flux, ship not dying for endless enemies spawn during cache(special parts) collection, crew npc using forge more often
AND good items for kill as crowcontrol for the endless enemies, better dmg guns(MK3 & maxed dmg mods does nothing) and boost battle mods /new ones that do and feels they exist for a reason not just to fill the slot

Edited by WOLFtv
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14 hours ago, Celestus_Prime said:

Captain's log, day #789: The turbine door in Grineer skirmish is still bugging out.

This. Why is DE ignoring this bug? I feel like I'm not the only one experiencing this bug and it seems like they're turning a blind eye to this issue specifically. 

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6 minutes ago, DragonDude3010 said:

This. Why is DE ignoring this bug? I feel like I'm not the only one experiencing this bug and it seems like they're turning a blind eye to this issue specifically. 

Because this bug actually *decreases* loot.

B. F. Skinner says hi, DE.

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9 hours ago, Nightwing_Fury said:

Still can't mod it even though it shows me the console and the option in menus, it shows the 'configure plexus' prompt but when I click it nothing happens

Logged in for the first time on the forums to mention that I have the exact same problem. Unfortunate as my plexus is already nearing max rank despite never once being able to mod the thing. lol

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Turbine doors are still broken. My crew can sometimes destroy ships without me firing forward artillery - I guess this happened with my next bug. I was inside crewship and destroyed the reactor. When I turn on omni It instantly kick me to space which wouldnt be that big of a deal but whenever I would try to board something be It railjack/crewship or objectives my camera would be stuck on doors and i would see myself moving in directions but camera would still stay on doors. I aborted the mission and It would fix itself When I loaded dojo.

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There's this bug regarding focus farming. After the 40/45 seconds are done, it says I got 14 000 focus, after I got the focus "bubble" like 4 times with around the same focus points per "bubble", in mission results it says I only got like 12 000 focus in total. And after the mission ended it's still much less than what was said after each 40/45 seconds. pls fix. fanks

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19 hours ago, ZiggySt4rdust said:

Exploits get fixed right away. 

Annoying bugs, naaaah... 

Yeah, they've fixed 120 Railjack Bugs and 68 other Bugs, but one of the most blatant ones was benefiting the players, so how dare DE only fix exploits.

5 hours ago, roman- said:

Because this bug actually *decreases* loot.

B. F. Skinner says hi, DE.

The sheer disappointing idiocy of this community sometimes. Could it maybe be that some bugs are harder to fix than others? Could it also maybe be, that it is publicly known that they are struggling with pin-pointing that bug? Nah, couldn't be.

6 hours ago, DragonDude3010 said:

This. Why is DE ignoring this bug? I feel like I'm not the only one experiencing this bug and it seems like they're turning a blind eye to this issue specifically. 

They're not ignoring it: https://trello.com/c/7bnJ1l3e

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