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[Recruiting] Republic Of Aerion [Completed Dojo | Completed Research | Casual-Mature]


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I'd like to join. I'm a new player who needs help with more things then I'd like, and I hate constantly making threads in the forum. Being in a clan would really help that, and you guys seem to fit me best.


East coast, I can teamspeak though I prefer text most of the time, and would be willing to help in any way I can. I usually prefer to post more about myself in situations like this, however it seems the general idea is to keep it short here so I'll leave it there. If you want to know anything more just ask.


IGN- DrakeArron


I hope everything goes well, and to see you in- game!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to join your clan.


ive recently come back into warframe so i don't have a very high mastery 


and i cant say i'm at the endgame stage yet since i'm still trying to fin a weapons i like 



my in game name is Vanar12


my currant Warframes are


Nyx prime max rank and necros which is rank 28


please invite me at the leisure 

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Everyone not replied to has either applied to other clans or are already in one. If mistaken, please re-post below.

Hi i am interested in joining your clan. I have been a player for a few months now MR14 i reside in the US and am usually on when i can get on. I did read your rules on joining and i will admit i have made a few posts looking for a new clan. I am currently not in a clan (the posts i have made have gone unanswered.) i am looking for a more active clan to hangout with and/or run some harder missions or raids with. I do enjoy the grind that is Warframe but having a group that i can run things with or help run things is always a nice change of pace. With that being said, if you do decide on not letting me join i understand, but a message a least saying so would be appreciated.


IGN: KorSoldier1   



Would love to join :) Returning player from just after Damage 2.0 came out ;)



I'd like to join. I'm a new player who needs help with more things then I'd like, and I hate constantly making threads in the forum. Being in a clan would really help that, and you guys seem to fit me best.


East coast, I can teamspeak though I prefer text most of the time, and would be willing to help in any way I can. I usually prefer to post more about myself in situations like this, however it seems the general idea is to keep it short here so I'll leave it there. If you want to know anything more just ask.


IGN- DrakeArron


I hope everything goes well, and to see you in- game!



I'd like to join :) 

IGN: Sitanikerdis


Edited by -AR.Auxiorion
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Hi there,


New to the game but loving it and working on building up my frames and weapons. Very keen to join an active clan for running void missions, accessing a dojo and actually getting to know some players rather than just flying through missions with random people!


IGN: Xyrix101

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New to Warframe, very enthusiastic  :)

Moderately active, seeking a friendly clan to chat with and to get some help starting out.

I like to help others when I can!


Your clan seems great, would love to join you.


IGN: Galion1

Edited by Galion1
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